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Choose Champion Build:
Ability Order
Rebirth (PASSIVE)
Anivia Passive Ability
Anivia - The Cryopheonix
- Mage
- Range

-Terry Tugboat

This passive ability activates when

Quick Tip: Hit Q again when

This allows you to summon a wall of ice which can block enemy and allied champions from moving through, however this can be countered with a

Quick Tip:

This ability,

Your probably thinking 'why this?' or 'why that?'
This section will explain my choices of these Masteries,Items and Summoner Spells.

This section will explain my choices of these Masteries,Items and Summoner Spells.
The Masteries

Team Fights
In team fights focus the first champion who comes in range (unless he/shes a tank), start of with planting

If losing, drop

Mid Lane - Low Health (getting chased)
Stun them with

Pushing your Lane

I hope you learnt something by reading my guide and use
Anivia in the future, this is a beginners guide so I hope you found it easy to understand. If you found this not too shabby I would appreciate a 1+
- Terry Tugboat

- Terry Tugboat
V1.0 - Released Date:24/03/2012
V1.1 - Added more infomation (1+ rep for Infectious Lepar) Date:26/03/2012
V1.2 - No changes since after handful of patches: 20/05/2012
V1.3 - No changes after Draven Patch: 08/06/2012
V2.0 - 2 builds are now avalible, adding
Athene's Unholy Grail to the build and item info
V2.1 - No changes made after Rengar patch, Riot fixes Anivia's slow bug
V1.1 - Added more infomation (1+ rep for Infectious Lepar) Date:26/03/2012
V1.2 - No changes since after handful of patches: 20/05/2012
V1.3 - No changes after Draven Patch: 08/06/2012
V2.0 - 2 builds are now avalible, adding

V2.1 - No changes made after Rengar patch, Riot fixes Anivia's slow bug
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