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Diana Build Guide by mezuladon

Jungle Diana: The Lunar Assasin

Jungle Diana: The Lunar Assasin

Updated on November 6, 2015
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League of Legends Build Guide Author mezuladon Build Guide By mezuladon 3,058 Views 0 Comments
3,058 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author mezuladon Diana Build Guide By mezuladon Updated on November 6, 2015
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My name Is Mezuladon, I'm a Casual silver player on the NA Server. This is my first guide, so cut me some slack.I have been playing League of Legends since the middle of season 2. I have only recently started playing ranked and find that jungle assassins are very useful when it come to focusing squishy carries and bursting them down. This guide is meant for anyone who is interesting in getting a basic understanding of Diana and her jungling capabilities. The reason I chose to make a Diana Guide is because i have used her alot and feel that i have a strong understanding of her abilities and how to use them. When Diana is at full build i still often times surprise myself as to how quickly i can drop an opponent caught off guard.
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Item Breakdown

Starting Items

Hunter's Machete is the only way to go as jungle. its gives extra damage, gold, health and mana while you clear. Take two Health Potions to sustain for your first clear through; and a Stealth Ward to assist your team with vision to prevent ganks.

Core Items

You Want to take Stalker's Blade - Runeglaive first so you can speed up your clear time, it gives you more AoE damage on your AA's. Sorcerer's Shoes gives magic pen which is great on Diana and allows you to get to camps/lanes faster to secure buffs and kills. Our final core item is Nashor's Tooth which drastically boosts Diana's attack speed and allows you to hit a little bit harder with you AA's.

Offensive Items

When it comes to offensive items, there isn't anything stronger on Diana than Void Staff with +80 AP it will boots your dmg noticeably. However, the fact that it's passive ignores 35% magic resistance is what makes Void Staff so strong, you'll be bursting through defenses faster than the enemy team can build them.
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Ability Sequence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Moonsilver Blade is the reason we use Stalker's Blade - Runeglaive and Nashor's Tooth. It allows you to clear much faster due to its AoE damage.

Crescent Strike is your bread and butter, its great for early damage and you need it to make your Moonfall as effective as possible.

Pale Cascade is great for sustain in the jungle; it gives you a shield that refreshes if all three charges are detonated.

Moonfall is good to peel for your teammates and keep enemy champs in range of your AA's
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League of Legends Build Guide Author mezuladon
mezuladon Diana Guide
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Diana: The Lunar Assasin

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