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Nocturne Build Guide by DiamondDuck

DiamondDuck Guides: Nocturne Ghost of the Jungle

DiamondDuck Guides: Nocturne Ghost of the Jungle

Updated on May 6, 2018
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League of Legends Build Guide Author DiamondDuck Build Guide By DiamondDuck 2,901 Views 0 Comments
2,901 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author DiamondDuck Nocturne Build Guide By DiamondDuck Updated on May 6, 2018
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So this is basically a simple guide of how to use nocturne, right now i would consider nocturne a really strong champion, we all know any champion on the right hands would work in the jungle but there are some things we have to take in consideration and i pick nocturne as the solution.
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For the runes i usually use domination as the main runes and for secondary i use sorcery, this are the standard runes but you can change them depending on what you want to achieve in every game.

the reason i use them is because of the damage you can cause with electrocute and the mobility you can get from relentless hunter, beside the extra lethality you can get when using the ultimate on an enemy champion.

For the ultimate the sorcery runes will help by getting lower cool downs every time you use it and again we get 3% of movement speed so we can control a little bit more of the map and have more presence during the game.
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For the items is pretty simple, you want to get damage and be able to handle the fights for a longer time.

I pick stalkers blade blood razor over warrior because at the end you deal more damage in general, more speed means more autos and more damage, you might be longer on a fight but will be fixed with health, Armour and magic resist, the damage this build gives is enough to kill the enemy adc early, mid and late game and will give you the opportunity to disengage when you kill the enemy and continue fighting during team fights.
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Pros / Cons


High amount of damage early/mid game
1 vs 1 advantage when jungling
Fast jungle camp clears
Easy counter jungling and counter ganking
Easy ganking
Easy kill on adc.
Can surpass enemies front lane.


Relies on kills early game
Very Squishy if not build well
Ultimate cool down is high early game.
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How to Play Nocturne

This is a summary of how use nocturne early game which will give you a high advantage during the game.

First of all, you need to identify where is the enemies jungler is starting. I will always start killing the buff that is at the bottom of the map depending on the side your playing (red or blue), i do this so i can gank the top lane first or going to the enemy blue and kill the jungler of the other team, this works for me 85% of the times i do it, you can get a first blood on the enemies jungler if you clear the jungle fast enough.

Kill the bottom buff, then the raptors and then the top buff, go to enemies top buff and kill the enemies jungler, very simple.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author DiamondDuck
DiamondDuck Nocturne Guide
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DiamondDuck Guides: Nocturne Ghost of the Jungle

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