When timed perfectly, you can deny him W, which ruins his whole engage. Still, flay him away since he can reengage with Q. You can also deny his engage by clearing wards or going in a bush, since W is a targert dash. Before teamfight you can hook him to bait his ultimate and then back off untill it goes off. During teamfights deny him as much engages as you can but dont prioritize him over other important targets.
You can flay him during Q hit animation but be careful since he has two charges. Hide behind minions or position unpredictably in bushes, since Q has a pretty narrow hitbox (which still can hit you when it shouldnt). During teamfights zone him away from your teammates so his ultimate hit less people. If your carry manages to catch every stun - buy Mikaels Blessing. Support Amumu is not as tanky as jungle version, so it is quite easy to kill him fast.
You can counter her wall and ultimates zoning with your lantern. She is very squishy, so try killing her asap and then focus her teammates during her passive. During laning phase you mustnt take risks to kill her, since her passive will make it impossible to dive her without sacraficing you.
She is quite annoying, especially with Mandate, but it is managable. Tank as much ults as you can or reposition yourself for lantern so your carry leaves asap. Since it is an AD support, she will probably buy Umbral Glaive, making it impossible to win vision. Once you catch her - she is gone.
Be careful on the first level, because his Q>AA trade hurts.If Bard is getting ganked, he might try going in the corner of map to get E angle, which leads right to his turret, so deny him such opportunity or use flay/hook to get people out of his route. Ping other lanes when he is missing bot and whether he comes back with enemy mid or jungle. During teamfights try to stay away from your teammates and obstacles so you wont get stunned. If hes ulting, try to flay/hook enemy inside or outside of his ult depending ot a situation.
Her W animation is quite long so you can quickly cancel it with flay. You can hook her when she resets, since her position is telegraphed. She can dash through walls only after using her ultimate, so untill 6th lvl she cant easilly escape you.
If your teammate gets hooked - throw lantern to him. Hide behind minions and back off if they are low hp since he can try R>Q to kill minions quickly and hook you. Ward bushes, nothing much to say.
Bait skillshots, if he focuses your ADC - punish him by engaging. He is the best Morelonomicon user in the game, so Redemption wont help in teamfights. Stay away both from your teammates and him when he ults.
It is kinda hard to engage against Braum, because you have to go in his range and get stunned in most of fights. Flay cancels his ult animation but it still lands. If you have skillshot reliant teammate you can get behind Braum during teamfight and throw lantern so this skillshot wont be blocked bby his wall. Still, thats hard to pull of since you both end up right in the middle of enemy team.
Ward and cancel his ultimate with flay/hook.
Galios E allows him to ingnore hooks during the first part of animation and it also works as a dodge so use flay against it. His poke might be annoying but his whole kit pushes lane really hard so he is vulnerable to ganks. Deny him ultimate during its cast and taunt (it cancel asap as he gets CCed).
Deny him dashes and dont rush with throwing lantern when he ults - wait till your teammate gets insec and then help him out.
He has no disengage but his shields and Daisy are really annoying. During teamfights he will try to stay away while giving shields and operating Daisy, focus him and help your teammates to reach to him.
She can disengage your Q2 either with Q or R. She is as good in making plays as you. Play calmly and punish her for wasting Q during laning phase.
Her empowered Qs range is huge so be aware, also she can run you down with shielding herself and using W on you or your ADC. Play patiently and punish her for wasting Q but dont push it too hard, because she can counterplay you with her root, catching you in a vulnerable position.
Thats a classic one. You can deny her E animation with your flay and she can deny your engage with Q. During teamfights she will try to stick to your carry so deny her such opportunity by flaying her away or throwing lantern if she engages with ult.
She can use E on minions and then press Q from them. She can deny your Q2 with her ultimate or by using W during your flight. It is quite hard to kill her or her ADC with all these shields and speed ups so dont commit too much during laning phase.
Bait her skillshots and punish for wasting root. Her ultimates cast is long enough to react and use Solari to save your teammate. She will try to E you when you hide in bushes and since it gives vision - she will hold it as much as possible to zone you away.
