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Bard Build Guide by pikmin2010

Bard god mid!

Bard god mid!

Updated on January 21, 2016
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League of Legends Build Guide Author pikmin2010 Build Guide By pikmin2010 3,441 Views 0 Comments
3,441 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author pikmin2010 Bard Build Guide By pikmin2010 Updated on January 21, 2016
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Choose Champion Build:

  • LoL Champion: Bard
    Rapture has come
  • LoL Champion: Bard
    Sup god


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


Threats & Synergies

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Welcome to my guide

Hello I am pikmin2010 (parker has aids) and thank you for clicking my guide.

Bard mid is a trolly thing I play with my friends and i started to actually get some good results so I said to myself. I hate my life, i should make a bard guide
please don't take this seriously it's for fun
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Pros / Cons


[*] Pretty good early game cheese with lvl 1 stun and increased auto damage
[*] Amazing lane sustain with the mana from meeps and the health from chimes
[*] Auto harass is amazing
[*] Your god


[*] Nothing your god
[*] People will hate you
[*] You fall off mid game
[*] Meh team fights
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Random "Chimes" will spawn around the map that last 10 minutes and will turn red on the mini map when they are about to expire. When Bard collect them he gains A 7 second speed boost that stacks five times but goes away if you are in combat. Also he gains 12% of his max mana and experience. His chimes also upgrade his meeps every 5 chimes you collect.
Here is a list of the upgrades: List


Ever couple of second bard gains a meep by his side that empowers his autos by 30% of his ap and does a base damage of 30-465 magic damage, plus your ad. They will also start to slow if you have enough chimes the slow only last 1 second but its a 25%-80% slows. Also at 25 chimes your meeps will do damage and slow in a cone ( like titanic hydra ).

Cosmic Binding

Cosmic binding is a slow moving skill shot that does "ok damage". But it goes through the first target dealing damage and slowing them by 60%, but if it hits a wall or another target afterwards it will stun both targets and deal damage to both

raw stats: RANGE: 950 / 450 SPEED: 1500 COST: 60 MANA COOLDOWN: 11 / 10 / 9 / 8 / 7 MAGIC DAMAGE: 80 / 125 / 170 / 215 / 260 (+ 65% AP)
DISABLE DURATION: 1 / 1.2 / 1.4 / 1.6 / 1.8

Caretaker's shrine

Bard places a places a shrine on the ground that heals and grants movement speed. After 10 seconds the shrines power is increased. This ability grants bard amazing sustain in lane.
You can only have 3 shrines on the map, enemies can also step on them to destroy them so place them usually under turret.

raw stats: RANGE: 1000 COST: 90 MANA COOLDOWN: 12 「 MINIMUM HEAL: 30 / 60 / 90 / 120 / 150 (+ 30% AP) 」 「 MAXIMUM HEAL: 70 / 110 / 150 / 190 / 230 (+ 60% AP)

Magic Journey

Best ability ever bard will create a tunnel through terrain that can go about 2 screen lengths maximum. Both ally's and enemies can go through the tunnel but allies move at a greater speed
upgrading this ability only increases that speed

Aoe zhonya

Bard throws a thingy and it makes peeps go in to zhonyas like bow.
I dont feel like explaining so i am gonna copy pastarino

ACTIVE: Bard sends magical energy arcing to the target location, putting all units and structures in the target area into Stasis icon stasis for 2.5 seconds upon impact.
Epic monsters and turrets (excluding Dominion turrets and the Nexus Obelisk) are also put in Stasis icon stasis, despite normally being immune to crowd control.

raw stats:
RANGE: 3400 / 350 COST: 100 MANA COOLDOWN: 130 / 115 / 90
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Ranked Play

Don't do it please I beg u (do it I hate ranked) People will hate you so much if you do this even if your doing very well
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Take basically any ap runes you can put some attack speed in there if u want or magic pen but just have fun with it
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just auto bards base ad isn't bad and his autos are pretty nice also meeps late game are insta wave clear
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Just don't give a **** and you win promise I have never scammed anybody ever so 100% trust will work. Free winz for days
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You can either go rod/liandrys build or go the true god build of full ap burstarino
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League of Legends Build Guide Author pikmin2010
pikmin2010 Bard Guide
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Bard god mid!

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