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Recommended Items
Runes: Normal rune
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order
Traveler's Call (PASSIVE)
Bard Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Complicated when lvl 6. Leona can engage you pretty easy so play careful post lvl 6.
It's probably the best champ to play with Bard. He can poke a lot with you and be safe when you go roaming.
It's probably the best champ to play with Bard. He can poke a lot with you and be safe when you go roaming.
Champion Build Guide
Try to poke enemy bot lane with AA and use your Q with a support of a minion to stun the enemies and create an engaging situation.
If the matchup is hard, only try to deal AA and use your Q to counter-engage the enemyes, don't try to engage without jungle enemyes.
If the game it's hard, use your ultimate to force flashes and kill enemies in the wrong position. And if necessary use the ult defensively, countering engages or stop strong enemies during the TeamFight
If it's everything normal, use the ultimate to star TeamFights, catching two or more enemies for a mortal engage.
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