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Recommended Items
Runes: Only Runes i run
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health
Threats & Synergies
in early game he ***** on you
therefor u cant build ur lead to **** on everyone else.
If he is in your lane just eat his ***
U should win this 100% of times
If he is in your lane just eat his ass U should win this 100% of times
Champion Build Guide
well vi stands for vi-able.
also she ***** on most mid laner's early game and will snowball hard if she gets just a little lead on her lanner.
Shes easy to learn and has cool tech with stride breaker and galeforce
Snowballs easily
Easy CS
is Vi-able can be built into many things.
if leaded is the bane of bot lane.
Easily countered by 1 mistake by vi
if shutdown early u are just throwing the rest of the game.
very early game reliant.
use your e to hurt your laner and get easy cs and push the lane to tower.
also remember ur passive play agro with ur e and use it to win health trades.
wait for your laner to push wave back then q e or q w e to get huge dmg off and your passive should cover the dmg + the shield will heal u back up.
make them use pots and make them back first, if u back first u loose.
if your 1 lvl above them just go in and kill them or make them back again. If they run under tower low just e a minion and ur range will bonk them.
if u get a huge lead, u should roam and gank bot for free kill.
if u know where enemy jungler is go yoink his camps, trust me this is funny af and cucks enemy jungler.
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