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Graves Build Guide by Otto

ADC Dead Man Walkin' Graves Guide

ADC Dead Man Walkin' Graves Guide

Updated on April 1, 2014
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Otto Build Guide By Otto 2,537 Views 0 Comments
2,537 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Otto Graves Build Guide By Otto Updated on April 1, 2014
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Hello, I'm a very big fan of Graves, and saw many people building items I personally dislike on him, so I thought I'd go on Mobafire and show you how I build him (with good success). I'm kind of lazy to do too many paragraphs, but basically this is it. I never liked crit on Graves, so I decided to try a BotRK instead of my usual PD, and got great success. I tend to build Graves with more of a pure AD type build. The BotRK has about the same AS as a PD, so you still fill your role of ADC.

Your basic combo should be you E in, then you Q them (preferably point-blank), and give a few auto attacks to let them know who's boss. They should be running by the time they face all your damage, if not, you're Graves, just kill them. When you hit 6, you E in, Q, and then either ult immediately, or when they try to run from your damage, ult them then. After a bit of practice you should be able to tell really well if it's a guarenteed kill or not.

That's about it, have fun killin' fools with Graves!

Note: If you'd like a more in-depth explanation of everything, just ask and I'll add one.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Otto
Otto Graves Guide
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