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Kayn Build Guide by Autoswitched

Jungle Become a Kayn Mayn, Embrace the darkin side

Jungle Become a Kayn Mayn, Embrace the darkin side

Updated on December 4, 2017
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Autoswitched Build Guide By Autoswitched 41,109 Views 2 Comments
41,109 Views 2 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Autoswitched Kayn Build Guide By Autoswitched Updated on December 4, 2017
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I am Autoswitched, I am diamond on EUW, and I found Kayn to be extremely fun to play due to his diverse kit. I do stream sometimes feel free to follow me on twitch and subscribe to my youtube.

I started playing the game at the end of season 3 in which I managed to get bronze 2 although during the pre season I hit gold. During season 4 I obtained platinum and from then on managed to hit diamond in season 5, and diamond again on an unranked account in season 6.

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Kayn is a highly mobile assassin type champion who excels in surprising the opponent by using the surrounding walls to be able to jump out at the opponent. Kayn uses his Shadow Step to be able to gank in unpredictable places, and use his kit to snowball. He counter gank with ease thanks to Shadow Step and is relatively safe to counter jungle with due to his insane clear speeds. His up front damage isn't too bad, however his early is his weakest part, however once he obtains his transformations being able to choose between rhaast, and shadow assassin, he becomes a much stronger champion.

The main strategy with Kayn is to use rhaast as it is a much superior form, and benefits the team more by setting up flanks, deal damage, soak a ton of damage, knock up as many targets as you can with Blade's Reach and heal most of your health back up by ulting the tank with Umbral Trespass which will usually heal upwards of 1k+ health, whilst shredding the tanks health bar with his % max hp heals + damage.
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This is Kayn passive, it has no real use until you fully stack the resource bar which enables you to either transform into The Darkin Scythe: Rhaast (red form) or The Darkin Scythe: Shadow Assassin (blue form) You obtain the transformation by damaging champions, the transformation primary choice which is unlocked instantly as soon as the bar is full is based on whether you damaged melee champions the most, or range the most., however you can wait 4 minutes to choose the opposite transformation, always pick red. Blue offers a lot of burst damage and a mid game spike,
however his 1v1 vs duelists is poor, and his sustained damage is poor, his burst is only good vs squishies but it's easy to lock him down, making him difficult to use in team fights however in my opinion, shadow is more fun to play. What does each form offer? Red offers healing on abilities as a passive,
and blue offers % magic damage for 3 seconds based on your total damage dealt within those 3 seconds, his abilities are also slightly modified based on the form chosen.

Kayn's main clearing ability in the jungle, it has two phases, one which is a dash that deals damage, and then an aoe spin that also deals the same damage, the dash can also be used to go over terrain.
This ability can be difficult to use properly, but essentially always auto attack right before doing this spell as you'll be locked out of attack orders, casting spells and frozen for around 0.2 seconds after the spell ends so be careful using this spell.
In red form, Reaping Slash: Rhaast the damage is turned into 50% total AD and % max hp based on your bonus AD.
Blue form gets no benefits to this spell.

This ability is only useful in ganks and fights when kiting, or chasing an opponent down as it has a 60% slow however it halts kayn's movement for about 0.2 seconds while it casts. This spell offers less dps than auto attacking if you have less than 1 point in it, however once this ability gets points, it offers a lot of damage. Red form Blade's Reach: Rhaast transforms the ability into a knock up for 1 second with a decaying slow making it more useful in team fights, and catching people out. Blue Blade's Reach: Shadow Assassin extends the range by 200, the slow decays over 2 seoonds rather than 1.5, and it now has no cast time meaning kayn isn't locked in that 0.2 second animation anymore meaning his burst is much higher as he can now combo his w into his q pretty easily, as well as improving his chase down potential

Kayn's main source of mobility, this ability gives him a movement speed steroid, and allows to go through walls,
as well as heal him. If you're in combat, you can only go through walls for 1.5 seconds.
Use this to approach lanes in unwarded areas, and counter any hard engages, or counter gank with it. It can also be used for a sweet escape, DON'T FORGET IT HEALS YOU! This ability in blue form gains much more movement speed, slow removal if you enter terrain, and slow immunity similar to Highlander while Shadow Step: Shadow Assassin is active, this gives him huge mobility.
Red form offers nothing.

This ability makes Kayn untargetable after damaging a target.(Bugged similar to Alpha Strike ) This is mostly used as either an execute tool, follow dashes/spells, or to buy yourself time for cooldowns/team to arrive as you can stay inside them for 2.5 seconds, or dash out early in the direction you choose, if you didn't choose to leave manually, you'll leave in whichever direction your curser is in. Blue Umbral Trespass: Shadow Assassin increases the range of the spell by 200 and resets your passive damage which is pretty strong. Red form transforms Umbral Trespass: Rhaast the damage into % max health damage, and heals you based on the opponents maximum health, ulting the tank can heal upwards from 1-2k health based on their max hp as well as buy time.
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Pros / Cons

+ High AOE damage with thanks to Reaping Slash
+ Very difficult to catch and chase due to Shadow Step offering huge mobility
+ Untargetable with Umbral Trespass can make difficult to focus down, as well as huge healing thanks to it when in red form
+ He is naturally tanky thanks to items, but still deals damage.
+ Red smite is really strong on him
+ He has reliable cc in red form as it is difficult to dodge point blank.
+ He has the best flanking routes in the game thanks to Shadow Step

- Weak to targeted crowd control.
- If abilities used incorrectly, can be left vulnerable
- Really difficult to play at high levels.
- Has no built in hard cc early, thus makes ganks weaker if you don't know how to use his spells
- Needs to damage an enemy to use his ultimate, thus if locked down, he can potentially never get to use it.
- You need to be proactive as this champion can be very tempting to afk farm on.
- Being behind sucks as it can delay your spike with the transformation.
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Team Work

Generally, red form is the better team fighting form as your main role is disrupting the enemy team, and forcing them to focus you as either A. You'll be on the back line constantly ccing and doing damage, or B. Drawing attention. If you draw attention and you're low, simply use your ultimate on any tank and you'll most likely get back to full hp whilst doing a decent amount of damage to the tank.

Blue form, your aim is to assassinate the backline via the use of your Blade's Reach to proc the darkin blade passive in order to one shot any squishy. Your w does a ton of damage when it lands, and can even be used as a form of safe wave clear.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Autoswitched
Autoswitched Kayn Guide
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Become a Kayn Mayn, Embrace the darkin side

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