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I guess he's fine. If you can throw a nice Q, a few times and stay behind minions, he will be pressured to come near you. Hope for help from ADC.
She can be annoying early. As long as you can do damage, she's dead. Also, Morellonomicon/Chemtech helps!
The shield is annoying, Q is kinda annoying. Stay fast, Alt+E, Q+R and so on, and so forth.
Idk why her winrate versus Karma is so high, with this build she's really not a threat if her positioning is poor.
She's Lux. She stuns, she does damage, she does splits, flips, backflips, she's a diva e.t.c.
As long as you're fast, you can outrun her Q and do damage, but, yeah. Take shield if you're not sure abt taking anything else.
Try to catch her and give her a good Q+R :)
If he plays with Kai'Sa, Samira, you're gonna have a bad time.
But usually if the opponent picks Ali, you're gonna be ok. You're fast.
Alistar's and Pyke's notes combined
Now that's a rare pick. I, personally, don't invest much time in league to get past gold, in that elo, people often doesn't know how to play him good.
His abilities are annoying, but with this build you're more annoying than he is. I recommend playing save , throw some Q, rely on your carry.
You don't have any stuns to stop her ultimate, just poke her. W+R is fun. Healing percentage of your lost HP is fun. Try to play around that if you can.
If he's playing on support and he's trying to get you, and not your carry, poke from a distance, play safe.
Jeez, I guess I don't like her that much. Shoot me.
Evade Nami's Q & R if you can. She can be a death sentence with a good carry :(
She pokes. But you're fast :)
Renata Glasc
Mother material is not that hard to counter on Karma 'cause Renata's early consists of her cooldowns being too big.
Milio WHO? I don't think he's a threat :)
She's nice to stand against cause she isn't a threat early this much.
For us, Ashe support is easy to farm kills as long as she doesn't have R.
I have played many games as Karma, I played against her like two times. Poke her.
He can be annoying. You have an advantage when he doesn't have his "arm stun". Use it.
He's outranges you with all skills (I think). Try to evade and attack him when he doesn't have his stun :)
He's unpleasant. Poke him if you can. R+W also helps.
The same thing with Blitz, Pyke, but you can shield yourself against his charged attack.
She's fast. Also has small HP pool. If you manage to Q her and constantly apply pressure on her, she's done.
I guess as long as you can apply grievous wounds, she's not as annoying as she is.
If she jumps on you, W+R, Q, pray for your life.
He has poking potential and also he's fast. Matchup against him is skill reliant.
Very skill reliant matchup. Vel'Koz can be a major-extreme threat if he really knows what to do against you.
Very Blitzcrank alike situation. Poke time!
She has the advantage if she can play decently. Evade her roots, go for her, poke her, kill her.
Can be a nightmare if he knows what to do. I guess, aim for ADC and punish him for misses.
Have distance, poke, hope for the best.
Oof, that can be hard. Do not get greedy, but try to get to him if possible.
I forgot about him initially. If he plays with and ADC who can use his abilities as their advantage (like Kai'Sa and Samira, or any rapid-fire ADC)... you're still fast. Let's hope they won't aim for your ADC.
Slows the target to Q the enemy, to W the enemy, to kill the enemy. The problem is, she's vulnerable.
If she can play around traps, she's ideal for your abilities. Outranges most ADCs.
You don't have much stuns to play around her passive. With a hard matchup, your lane can get trashy
...I mean she's fun! But you don't have any spells to fly into the crowd with her R.
Playing with Lucian is very hard. He has no control and you're no Leona.
She's really is OK. Her stuns and your stun/Q goes very well. And, sadly, that's it.
He's FUN. But I feel that you will steal kills from him. I hope that Draven doesn't go mental.
Your skills and his skills go very well together. Very pleasant :)
Miss Fortune
If your teammate is on discord with you, you have big potential to win the lane. For example, your W with her... everything. Her E with your every single ability.
He ok, he's nice, but it's hard to play with him if he's a random person. I think it's the same thing as MF but random MF has more synergy with you anyway.
