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Runes: Standard
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Threats & Synergies
No ADC likes this guy, not even non-ADCs like On-Hit Neeko. Though he's very favorable on your own team.
There's nothing better than getting a Lux as your support. Not only does she have an insta-squishy killing ult, she also has juicy roots!
There's nothing better than getting a Lux as your support. Not only does she have an insta-squishy killing ult, she also has juicy roots!
Champion Build Guide
However, professional On-Hit Neeko here (0 wins, 7 losses,) believes it's a hella good time! Whether you go 0/10 in lane or 10/0, you will have a good time. Especially if your support is kind enough to cc them in your ult.
Although, what does On-Hit Neeko entail?
Start out early by grabbing q and hitting the first three melee minions. CS peacefully until you can get your next ability; whether e or w. Go e if you have a cc support (like Leona) and w if you have a pokey support (Soraka or Lulu)
From there, focus on trying to poke them with e q combos and your third auto attack. Once there sufficiently low enough, hit one more e q w combo and ignite(or let your support ignite) for an easy kill!
Mid Game
Mid game should focus on either farming for your core items, or setting up awesome river fights with your ult. Roaming around the map at this time isn't a bad idea, as long as you keep farm up.
Late Game
Games don't usually last this long- as either the enemy team surrendered or someone on your team afked. But when it does happen, remember to keep pressure on the map! Whether that means walking with your jungler/support 24/7 or farming sidelanes. By now, you should have enough items to do some serious damage in teamfights.
Speaking of:
Team fighting
Teamfighting can be difficult at first, but here's the scoop. The most important thing is to catch out the enemy carry. If it's possible, try to pin them with e and save ult for more cc or to shake off incoming enemies.
Try to hit as many people as possible with ult- even if that means you need to flash.
Now, should you play On-Hit Neeko?
Well, I don't know. I played it for funsies but in no way am I a pro at this. Play it if you're looking to mess around, but bringing it into ranked may not be the right move.
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