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Recommended Items
+10% Attack Speed
+6 Armor
+6 Armor
Ability Order
Concussive Blows (PASSIVE)
Braum Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Avoid putting yourself in choke points to make it harder for Taric to land his Dazzle(E). Stand towards the middle of the lane and away from the walls to give you more room to maneuver and dodge the spell. If Taric activates his Ultimate Cosmic Radiance(R) during a skirmish, you have two options to take. You can either try to blow him up and kill him or his ADC before they get the protection, or you can disengage and wait for it to disappear before fighting again. Look to harass and poke Taric down as much as you can during the early game. His abilities have high mana costs and he will be unable to spam his Starlight's Touch(Q) if you fight often.
Champion Build Guide
My name is Max, but you can call me Dixon as well. I'm from Ukraine so English is not my native language and I can do some mistakes (I'm sorry for that). However, you can also write me comments and I'm able to answer you in English, German, Russian and Ukrainian languages since I understand all of them, but in different levels of knowledge. š
I started to play League of Legends in 2016. My highest ELO at the moment is Platinum 2 (soloQ) and šDiamond 4 (flexQ) on EU-West server (top 5% best players at the server).
I would like to invite you to subscribe to my YouTube channel where I'm going to make a lot of League of Legends content in English:
You will also find my streams on Twitch by following this link:
I'm not a hardcore high elo player, but I enjoy this game and share this passion with all the people who find my content as interesting or useful.
I hope this guide will help you to improve your champion's understanding so it would be more fun to play!
Let me know in the comments section if you find any mistakes or outdated information so I could fix it! Thanks in advance!
Have a nice reading! šš¤



3. He is really good in team fights thanks to his


2. Whenever Braumās


This is a great passive for a support and tank.

A good skill that gives

A great ability that allows you to quickly jump to your ally and stand exactly between him and the nearest enemy. The advantage of this arrangement is that, in combination with the

The main and distinctive skill of the champion. All the power of

A good massive ult that can damage multiple champions and slow them down. At the very beginning of the application, the ability slightly knocks up all enemies (especially the very first one). This can be useful against enemies with channeling skills. For example, against

- An enemy champion that deals a lot of damage in general.
- An enemy champion that consistently matches you and contests your pushes on the side lane.
- An enemy champion that is very ahead, or poses a much greater threat than other enemy champions.
- An enemy champion that is the only reliable source of physical or magical damage on that team (this means you are able to choose them as the Nemesis and itemize against everyone else).

The item also works well with champions that desire ability haste, have mana problems and make very good use of the passive for extra dueling potential. It is one of the few items to counter champions that function heavily around using basic attacks, such as most of marksmen or champions like

This rune offers both you and your allies some additional protection and gives you access to the Resolve rune tree.

This rune is able to heal your allied champion a little bit, so he\she can stay longer in lane and get more gold and experience before doing

This rune can be a good choice against teams or champions with lots of burst damage like

The rune provides some tenacity and slow resist. You can take this rune instead of

The rune helps you to live through the early game and permanently increases a little bit your mana pool which is also helpful since you will not be in need so fast to do

Cosmic Insight is one of the most popular runes to take when taking the Inspiration Tree. Cosmic Insight grants the user 18 Summoner Spell haste and 10 Item Haste. If the Champion relies on items a lot, it may also be a good idea to take this mastery because it will lower the Cooldown of those items.

Flash is the most frequent choice of all players in League of Legends. Such popularity of the spell is caused by the fact that

Exhaust is an extremely powerful tool for disabling champions who mainly autoattack, as well as any champion that can deal a high amount of damage. When your team is chasing an enemy and he is getting away, using

Ignite provides players an offensive utility and damage spell that scales with level. A well-placed healing reduction debuff from

Braumās first power spike is when he reaches level 3. When he has access to all his basic abilities, he can start being more proactive and have some lane pressure. Up until that time, he canāt exactly do too much. Braums next significant power spike is once he reaches level 6. Unlocking Braumās Ultimate

A very important power spike when he hits level two. This is because he can easily all-in unsuspecting enemies with his

MID GAME (average):
At level 11,

Roam around the map and look for picks with your

LATE GAME (average):
Just like the mid-game, teams will be grouped during the late game.

As youāre a Support, avoid warding alone in the late game. If you get picked off, the enemy will be able to take nearby objectives or use their numbers advantage to win a team fight. Consistently place vision around the map to help your team secure objectives and get picks. Having vision around the Baron and Dragon is needed to help your team to victory. In the late game, make sure youāre with your team at all times. If you leave them, the enemy may start a fight without you being there to protect them and keep them alive. Stay towards the frontline so you can peel and block damage with your

During the laning phase,


Wow, have you really read the guide till this moment? I hope it was useful and interesting for you. Let me know it please by voting!

And don't forget to visit and check my YouTube channel! Maybe you will like it! š




Over the years, countless stories spread of Braumās mighty feats and good deeds. While most had at least a kernel of truth, they grew increasingly far-fetched and mythicāsuch as the legend of how he chopped down an entire forest in a single night using only his bare hands, or how during a volcanic eruption, he saved an isolated farmstead by picking it up and carrying it to higher ground.
A more recent tale spoke of how

As with many legends about him,

No matter how he actually found his shield, soon afterward



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