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Why Aatrox Support?

1.) Aatrox has some amazing initiation potential and some nice CC once he gets into a fight, this is ideal for a support, similar to Leona's abilities.
2.) A lot of Aatrox's damage is in his kit, which makes him a champion that can still be viable without a lot of kills or creeps.
3.) Aatrox's passive makes him able to get focused down and still come back, which is great for early trades.
5.) Aatrox is a high-sustain champion which makes him very hard to force out of lane.
6.) Aatrox is very good at stopping a champion or group of champions from ambushing or focusing on a carry with his heavy disruption kit. With it's good range as well, the enemy team will find it very hard to gank your carry without some aggravation from Aatrox.
I chose to go heavy into the utility tree for the extra starting gold, CDR for
, pickpocket, general CDR, starting items, experience, extra GP10, and move speed, while keeping some points in the defense tree for the added armor and health regeneration, since we're going to want to become a tank as the game progresses.

I brought attack speed reds with no added damage because I don't really want to accidentally be grabbing creeps from my carry, however I did add a lone crit rune so that even at level 1, my attacks have a chance to critically strike. I did this so I could get as many attacks off on the enemy as harassment as I possibly can and so that my
are the most effective they can be.

I took armor yellows and magic resist blues because we do plan on being a tank as the game goes on. For quintessences, I brought one life steal and two GP10's, again to maximize the usefulness of my W as well as get my equipment a bit faster.
Generally in the laning phase your combo will go something like
Dark Flight, switch
Blood Thirst to
Blood Price, auto attack until they fall out of range,
Blades of Torment, get back in range, auto attack until they get away,
Exhaust, auto attack until you have tower aggro.
Aatrox is REALLY sticky.
Always remember to switch
Blood Price back to
Blood Thirst unless you're attacking something you really need dead. Don't be afraid to go whack some jungle creeps a few times to get your health back. Might as well drop a sight ward while you're there too.
Keep in mind that
Dark Flight is one of your only real escapes, aside from slowing and running away with
Blades of Torment. So let's say instead that
Dark Flight is your only RELIABLE escape. Keep that in mind when you're laning, if you're below half heath, you may want to conserve it for an emergency.
Blood Thirst's effectiveness is doubled when you're below half health. What does this mean? You should NEVER be below half health for very long. If you're worked down below half health, go beat on a jungle creep. Don't kill it, just beat on it as needed and then run away and let it reset. Or a siege minion. Basically anything you won't kill out from under the carry.
BE CAREFUL when activating
Massacre. It does a large amount of damage INSTANTLY. You NEVER want to steal kills from your carry if you can help it!

Always remember to switch

Keep in mind that

BE CAREFUL when activating

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This assists in making your team more tanky, as well as providing you with more health, armor, and magic resist. A core item of ANY support tank in my opinion. |
The tenacity is great, the added magic resist is great as well. The only boots I would consider substituting would be either ![]() ![]() |
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Until you get this item, you'll be a bit vulnerable to AD despite being nearly immune to magic damage. Once you get this, you're officially a tank. The AOE slow active will greatly assist in teamfights. Using ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
We grabbed an ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |

Popping an [elixir of brilliance] right before initiating a teamfight will add 100% of that bonus AP to

Imagine the frustration of an enemy when they have to kill

You are AATROX.
A high sustain deceptive duelist champion who specializes in disruption. Other champions like aatrox when built tanky are

Definiton: Peel (verb); To interrupt incoming damage on a high-worth allied target by placing one's self in the way and/or employing crowd control effects to ensure the healthy escape of the allied target.
You. Are. A. Peeler. If you are not peeling as Aatrox support, you aren't doing it correctly. You are failing. You do all your Aatroxy things so that your carry can grow up big and strong and make a real difference in the game. THAT is your job. If you get a kill, it better have been an accident or you're doing something wrong. If you die saving your carry, you done good son. If you feed saving your carry (die many times), you're now officially playing support for the enemy team.
That about covers the laning phase.
Later in the game
In the end game, you are an initiator, and a damn good one at that. Your job is to ward and watch for enemy players caught out of position. You should have at least 3 wards on the map at ALL times, preferably outside dragon and baron pit and one buried somewhere in the enemy jungle. Preferably you'd have 5 wards on the map at all times (baron pit, dragon pit, their red, their blue, your red or blue depending on their jungler), but sometimes that just doesn't happen.
When you see that your forces outnumber the enemy's, for instance you have 4 champions moving as a group and they have only 3, or 4 with a few low health bars... you immediately go man mode on them. You are essentially watching for advantages and capitalizing on them.
Disengaging with a champion who is meant to be ENGAGING is sort of tricky. If your team gets caught in a teamfight you don't want to fight, you have two options.







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