He is really annoying whenever he is AP or Tank. It is hard to disengage his W because he is untargetable during its animation, it is hard to pressure him from fog because of his Maokais juniors. During teamfights let your team tank ultimate if you are escaping and throw them lantern or tank it yourself if you are willing to fight. Luckily, his heals procks off autoattacks so Thornmail counters his Jungle/Top version.
He can disengage whatever you do and gives lots of tenacity to his team. But thats it. His shields are really weak unless he uses both charges on one person and same works for his heal. Still, buy Thornmail confidently since he is only useful with autoattack champions.
Miss Fortune
She is as annoying as Ashe but she has zero utility. It might be a very boring lane because her Ws speed allows her to hide behind minions easilly. Solari reduces her ultimates damage drastically.
She denies your whole CC and roots you untill your grandchildren buy Mikaels Blessing. Try misleading her by aiming at her and hooking her adc or vice versa. Despite this matchup being hard for Thresh, your AD teammates wont be stopped by AP sheild.
She is actually good at disengaging with her Q and R. Not only applying CC, she also slows you really hard and speeds her teammates up which makes it even harder to catch up. Either way, your hook/flay cd is shorter then her ultimates so you can easily punish her (while dodging bubbles). During laning phase abuse fog as much as possible since her W is a great trading tool damaging you and healing her/adc.
You can abuse his misposition from missing hook and deny his Q dash.
Deny her E2 damage and use Oracle Lens during teamfights to spot her. Her R1 puts her in a vulnerable position for a short period of time and you can use it to hook her.
Deny his E flight by flaying him or standing in its way. You can cancel his ultimate cast but Akshan can move while charging and shooting so be patient.
Play around her passive and punish her for wasting Q or W. Be careful after lvl 6 because she can engage with flash>R.
Deny him E dash and dont waste your lantern untill he uses R to disposition you carry. During teamfights avoid getting in soldiers range and being hit for free.
Aurelion Sol
He is very slow so it is easy to engage on him but dont waste your flay untill he tries to fly away.
Depends on a player. Sure you can cancel her E dash but expreienced Cait will not allow you to get close enough. Canceling her ultimate will not waste it and leave it with 8-5 sec cd.
You can catch her during E dash and deny stun but her ultimate has no counters except peeling with CC. Still try timing your lantern right before her ult ends to help your carry out asap.
Bait her ultimate by going at her and then turning around and do your best to deny her as much mobility as you can. Your teammates can use lantern from her W.
If he is botlane he will try to Q you when you are hiding in bushes but it is reactable. Buy Solari so it will take more time untill your teammates can be executed.
It is hard to disengage since if you was hit with her Q she can cast her target dash again. Do not group since it is better for her ultimate.
He deals a lot of damage but once you catch him and your team can kill him asap - it is easy. Flay him away from his W to deny him shield and stun.
Buy Wardstone during midgame and dont split, since it is way easier to catch and kill her together. During laning phase you should use one pinkward for your tribush (if you are on the red side) and another one for the river bush (only if you have prio). If you are on the blue side then it is easier since she has only one way to get to you.
Play patiently, try autoattacking Ez and if he wastes E in panick that gives you some time to engage on him. You cant cancel his ultimate but he does get in vulnerablue position while casting it.
Dont try running her down with all CC you have since she will easilly parry it. Autoattack her to bait it or wait till she wastes it on something else. Build Thornmail to deny her healing.
You can cancel his Q dash but it is harder with E since he can recast it anywhere. His ultimates activation is easily telegraphed so buy Solari to deny burst. If you catch his ult - go away from your team so they dont get airborne. Once you catch him your team can kill him easilly.
Despite him having free QSS it is easy to bait by using flay first. If you have to use your hook first then you still can use Q2 and then flay him. Vision beats his camping with barrels and Randuin reduces their damage.
You can cancel his jump in both forms but there are some other issues. It is hard to hook him in his mini form since he has tons of MS boost and it is pointless to engage on his mega form since it makes his engage easier.
You can canel his dash and throw lantern to your teammate standing in his W.
