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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Rising Spell Force (PASSIVE)
Ezreal Passive Ability
How To Play and Itemization ?!
Skill Distribution
Easy Max Ulti first as usual
then take the q for on-hit-poke
afterwards take the escape skill (E) for great movement)
max w last cause you dont need it greatly due to opnly AP scaling
Playstyle in Lane:
Poke in Lane heavy with your q and always buy a ward when backing!
Pick up an early Vamp Scepter for sustain.
As usual get good lasthits.
Only play agressive if u are sure the enemy jungler isnt around to countergank/counterinitiate)
Afterwards you want to get to your to core items (@Above described as "after the first few backs").
Itemization Hints
You need to watch your enemy whether he does/is
a) Huge Damage
b) Hard CC
C) Very Tanky
and you have to itemize against him.
In every game you itemize in a different way
1st get vamp scepter for suistain (// a early tear and later murumana is optional//)
If you encounter heavy magic damage and low cc get Hex-drinker.
If you encounter heavy CC (and Magic damage) get early Merc treads othervise you can stay long time tier one boots.
If you encounter great physical damage get eighter the glacial shroud for huge armor or the Phage for more life.
If you have trouble chasing targets downt get Phage!
If you want more damage on your Q get Sheen!
Afterwards you schould buy :
Glacial schrous --> Mallet --> Last Whisper // Blade of The Ruined King (BotRK) [you can choose here after personal preference) --> Merc treads --> Maw or other defensive Items)
Playstyle Late / Mid game:
Just annoy everybody with your high CC through Mallet and Iceborn and your heavy Q poke.
You can also vary somne items eg:
Get GuardianAngel or Randuins for much increased tankiness or get a BT for heavier Damage output, the items are only some general ones.
In the Runes I usually Take a Mix of DMG and Tankiness as you can see above!
Marks: The AD gives you DMG in Lane and Armor pen will help a lot in lategame!
Seals and Glyphs: Are both resistance. At MR Glyphs I take a mixture between early game and late Game MR in order to negate DMG in both times
You can go 4 different styles:
1. 19/11/00 (see above)
2. 21/09/00 (standart)
3. 09/21/00 (standart)
4. 21/00/09 (utility)
You may have to figure out which way you want to play him but I prefer the first one!
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