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Recommended Items
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health
Ability Order
Contempt for the Weak (PASSIVE)
Zed Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Extreamly hard matchup after Ekko is level 6. Try to go all in when his ult is down. Otherwise you will die or go out without a kill


+Good mobility
+Easy to oneshot squishy targets
+Strong early/mid game
+High damage combo with prety low cd
+Really good for oneshotting the adc, even in late zed can always oneshot the adc.
+Best champion for winning low-elo games.
+Zed is just incredibly fun to play. His laning phase is always intresting!
-Extreamly weak late game
-Easy to shut down with hard CC

For example you can go fury against meelee enemies, feast against hard lane opponents. Vampirism is a must have on zed, it just fits on zed's kit. The spell vamp is super good for his combo, and life steal on a meelee is never bad! I prefer battle trance on zed when i W+E+Q+W, it increases the damage alot and if you can get in the basic with fresh blood and zed's passive its insane how much damage you can do. Wanderer is good for roaming so that i recommend for everyone. Assasin is just obvious, zed is the most assasin like champion in the game so why wouldn't you have a mastery that's called assasin! Merciless is good with your passive and your ult. I always take dangerous game over greenfathers gift. As zed you are going to make some risky tower dives. Mostly at 6, so its really good to get some hp after the kill and maybe survive the enemy ignite or a turret shot etc. Precision is a mastery that you can change if it fits the enemy. Against heavy ap mid laners with alot of poke you need cdr so in that case i would go intelligence. And now we are at the most commonly used mastery in the game, Thunderlords decree! This is the perfect zed mastery, you do so insaly much dmg with a W+E+Q if you procc thunderlords. If you also jump to your clone to do a basic you can almost instantly kill someone without ultimate.
Zed is an amazing creep killer. This is mainly because his full combo entices easy wave of farming, ++=$ Profit. Another reason why is such an awesome wave-clearer is because of , this extraordinary passive allows easy shred of minions's health below around half. Really healpful and neat passive which I believe is one of the best in the game because of its regularity of use.
is an amazing creep killer. This is mainly because his full combo entices easy wave of farming, ++=$ Profit. Another reason why is such an awesome wave-clearer is because of , this extraordinary passive allows easy shred of minions's health below around half. Really healpful and neat passive which I believe is one of the best in the game because of its regularity of use.
jungle is not as optimal as it may seem. The new jungle really sucks for clearing and I haven't even dared taking him there. Before, back when all the jungle camps didn't receives steroids I would start Red but I guess now for the new patch, start golems,red,wolves (the ex-wraiths deal a lot of damage now} back/buy, then gromp and finish with blue.
ganks are hard to pull off unless the enemy laner is REALLY overextended. At best you can land one , is your only form of crowd control, and the only way to hit it is with which has a decent range but not decent enough to pull off ganks.
Item Builds For
> > > . If your team needs a tank grab a GA, finish your build like you would normally do just go that one extra defense item instead of offense.
jungle is not as optimal as it may seem. The new jungle really sucks for clearing and I haven't even dared taking him there. Before, back when all the jungle camps didn't receives steroids I would start Red but I guess now for the new patch, start golems,red,wolves (the ex-wraiths deal a lot of damage now} back/buy, then gromp and finish with blue.
ganks are hard to pull off unless the enemy laner is REALLY overextended. At best you can land one , is your only form of crowd control, and the only way to hit it is with which has a decent range but not decent enough to pull off ganks.
Item Builds For
> > > . If your team needs a tank grab a GA, finish your build like you would normally do just go that one extra defense item instead of offense.
jungle is not as optimal as it may seem. The new jungle really sucks for clearing and I haven't even dared taking him there. Before, back when all the jungle camps didn't receives steroids I would start Red but I guess now for the new patch, start golems,red,wolves (the ex-wraiths deal a lot of damage now} back/buy, then gromp and finish with blue.
ganks are hard to pull off unless the enemy laner is REALLY overextended. At best you can land one , is your only form of crowd control, and the only way to hit it is with which has a decent range but not decent enough to pull off ganks.
Item Builds For
> > > . If your team needs a tank grab a GA, finish your build like you would normally do just go that one extra defense item instead of offense.
jungle is not as optimal as it may seem. The new jungle really sucks for clearing and I haven't even dared taking him there. Before, back when all the jungle camps didn't receives steroids I would start Red but I guess now for the new patch, start golems,red,wolves (the ex-wraiths deal a lot of damage now} back/buy, then gromp and finish with blue.
ganks are hard to pull off unless the enemy laner is REALLY overextended. At best you can land one , is your only form of crowd control, and the only way to hit it is with which has a decent range but not decent enough to pull off ganks.
Item Builds For
> > > . If your team needs a tank grab a GA, finish your build like you would normally do just go that one extra defense item instead of offense.
jungle is not as optimal as it may seem. The new jungle really sucks for clearing and I haven't even dared taking him there. Before, back when all the jungle camps didn't receives steroids I would start Red but I guess now for the new patch, start golems,red,wolves (the ex-wraiths deal a lot of damage now} back/buy, then gromp and finish with blue.
ganks are hard to pull off unless the enemy laner is REALLY overextended. At best you can land one , is your only form of crowd control, and the only way to hit it is with which has a decent range but not decent enough to pull off ganks.
Item Builds For
> > > . If your team needs a tank grab a GA, finish your build like you would normally do just go that one extra defense item instead of offense.
jungle is not as optimal as it may seem. The new jungle really sucks for clearing and I haven't even dared taking him there. Before, back when all the jungle camps didn't receives steroids I would start Red but I guess now for the new patch, start golems,red,wolves (the ex-wraiths deal a lot of damage now} back/buy, then gromp and finish with blue.
ganks are hard to pull off unless the enemy laner is REALLY overextended. At best you can land one , is your only form of crowd control, and the only way to hit it is with which has a decent range but not decent enough to pull off ganks.
Item Builds For
> > > . If your team needs a tank grab a GA, finish your build like you would normally do just go that one extra defense item instead of offense.
jungle is not as optimal as it may seem. The new jungle really sucks for clearing and I haven't even dared taking him there. Before, back when all the jungle camps didn't receives steroids I would start Red but I guess now for the new patch, start golems,red,wolves (the ex-wraiths deal a lot of damage now} back/buy, then gromp and finish with blue.
ganks are hard to pull off unless the enemy laner is REALLY overextended. At best you can land one , is your only form of crowd control, and the only way to hit it is with which has a decent range but not decent enough to pull off ganks.
Item Builds For
> > > . If your team needs a tank grab a GA, finish your build like you would normally do just go that one extra defense item instead of offense.
jungle is not as optimal as it may seem. The new jungle really sucks for clearing and I haven't even dared taking him there. Before, back when all the jungle camps didn't receives steroids I would start Red but I guess now for the new patch, start golems,red,wolves (the ex-wraiths deal a lot of damage now} back/buy, then gromp and finish with blue.
ganks are hard to pull off unless the enemy laner is REALLY overextended. At best you can land one , is your only form of crowd control, and the only way to hit it is with which has a decent range but not decent enough to pull off ganks.
Item Builds For
> > > . If your team needs a tank grab a GA, finish your build like you would normally do just go that one extra defense item instead of offense.
Anyway, thank you guys so much for 50k views!
250k now. tjena heeeeeeeeeeej
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