Your ultimate or Exhaust denies him speed => reduces his damage. Still it can be hard to catch him since ultimate makes him unstoppable and he is too fast to hook him reliably so use flay.
His turrets deny you hooks and lantern if put on top of it. Lane will be ****ty but mid and lategame will be better unless you feed him.
You can deny her Q on marked targets making her immobile for some time but it is pretty hard. Throw lantern to teammates caught in her ult and build Thornmail.
Jarvan IV
You can deny his E>Q dash and also can use lantern to get your carry out of his ult.
You easilly deny his jump which means he cant jump away or on your adc.
You can deny his Q in hammer form but his ranged form still hurts as much and cant be countered so easilly.
He is really vulnerable but he will try to disengage with W or even W>Flash. During laning phase he will plant his traps in bushes so it is harder for you to engage but you can also abuse it to bait his W while your jungler or ADC engages. Cancel his ultimate when you have such opportunity or tank for your carry. Late game Jhin is the Kiting Machineâ„¢ so buy Randuin to deny him damage and MS.
He has two dashes so play patiently. If he tries to kidnap your carry - help him out with lantern.
Oh God she is annoying. You cant automatically engage with E>Q since her E allows her to position quickly and dodge your hook. Build both MR and armor since she is probably building Static+Guinsoo. She can also easilly dodge your CC with her ultimate which can be used if she attacks you or you are CCed.
Cancel his ultimate or block it with Solari. if he is using Dark Harvest and uses ultimate from safe position - I suggest buying Anathema Chains to survive his damage.
She can blink to anyhing in the game so it is hard to hook her unless E is on cd. Buy Solari to reduce ultimates damage and cancel it with flay.
His ultimates activation is easilly telegraphed so Solari will be useful. He can catch him out of walls but blue Kayn is really fast so aim properly. Also dont rush with using all your CC since he might try dodging it with his ult.
Your ultimate might deny him engage but if he has flash he can easily run your team down. It is also hard to catch him with hook because of his MS so try flaying him at least.
Deny his jumps and use Oracle Lens to spot him during teamfights. Stay close to your carry so you cant be killed fast.
Get her out of ultimate and finish her off. Still she can dodge your hook with dash so flay will be more reliable.
You cant change his ultimates direction but you can deny him dashing on top of your carry. He cant dash through walls but if he hits someone with E1, then E2 will get him through wall if target is there. Frozen Heart counters his damage and Thornmail reduces his healing.
It is really hard to deny her engage since you can counter her only after she gets close to your carry. Play patiently and be prepared to defend your teammates. You cant E>Q her if she used W since W2 will instantly get her back. Hook her first in such case, if she holds her W to escape then counter it with flay and kill her.
Lee Sin
You can cancel his dashes and help your carry with lantern in case he gets insec. Still he has two dashes so you can play it defensively by denying Q2 or offensively by denying Q2 or W.
You can cancel her W with flay but her ultimate doesnt have much counterplay except peeling with CC (if you arent asleep yourself).
Her kit works good for disengaging so play patiently. If she is support - she might build tank items and then her kit becomes offensive. Her engage requiers her to use E which is a pretty telegraphed abillity so you can hook her when she uses E2 to blink. She can use this game situation and play mindgames since your hook animation is longer and she can abuse that. Also if she uses ult on herself - that puts her in a vulnerable position when you can time your hook and stun her with 100% chance. Buy Mikaels Blessing if she is focusing your carry with her ultimate and he refuses to buy QSS.
Deny his dash with flay or predict it and hook him. You can also cancel his ultimate with flay or hook.
The only counterplay for his ultimate is vision. If he is support - then it shouldnt be a hard lane but his Qs slow might help on ganks.
Cancel his ultimate with flay or aa>flay if his passive is active. Mikaels Blessing DOES NOT cleanse his ultimate. If you are trying to gank him then ask your teammate to get his passive off so you can use your whole kit.
Master Yi
Frozen Heart reduces his AD damage but Exhaust and Anathema Chains reduce his true damage. Dont try to predict where he will spawn after Q and dont try disengaging his ultimate with your own since his immune to slows.
it is hard to run around in his ultimate but try your best. Buy Thronmail to reduce his healing.
