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Ability Order
Backstab (PASSIVE)
Shaco Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Graves is tough for Shaco because his autos can knock your boxes back and he can still hit you while invisible by attacking units around you. He has no target ability so he doesn't need to see you to hit you.
If you're top side, at 00:30 place your first box at the blue camp, then off CD place another beside it. The next two boxes you should put at gromp to get ready for it, try to place them far enough away so that they won't aggro gromp as it spawns if you're blue clear is slower. After blue and level 2, get E and throw it at gromp to bait it to walk over to the two boxes then when the two boxes are shooting at gromp, place another box behind it. After gromp, go up to wolves walk behind them, and attack the first one in the back for a crit, another auto, and a shiv to kill it quickly, backstab the other small wolve and AA it twice to kill it, then as you're killing the small one, place a box behind the big one and let the big wolf attack the box while you stay behind hitting it in the back. Run over to raptors kill the big one and use smite on it, then use your other smite charge on red. At this time you'll be half-way to level 4, you can look to gank a lane for level 4, or go for scuttle crabs to get level 4 for an even stronger gank.
On bot side go to your red, again asking bot for a leash, place two boxes behind red, and two at krugs, again placing another box behind the big one once it aggros the two other boxes, do raptors after, then wolves, and then blue. Be careful with spamming your abilities on this route because since you're starting red you're going to be low on mana.
Level 6 is very strong for shaco because you can start soloing rift and sneaking dragons solo. Make sure you always have a control ward to clear these and you can secure super early dragons for your team. Make sure you have your clone tanking the dragon and Shaco behind to get backstab damages, you can also keep running your clone from side to side to backstab with your clone and Shaco to get it done a little faster.[/b]
Sudden Impact and Eyeball collection make your burst even higher so of course you should take them.
Relentless hunter is the best in my opinion as with shaco you can tend to get a lot of kills so having the extra movement speed really helps the snowball effect.
For your second tree you should run sorcery. I think a lot of the sorcery runes are viable so you can take whichever feel the best to you:
Nimbus Cloak - Position of you and your clone are random after ulting, so it helps you reposition four a double backstab if you ended up further than intended from your target.
Scorch - Even more early damage to help you snowball and secure kills.
Celerity - You end up getting a lot of MS as Shaco so this helps a lot.
Transcendence - I tend to over-cap on CD all the time so I tend to take this because the extra damage is really good.
Water Walking - Helps you gank faster in the early game.
Gathering Storm - If you're having a rough time the stats late in the game will help, but with Shaco you should be trying to end sooner rather than trying to come back from a deficit.
-Insanely mobile
-Very fast and proficient ganker, when you get mobies you're everywhere.
-Very high burst damage, especially late game
-Great at securing neutral objectives and stealing as you can stay in the bit invisible or juke with your clone to outsmite the enemy jungler
-Great at splitpushing if the laning phase didn't lead to a lot of kills.
-Very susceptible to early invades, always ask your team to watch your jungle entrances
-Hard to come back if you're falling behind
-Item dependent
-No reliable CC, hard to gank unless your laner has some CC to help you chain your fear from Jack in the Box
-Once you commit to a kill there's almost no backing out, since you don't bring flash and usually use Q to engage and blow someone up
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