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Runes: Standard Setup
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order Standard Skill Order
Contempt for the Weak (PASSIVE)
Zed Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Obnoxious to lane, has e to avoid WEQ damage, shroud to stall for time of Zed's shadow and ultimate. Can get prio over Zed because Akali has no fear to walk up towards a Zed. Not to mention she is AP so she can also go armguard just to make the lane even worse than it is.
Karthus has a lot of raw AP damage so if Zed underperforms, they will be forced to go magic resistance for the karthus. If Zed performs better than the karthus, then they are forced to go armor for Zed.
Karthus has a lot of raw AP damage so if Zed underperforms, they will be forced to go magic resistance for the karthus. If Zed performs better than the karthus, then they are forced to go armor for Zed.
Champion Build Guide
I would love to be able to become a streamer and climb the ladder and building up my own community but I felt like these Zed guides had lacked a lot more information so I think mine stands out a lot more than the others in terms of knowledge. I will continue to keep updating this guide as much as I can. If anyone could help me out with coding, I would appreciate it. :)
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Reading this guide will boost your LP. Thank me later :)
ElectrocuteElectrocute itself provides burst and harass throughout all stages of the game. It is extremely easy for Zed to proc Electrocute as he can just WEQ in lane, he can aa e q etc etc. The cooldown is relatively low for Electrocute which means the rune is very consistent to use in lane. Its very versatile in the sense that you can go this rune into almost any matchup you have as Zed since there are a few occasions where I personally prefer Conqueror in the matchup instead of Electrocute. |
Dark HarvestI don't think it's good at all since the damage is extremely low throughout the game from this rune. You can only proc this when a person is low for just a little amount of damage. The only advantage this has over Electrocute is that it can have more uptime in team-fights. With that being said, I don't think a rune for a little bit of more team-fight damage is worth to run over Electrocute because its just more consistent in the part where Zed struggles hardest in the game which is laning. |
Hail of BladesIn matchups where you could perhaps want to just cheese early like melee matchups, you could use this but I personally don't recommend it. It does work on Zed but I would prefer you guys to only use the two runes I use which are Electrocute and Conqueror. Hail of Blades can help into matchups with early fights like Talon or Diana because they will jump on you and fight therefore you can fight back without fear. |
Taste of BloodWhen you q and hit your enemy, you will heal from this in lane which can help to survive laning phase. I don't like Cheap Shot or Sudden Impact because the damage it provides is extremely mediocre and I think its unrequired. Sudden Impact would work too but I personally would prefer Taste of Blood. |
Sudden Impact |
Zombie Ward |
Ravenous Hunter |
Relentless Hunter |
Ultimate Hunter |
Conqueror |
Presence Of Mind |
Legend: Alacrity |
Legend: Tenacity |
Coup De Grace |
Cut Down |
Last Stand |
Phase Rush |
Transcendence |
Scorch |
Flash is core for almost every champion in this game. It provides for escapes, making plays, gap closing and for dodging abilities. Its almost essential for Zed as its a tool that you can use to make you extra slippery. Zed can also utilise Flash by channeling q and instantly flashing afterwards. Flash is vital for many champions in unique ways such as the interactions it can provide. Different Champions can make different uses for this such as Ezreal can double his distance by Arcane Shift into Flash right after you click Arcane Shift. |
Ignite is always taken on Mid Lane Zed for the pure reasoning that you get extra kill pressure in your duels. Having that extra damage could be the difference between getting the kill and not getting the kill. In some lanes it can even be useful for that fact that it provides Grievous Wounds which can help you to kill Champions that heal a lot in their kit such as Sylas, Vladimir etc etc. |
Teleport would only be viable if you were to play Top lane Zed only in my opinion. Teleport is more valued because it is the furthest lane away from the rest of the map in terms of where majority of fights would be taken place such as near Dragon. I wouldn't recommend this for Mid lane because you would be able to rotate for these fights generally as you are in the middle of the map therefore it is just up to you to roam for these scenarios therefore this summoner has less value for Zed mid. |
Mark/Dash works when you play Aram because you can Mark/Dash and then you can Living Shadow behind yourselves so that you can go in on your Mark/Dash then go back and do your combo from a distance. (Shown in the Combo Chapter below.) |
Smite would only be used if you are Jungling. Zed in the Jungle isn't anything special but it does work so it is worth mentioning since that means it has more value than the other summoners which I wouldn't use at all. |
Zed's Razor Shuriken is good for being able to last hitting minions as well as poking in lane. Since Zed is easy to punish at close range, it's important for him to keep distance for farming minions otherwise the opponent can abuse Zed if he gets close.
Living Shadow is good for being able to escape ganks and trading in lane. Its essential to know how to use this properly because if you waste this and then get ganked, you will have no escape for 20 seconds.
Shadow Slash can further help for farming minions in lane especially under tower. It can help for quick and effective burst by Razor Shuriken with an auto attack and Shadow Slash which will also proc Electrocute. This trade is really good into champions that jump into you such as LeBlanc. A fun fact is each champion that is hit by your Shadow Slash will reduce the cooldown of your Living Shadow by 2 seconds which is extremely important to know.
Death Mark is important to use for instances such as dodging abilities, to provide extra damage and also as an escape option. Knowing when to use this and how to manage is extremely important for learning Zed.
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