You deny her and her puppies dashes easilly. W is super telegraphed but canceling her E requiers more reaction. You can also CC her puppies if she hits Q. BUT these puppies will tank your hooks so flay is a gamechanger against her.
Count minions and ping your teammates if shes absent. Try baiting her skillshots and punish her for wasting root. During teamfights zone her away from your teammates so she wont hit great ult.
You easilly deny her jumps but it is hard to catch her human form because of her range.
You can cancel her dash but she has two. Try your best to get her away from your carry and build Thornmail+Randuin.
It is quite hard but you can time your flay to cancel his ultimate. Still it wont work because smart Nocturne players will use spellshield while ulting. During fights wait untill his shield expires or waste your flay to destroy it. Build Thronmail and Frozen Heart to reduce his damage and healing.
Nunu & Willump
Your ultimate is useless against his W but you can easilly flay or hook him. Canceling his ultimate will activate it sooner and will deal less damage but your teammates will probably get hit so choose wisely: let him charge ult but your teammates escape or cancel it and let your team get hit by it.
It is hard to get on top of her so play patinetly and wait for her mistakes.
You can cancel his E and R2 which means that he deals almost no CC in teamfights.
He will try to abuse bushes to burst you or your ADC during laning phase. If timed correctly you can cancel his W animation and then punish him. Use lantern to get your teammates behind his E and ping your mid/top if he is absent. Pantheon sup might build Umbral Glaive so its impossible to win vison.
She cant counter your dashes since you dont have any. But you can cancel her target dash and help your teammates get back in teamfight asap after she uses ult. Despite building tank and ms items, Poppy sup might build Umbral Glaive so it will be impossible to win vision.
He has strong early game but he is quite weak in teamfights since he has no escapes. You can deny his E when he is trying to escape but it is more complcated if he engages on you. If he uses E from far enough and he ends up right behind you - then your flay will deny his stun. Pyke always builds Umbral Glaive so you will never win vision in this MU. Buy Solari so it will take more time until he will be able to execute your teammates.
You can cancel her jump but she can disengage by pushing you away.
Deny her dash and use Oracle Lens to spot her during teamfights.
You can cancel her E but it is quite hard, especially if you are near sighted. Her ultimate animation puts her in a vulnerable position but she wont do this around enemies.
When timed perfectly you can cancel his W but it is hard to punish him for bad engage because E has two dashes. Your ultimate counters his ultimate.
You can flay/hook him from his Q state but you cant cancel his ultimate.
Her ultimate is super telegraphed giving you a lot of time to use Solari and hook her after she attacks. Her E animation is also pretty slow and is easillly canceled with flay or punished with hook.
The most telegraphed engage abillity ever. Deny her MS with your ultimate and throw lantern to your teammates caught in her ultimate.
You can cancel his jumps but I suggest holding it for his ultimate and then peel for your carry. Use your ultimate so it will be harder for him to get in bushes. Rengar usually builds crit chance so Randuin will be helpful.
You are supposed to flay her Q3 to deny jumps over walls and CC. Build Thornmail and Frozen Heart since she heavilly relies on autoattack buffs from her passive. Still, she has 4 dashes, CC and shield but its not your problem.
You cant cancel his ultimate but it does put Ryze in a vulnerable position. If you see his ultimate - dont hook right in the center since he can position freely inside it. Also be ready that he will take someone with him.
Bait her W by autoattacking her or simply use E to engage. During teamfights you want to hold flay until she starts her ultimate and then cancel it.
You can cancel her Q dash but she is still quite dangerous since her W has a great range to stack her E and her ultimate has a great range.
She can try poking you through wards but if you are using Oracle Lens then she cant do anything to you hiding in bushes. She is easy to catch since her fogs center is on top of her and her W needs some time to root you. You cant cancel her ultimate but can punish it with hook.
Bait her skillshots and punish for wasting E. Be careful if she or her ADC are using Exhaust, because her Es CC depends on your current state: Slow>Root>Stun.
There is nothing to cancel and Sett players for some reason are willing to catch all CC they can and then use W. Be careful of his E>Flash combo on level 1-2.
