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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Mana Barrier (PASSIVE)
Blitzcrank Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
She has annoying skills, her E is the worst, because it can cancel your grab, your E (airbone) and your ult (both damage and silence). Try to grab her adc when her shield is on CD. And a last advice, avoid grab her on TFs (her Ult + zhonya's combo)
Anyway, Blitzcrank is my main support (and maybe my main champion) and i wanted to share my knowledge with you, my readers.
P.S. This is my first guide :P
And sry for any grammar errors you may see in this guide.
And Blitz has one of the most annoying skills. The Rocket Grab of DOOM!
Enough talking about what we can or not do. Let´s go to the guide.

Greater Quintessence of Health: This gives you more sustain in early game.
- greater mark of hybrid penetration: You deal both physical and magic damage then... its self explanatory, right?
Greater Glyph of Magic Resist: You need some defense in early game (against Support).
Greater Seal of Armor: You need defense in early game (against ADC)
- Your
must be maxed out first than others (CDR and Scale Damage).
- Your second skill priority is
(Scale Speed).
- The last skill you should max is
(This one doesn't scale damage, up this skill will only give CDR).
Skill Priority:

The build i'll show is focused in: Champion Select
Yes, my build starts in the champion selection, because there's 2 builds you can use, and you'll choose which them is the best for the game.
As you know there's 2 items which gives you gold passively: face of the mountain and talisman of ascension; each one has your pros and cons.
As you can see, you have to choose wisely your item, because it'll change your whole game.
When to build talisman of ascension:
-When your lane rivals are a big threat for you and your ADC, because the items you'll use to build it has Mana Regen

When to build face of the mountain:
When your lane rivals aren't a big threat for you and your ADC (Weak CC enemies), because your ADC will farm more easily (ADC farm = Face of the montain's passive. Face of the montain's passive = More Gold for you and your ADC. More Gold for you and your ADC = Early build completion. Early build completion = GG.)
Early Game
When the game starts, always buy: Your "Gold Passive" item, a

Focus in buy the

In your first back (or second), if you already bought

When you finish building it, upgrade your "Gold Passive" item and/or start building your boots.
Mid/Late Game
Later, start building your

When you finish it, make your last upgrade in your "Gold Passive" item and start building your last core item (your situational one).
Situation Item
Well, in this part of the build you have to see what enemy champion is feeded (or has more "power"). If an AD champion is strong, buy a

You can sell your

Well, with one more slot you can build another situational item or build a

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