He has stuns, but not consistent stuns. Didn't play with him much.
She's so fun to play with, but situation is similar to Kog'Maw
I guess she's fun, but I find it hard to save her if she gets greedy (and Vayne mains are getting greedy really often)
Same with Kai'Sa but better, cause she has more mobility and in good hands bot lane is going to look like a massacre. Synergy? Meh.
Hard to play with her. We need to play aggressive and poke to get her kills right after she sees someone's got low.
Hard to play with her, but if you manage to play around your slow/stun, she bombs.
He's really good, both of them on bot can be a poke nightmare. FUN.
I guess, at core, you're the Enchanter. She has the mobility, the damage, so why not?
In good hands, this duo is hard to play against. His slow is good, you can use your control to help twitch gain poison stacks.
Situational, but a good pick! Same with twitch.
She's really is ok. Poke potential (?)
It's hard to play around her cause of her movespeed. I think this synergy is more dependent on how well your adc performs on her
Slows the target to Q the enemy, to W the enemy, to kill the enemy. The problem is, she's vulnerable.
If she can play around traps, she's ideal for your abilities. Outranges most ADCs.
You don't have much stuns to play around her passive. With a hard matchup, your lane can get trashy
...I mean she's fun! But you don't have any spells to fly into the crowd with her R.
Playing with Lucian is very hard. He has no control and you're no Leona.
She's really is OK. Her stuns and your stun/Q goes very well. And, sadly, that's it.
He's FUN. But I feel that you will steal kills from him. I hope that Draven doesn't go mental.
Your skills and his skills go very well together. Very pleasant :)
Miss Fortune
If your teammate is on discord with you, you have big potential to win the lane. For example, your W with her... everything. Her E with your every single ability.
He ok, he's nice, but it's hard to play with him if he's a random person. I think it's the same thing as MF but random MF has more synergy with you anyway.
He has stuns, but not consistent stuns. Didn't play with him much.
She's so fun to play with, but situation is similar to Kog'Maw
I guess she's fun, but I find it hard to save her if she gets greedy (and Vayne mains are getting greedy really often)
Same with Kai'Sa but better, cause she has more mobility and in good hands bot lane is going to look like a massacre. Synergy? Meh.
Hard to play with her. We need to play aggressive and poke to get her kills right after she sees someone's got low.
Hard to play with her, but if you manage to play around your slow/stun, she bombs.
He's really good, both of them on bot can be a poke nightmare. FUN.
I guess, at core, you're the Enchanter. She has the mobility, the damage, so why not?
In good hands, this duo is hard to play against. His slow is good, you can use your control to help twitch gain poison stacks.
Situational, but a good pick! Same with twitch.
She's really is ok. Poke potential (?)
It's hard to play around her cause of her movespeed. I think this synergy is more dependent on how well your adc performs on her
Hi, I'm your fellow Karma main nyashaor.
I play LoL and Wild Rift (don't like Karma there tho). Sometimes.
I'm Russian with some knowledge of English. So I have some beef with grammar here and there.
Where can you contact me? Idk. If you want to, you can find me on Twitch. I stream mostly on Russian but I can answer you/talk with you on English ig. You can also sometimes see me play Karma there.
Also, my Discord is @nyashaor
So this is the build i go through every time i play Karma. It's pretty simple but effective. I hope you won't be bullied by your team though, because this build ISN'T what is to be expected from Karma. So use it in casuals first.
My fun experience with this build isn't necessarily gonna be transferred to your rank and/or server (cause I don't play much and I play on RU)
But, definitely, i recommend you try this build if you're kinda bored by Enchanter gameplay but obsessed by Karma like I do.
How I found this build?
Yep, I guess I didn't made it from scratch. I saw it used on Korean servers by some pro players (but I don't remember who), and then it was a kinda meta for a month or so. And then it died. But I didn't forget this build.
Don't be scared to edit some parts of this build! It is just a base for your creativeness! You can send me your builds and results in Discord and I (maybe) will publish it there too!
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