Take Oracle Lens lvl 1 and play patiently. Shaco players tend to accidentaly put themselves in a bad position from which you can punish them easilly. If you are on the red side be ready for his box in the tribush.
You can cancel his E and R casting.
Your ultimate denies him movement options and your lantern works from his glue.
Fun fact: you can redirect Sions ultimate by throwing lantern in his way. You can cancel his Q completely with flay. During ganks stand behind him so he cant escape with his ultimate.
Bait her spellshield by autoattacking her only then engage. Stay away from minions even when you are in bushes because her W hits even invisible targets.
Nothing to flay or cancel. Hook her, kill her, earn her soul.
Bait her Q and build Thornmail or at least Brumble Vest asap.
It is hard to disengage his ultimate because of his E. If you are lucky enough to be far away from him - help your carry with a lantern. During laning phase try baiting his E and Q and punish him for wasting these skills. Thornmail works poorly against swain because he is not an autoattacking character so take Ignite or your AP or AD teammates buy antiheal.
You can deny his E2 dash if timed correctly. Fortunately, Sylas uses autoattacks so Thornmail might be useful against his healing but still take Ignite.
She is annoying because of her disengage and poke. Look out of her orbs not to get stunned by her E, then punish her for wasting it.
Tahm Kench
You can cancel his main engage/escape tool - W. Support Tahm is pretty weak so it wont be problematic to kill him once he gets hooked.
You can catch her while she ults but either way her CC and poke is really annoying. Her E doesnt counter your lantern.
You can cancel his E and Q if he casts it far enough. Use Oracle Lens to spot him in his ult.
Taric players tend to cheese you this way: engage with E>Flash>Ignite to get your or your ADCs spells. To counet this I suggest warding middle lane bush and back off when he starts casting it. His ultimate makes everyone in it radius immortal, they are srill vulnerable to CC. When he casts ultimate try to pull enemies out of its radius and buy Thornmail since Taric relies on his autoattacks.
Dont waste your Oracle Lens and clear his mushrooms before object. Buy Mikaels Blessing if your ADC is troubled by Teemos blind. If he tries to abuse his passive in bushes - use flay first to catch him for sure.
He can try rushing to your carry with his ultimate but your CC denies him such opportunity. Cancel his E dash and fight him whenever his ultimate is not avaliable.
Twisted Fate
You can time your hook when he teleports to you and instastun him, denying him engage with gold card. Vice versa you can cancel his ultimate with flay/hook when he tries to escape. During teamfights you can try standing on top of your carry so he might accidentaly stun you instead of him.
it can be hard to catch him if he uses Q and his teamfighting potential is gamechanging. Ward his possible flanks and punish for bad positioning.
Dont waste your CC if he in his empowered E (ram) form, use ultimate instead. Dont let him to get on top of your teammates with his R.
Cancel second part of his E, otherwise he still dashes. Build Frozen Heart and Solari so it takes more time for him to execute someone. Any way, tank his ultimate for your carry.
Bait her dash by autoattacking her or straight up engage with E. Her damage is huge since you are a tank support. Build Frozen Heart to reduces her aa damage and abuse Exhaust/Anathema Chains to reduce her true damage.
Your teammates can use lantern inside his cage (though they will be stunned).
Cancel his ultimate so your ADC wont be wiped from the face of Earth by true damage. During laning phase VelKoz players tend to willingly spam their Q W so you can just spend some time dodging their poke and then engage when they have no mana. Punish them whenever they waste their E.
You can deny her Q engage but ultimate has zero counterplay. Still, you can try aiming hook when she lands and then peel for your carry.
You can cancel his W when he is charging it. Use Oracle Lens when he tries to escape with E and try not to die because if he resets on you then he can easilly win teamfight with your kit.
His pool allows him to escape all your CC, Thornmail wont work against him since he heals from skills. His ultimates burst is telegraphed so you can use Solari to block it.
Unfortunately, you cant cancel his ultimate. Pay attention to his build since he has to choose between Tank or AP builds. Evenshroud helps against both builds and Thornmail + MR items reduces his healing and damage with AP build.
