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Choose Champion Build:
Blue Ahri
Red Ahri - not legit at all
Recommended Items
Ability Order
Essence Theft (PASSIVE)
Ahri Passive Ability
This is a WIP Guide...
Deathfire Grasp - Incredibly powerful item, large amount of AP and 15% maximum health active.
Seraph's Embrace - Over 120 AP at level 18 and gives about a 500 HP shield when activated.
Zhonya's Hourglass - 120 AP and a statis active for 2.5 seconds.
Spectral Wraith - Spell Vamp, AP and CDR. Nice item and is getting some changes in pre-season.
Void Staff - Large amount of Magic Pen when stacking MR. 70 AP and extra damage is nice.
Lucidity Boots - CDR and move speed. Also looking good in preseason.
Rylai's Sceptor - Nice Passive. Full slow from foxfire giving a lot of kiting potential
Liandry's Torment - Flat Magic Pen and AP. Good from when the opposing team haven't build MR.
Guardian Angel - A free revive if you die. Good late game where your death would cost the team the win.
Preseason Changes
New masteries give 5% CDR (from 4%) meaning this build has max CDR without Brill Pots.
New Spectral Wraith gives 50AP and restores 5% of Damage to monsters as Health and Mana. Also gives an additional 40 Gold from Champion Kill/Assists and Epic Monsters and 10 Gold from Large Monsters like wraiths.
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