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Runes: PTA
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Threats & Synergies
If you somehow get an Ezreal support or something while playing Ezreal, you just have to win, it's logic.
If you somehow get an Ezreal support or something while playing Ezreal, you just have to win, it's logic.
Champion Build Guide
I'm Bronze, so take this guide with a grain of salt :)
I'm not great at going with what's meta (I'm not good in general, this just gets me to focus), but somehow were here. So that's why I normally go Dark Harvest or Electrocute because I like playing Ezreal like a burst mage.
SO. Onto what's important. Builds can vary from game to game. Most people will go the standard PTA/Conq build, they feel safer, blah blah blah. I like having fun though, so I might **** around and go Glacial + Lethality.
Conq is your standard rune, kinda. Before it's nerf it was picked because it allowed you to continuously poke, and it had no cooldown. With it's nerfs in season 10, I don't see it as often. PTA is more or so the standard rune, or so I've seen. It gives decent damage, decently easy to proc, and doesn't entirely fall off.
Comet is just a safer version of Electrocute or Dark Harvest; Less burst, but safer, and reliable poke damage. If you're in a poke lane, I'd recommend this, or Fleet Footwork to sustain.
Dark Harvest, or Electrocute is a decent rune to run if the enemy lacks tanks, and/or bruisers. Dark Harvest is higher risk than Electrocute, but if you can stack it well, it'll be worth it. High risk, high reward rune.
Glacial is a fun rune. I run it with lethality because you're basically guaranteed to kill a squishy and make them miserable if they lack dashes, or I run it on support.
Grasp is a rune I'll likely run if I'm playing Top, or I'm playing Support, because, in my opinion, it's a nice harass rune. You deal increasing damage with ever successful proc. It's sometimes fun.
Be careful when casting W and E in quick succession, because your E will arrive faster than your W sometimes, meaning it won't proc and your E might not hit who you want it to.
I think I'll be able to update this so I'll just leave this here and update as I climb.
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