Deny him target dash and dont get fooled by his clone. Be careful since he can just pretend to cast his W and stand still while you flash over the wall for nothing, Oracle Lens help to solve such riddles.
Bait his skillshots and engage when he wastes E. Cancel his ultimate if you can or use Solari to block it.
Xin Zhao
Deny him target dash and dont waste your CC when he uses his ultimate.
Deny him dash and try to CC him if your teammates are airborne so he wont be able to ult. Randuin denies his damage and Thornmail reduces his healing if he builds BT or Crossbow. He can deny your hook with windwall but he might waste it in panick if you simply go at him and flay him.
Peel with CC whenever he tries to run your carry down. You can cancel his Q3 (if he dashes at you its harder) and position closely behind him so he cant escape with ultimate. Randuin reduces his damage drastically but his CC and chase potential is still gamechanging.
If her ADC plays safely - roam, if he doesnt - kill them.
Ward everything so it would be easier for you to react to his E. You completely cancel his E either when he is charging it or flying. Thornmail sucks against him since it will work only if he decides to autoattack you after his hits Q on something. By the way, he can proc his Q from wards, plants and towers so avoid these if he hits Q.
His ultimate puts him behind your carry so you can time your CC. Still his blinking minigame is really annoying. Build Solari to negate ultimates damage.
"I aM LiGhTnInG!!!!" You can catch her when she uses E on terrain. Do not group because its good for her ultimate and Es buff. It can be hard to catch her with Ghost and MS buffs so you can try simply flashing on top of her with E or ultimate.
It is hard to play against an experienced Zilean since he can hit both bombs almost always: E himself>Q>W>E you>Q. Still he heavily relies on his team so if you manage to kill them worst what can happen is he escapes with 99% MS buffs. Exhaust might be a good counter for his speed ups, but if you prefer Ignite then I suggest holding it untill he uses ultimate.
Sleep takes some time to work so it gives your teammates to use lantern and get away. Her ultimate puts her in a vulnerable position which you can easilly abuse. Ward corners since her Es range increases when shot through terrain. If you got hit by her sleep and there are no one around to help - autoattack minion or jungle camp so they wake you up with their autos.
Her plants deny you hooks and lantern if put on top of it. Bait her skillshot by stomping her seeds and punish if she wastes her root. It wont get easier later, buy MR and pull your carry away from her ultimate.
Renata Glasc
She heavily relies on low range skillshot to shield her teammates and this is also her only reliable and safe damage option. She can abuse your lantern with her Q if you try to engage since your ADC ends up next to you. Nothing much to say, thats a pitty, that this champions is so bad rn.
You can follow up on his Gravitum (purple one) root and he really appreciates your peeling.
You can follow up to her ultimate while throwing her a lantern to fight asap.
She can follow up to your CC but it might be a bit hard for an unexpreienced Caitlyn player due to your hook/flay pulling.
The best duo for Thresh, since you have tons of CC and he has tons of damage. Dont be afraid to die if he get a kill since Draven profits from it more than any other ADC.
The best thing about Ezreal is that you get to roam for free due to how safe he is. As for Ez himself, he is quite weak early on so fight only if enemy makes huge mistakes.
Nice follow up to your CC and you also secure her ultimate/W.
Your CC and his burst makes your early game quite opressive since he can follow up to hook/flay and get free kills easilly. If enemy steps into Jhins trap, try holding him there for more damage.
Your CC helps her to burst enemies and your lantern allows her to make riskier plays with her ultimate.
Second best duo for Thresh. Her ultimate allows you to easilly get on top of enemies and secure your own CC. Not only that, her Ws passive combined with your Es passive turns your autoattacks into nukes when you are attacking the same target.
Peel when he is alive and hold enemies close to his kamikadze form when he dies.
Lucians snowball potential and your agressive early game can finish games untill first tower falls. His ultimate wont be canceled if he uses lantern.
Miss Fortune
You dont have much AOE CC to setup her ultimate but your early game is delightful: enemies cant neither avoid minions because of your hook or behind them because of MFs poke.
