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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Mana Barrier (PASSIVE)
Blitzcrank Passive Ability
Purchase Order

Iceborn Gauntlet -

Last Whisper -

Essence Reaver -

Frozen Heart -

Mercury's Treads


Ok guys have fun with Blue Blitzcrank build and see you again soon

Basic stuff you have to know...
First start with
Rocket Grab maybe you'll have a chance to grab your opponent under the tower and try to take your first blood but then upgrade this ability AT THE END, why? Simple questions need simple answers:
Because Rocket Grab is an Ability Power skill and you going as AD ( Attack Damage ) Blitzcrank, so that would be big mistake to upgrade your Grab, first ability you have to upgrade is actually a
Power Fist because of cooldown of this ability and fact that will make your next attack deal double Blitzcrank's damage and it also pops up your target in the air it's awesome, second ability you could (you don't have to but it's way better than Grab trust me) is an
Overdrive for most of the people this ability is just a "Movement speed" and it is helpful while enemy jungler ganks you but the thing why we need it for is the attack speed you get from the
Overdrive we know that champions like Blitzcrank doesn't include as much Attack speed as Vayne or other champions like...So AD Blitzcrank will need at least a bit of attack speed, for example to run away form enemy jungler, to run to someone up when your jungler is ganking actually etc. And then after you finish upgrading your
Power Fist and
Overdrive you can finish upgrading your
Rocket Grab don't forget about
Static Field and have fun :DD
First start with

Because Rocket Grab is an Ability Power skill and you going as AD ( Attack Damage ) Blitzcrank, so that would be big mistake to upgrade your Grab, first ability you have to upgrade is actually a

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