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Recommended Items
Runes: PAIN, but for the enemy
+10% Attack Speed
+6 Armor
+6 Armor
Ability Order just the usual
Harrier (PASSIVE)
Quinn Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
She makes you fast, she heals you, she stuns enemies.
She makes you fast, she heals you, she stuns enemies.
Champion Build Guide
If the enemy is marked, AA him
If there is noone, stick to a Team-Mate and do something helpful for the Team.
Or you split-push.
So it may happen that you have no Tank's because ehh, noone likes to play boring Tanks. In that case, just stay behind and try to deal dmg and just hope for the best.
Basic Harras Combo without R
Basic Harras Combo with R
In laning-phase
Just use it when you feel like there is a Enemy Jungler about to appear on your lane. (usually when the Jungler is top-side jungle, coming from mid)
Outside laning-phase
When a enemy went missing in Teamfights use W, maybe he wants to get behind the tanks to attack the carry/the carries
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