Totally Not Samiraâ„¢ secures your lvl 2 engage and can give you autoattack invulnerabiltty but she doesnt have as much follow up as other ADCs, especially as Samira.
Great follow up on your CC and good sustain allow you to build more agressive options. During teamfights tank all CC for her and make sure she doesnt die too soon.
She can Q through your lantern but it isnt really helpful. Senna is quite weak early on so your purpose is to make sure she scales safely. Unfortunately, you cant simply put her in your lantern and go roaming.
She has good synergy with your ultimate since her E will root and even stun slowed enemies and hitting it is quite simple when target is slowed by 99%. During teamfights position between her and enemies to extend her ultimates range.
Go roam she will survive with her pushing power and spellshield.
Your CC allows Tristana to stack her bomb and burst squishy targets. She is also a great splitpusher so provide her with enough vision to demolish towers safely.
Either you or Varus can follow up on each others CC. During teamfights try keeping enemies in range of ulted enemy to root them.
She is squishy during early game but if you manage to secure her to mid game and if Vayne is good enough - you will probably win.
You can pull enemies into her E for root. Xayah is hard to kill due to her ultimate and this allows you to build more offensive items.
He can use ultimate off your Flay and appreciates your lantern in case he goes to deep.
Nothing much to say, peel for her while she does her teenage riot things and youll be fine.
You can follow up on his Gravitum (purple one) root and he really appreciates your peeling.
You can follow up to her ultimate while throwing her a lantern to fight asap.
She can follow up to your CC but it might be a bit hard for an unexpreienced Caitlyn player due to your hook/flay pulling.
The best duo for Thresh, since you have tons of CC and he has tons of damage. Dont be afraid to die if he get a kill since Draven profits from it more than any other ADC.
The best thing about Ezreal is that you get to roam for free due to how safe he is. As for Ez himself, he is quite weak early on so fight only if enemy makes huge mistakes.
Nice follow up to your CC and you also secure her ultimate/W.
Your CC and his burst makes your early game quite opressive since he can follow up to hook/flay and get free kills easilly. If enemy steps into Jhins trap, try holding him there for more damage.
Your CC helps her to burst enemies and your lantern allows her to make riskier plays with her ultimate.
Second best duo for Thresh. Her ultimate allows you to easilly get on top of enemies and secure your own CC. Not only that, her Ws passive combined with your Es passive turns your autoattacks into nukes when you are attacking the same target.
Peel when he is alive and hold enemies close to his kamikadze form when he dies.
Lucians snowball potential and your agressive early game can finish games untill first tower falls. His ultimate wont be canceled if he uses lantern.
Miss Fortune
You dont have much AOE CC to setup her ultimate but your early game is delightful: enemies cant neither avoid minions because of your hook or behind them because of MFs poke.
Totally Not Samiraâ„¢ secures your lvl 2 engage and can give you autoattack invulnerabiltty but she doesnt have as much follow up as other ADCs, especially as Samira.
Great follow up on your CC and good sustain allow you to build more agressive options. During teamfights tank all CC for her and make sure she doesnt die too soon.
She can Q through your lantern but it isnt really helpful. Senna is quite weak early on so your purpose is to make sure she scales safely. Unfortunately, you cant simply put her in your lantern and go roaming.
She has good synergy with your ultimate since her E will root and even stun slowed enemies and hitting it is quite simple when target is slowed by 99%. During teamfights position between her and enemies to extend her ultimates range.
Go roam she will survive with her pushing power and spellshield.
Your CC allows Tristana to stack her bomb and burst squishy targets. She is also a great splitpusher so provide her with enough vision to demolish towers safely.
Either you or Varus can follow up on each others CC. During teamfights try keeping enemies in range of ulted enemy to root them.
She is squishy during early game but if you manage to secure her to mid game and if Vayne is good enough - you will probably win.
You can pull enemies into her E for root. Xayah is hard to kill due to her ultimate and this allows you to build more offensive items.
He can use ultimate off your Flay and appreciates your lantern in case he goes to deep.
Nothing much to say, peel for her while she does her teenage riot things and youll be fine.
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