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Build Mercs early and her Charm is beyond useless, as well as your E can sometimes go through her Charm, always fight in melee range and the matchup is yours
It's a skill matchup, avoid fighting Akali with her shroud off cooldown and always try to bait out her ult with yours, never try fighting without W and you should be ok.
Very immobile champion, her only saving grace is her Q and Build Merc to nullify that. Just get up in her face and don't let her farm too much
Despite her burst damage and good tanky stats, she's not a hard matchup to deal with since you can push harder than her and you can just all in her when her stun passive is down.
Aurelion Sol
Same as Anivia's, very immobile and you can bait out his ult. Stay in melee range and you'll win everytime
It's a skill based matchup as well, fighting Azir in the early game is gonna be hard since he's mobile and has a shield that can soak your damage, As well as good poke and pushing potential. Try baiting out his R with your R and just roam more or abuse him with ganks from your jungler
Building Mercs and roaming a lot will help in this matchup, Brand can cut through your MR but if you can out damage him, you will win the matchup
Suprisingly, this matchup is harder than it seems. I have never faced bad Cassio's and all of them space their W properly forcing me into a bad situation. Always fight in Melee range, avoid her W and bait out her ult. If she doesn't have ult and flash, you go in every chance you get and you'll win
Corki isn't a hard matchup, but he can push harder than you so always try to counter roam since he lives off roaming
Diana can easily disrupt your engages as well she can push the wave easily, i recommend fighting her as early as possible since a lategame Diana is basically godzilla.
A good Fizz will always fight you when he can by abusing his mobility, Trading with Fizz can be tricky since he can use E to engage or disengage. Read his playstyle since this matchup is Heavily skill based but you counter his ult with yours which is good
This big boi has a lot of sustain and can easily counter your all in's, I have played against a good amount of Gragas Mid players and what i found out is when you cast they normally E back. That's how you bait their E and that's when you fight
This champion is literally impossible to trade with until you have Protobelt and Mercs, just roam and push hard until you have those items and then you win
As an Irelia main, Irelia shreds Ekko in the early game so you NEVER fight her early. Bait out her E and that's when you fight her. Never let her stack Conq on you and Push her wave Hard so you can get some roams
A good GP always spaces his attacks and knows when to use his Oranges, always fight when you know his E is on cooldown and Never let him q you since GP's normally go Grasp against a matchup with Ekko. You either don't fight at all and just Q to cs, or you all in him hard and get a good trade
Jayce can disengage against Ekko pretty easily and poke him from a safe distance. I recommend pushing and roaming more against him since Ekko's wave clear is better than Jayce.
i've played against Mid Kaisa's as well and all you do is find every single trade you can get and you just win straight up. Also don't let her farm like ever
Karma mid is pretty uncommon but i have matched up with quite a few and she's not that hard to deal with, but as long as you know when to trade, she's gonna lose.
You get in melee range, you win.
In the early game you have an advantage against Kass and abuse that, since Kass scales very hard into the late and you have to delay that scale as much as possible. Find trades all the time and bait out his q.
She has no CC and her waveclear can be exploited. Fight her at the right times and you'll win against her.
Leblanc isn't a very hard matchup yet it depends on how you play as well, you can fight depending on your items and level. Know when to engage.
It's hard to kill a Lissandra because the moment you go on her she presses W and gets aftershock, you lose the trade. Buying mercs will help you a lot against a matchup against Liss
She can poke you, but that's about it. Avoid her abilities and fight her when her Q is on cooldown
Immobile champ but his silence can interrupt all in's and his E with W can really hurt. Just push the wave hard and all in him when you can kill.
Morde is immobile as hell. You don't let 3rd Q nor his W poke hit you. you win..
Tanky af. Trading with him is almost impossible especially with Aftershock. Push and roam, you'll scale better than him.
Naut suddenly became viable in the Midlane and he's pretty good rn. His tanky stats and his shield along with Aftershock make him hard to kill, but you do have an advantage with pushing. Roam a lot and you'll beat him
Very immobile yet her copy ability can be annoying at times, don't let her E hit you and trade with her when it's on cooldown.
A good Orianna knows to keep the ball to herself when an Ekko is gonna engage to get the W movement speed buff along with the Tanky stats, fight her when her W is off cooldown and you should win. You push harder as well
Skill based, bait out her abilities and never trade when your passive isn't up, don't underestimate Riv even when low hp.
Ryze can push and roam better than Ekko, but as long as you fight him when he still doesn't have tear, you can win the matchup. Also abuse him when his abilities are on cooldown.
Swain has good damage but not so much wave clear, abuse that and roam a lot.
Sylas can comeback from losing trades because of his absurd W. Know this by baiting out his E so you can get a good trade in. He can also push lanes as well as you so always outpush and out roam him. Also by stealing your ult, it makes him even way harder to kill.
Very immobile but has a lot of cc, avoid her Q's and try to pay attention to the angles of where she's at because she might E the balls and you will get stunned, your E goes through her's so once you get in and get a good trade.
A good Taliyah player will always read your E hops and she can easily counter it with your W, as well as her E procs your's. Outpush her since her waveclear was nerfed and try outroaming her.
Never fight Talon without your W. You forcing him to fight in melee range gives him the empowered Q most of the time in trades, be wary that his damage will increase if it's the Melee part of the Q. Also outpush and outroam him since it's Talon
Blind is the only thing annoying, you out damage, out push and out roam him in almost all aspects so not a problem at all.
Twisted Fate
Once his W is off cooldown, trade immediately. His only saving grace is his W and always outpush him since TF roams a lot.
Viktor placing W upon himself can be very annoying, so Merc is a must in this matchup. Always freeze in your tower and deny him cs and so you can trade properly.
The 2nd part of your E can go through his E and you out damage him in the early game, your ult can counter his, shouldn't be a hard matchup. Just freeze the lane in your favor and deny him cs.
Same as Lux, avoid her knock up and you win the trades every time. His poke is annoying but manageable.
Vladimir usually builds Visage very early so it's very hard to deal with. Sacrificing your damage output and CDR for Morello is very worth in this matchup. His constant healing can be annoying to deal with but you can outpush and outroam him. Focus him in teamfights since that's where Vlad thrives.
Wukong has damage, but that's about it. Your W can soak up/disrupt his all in's and damage and you can proc Ekko's passive on the clone so you can chase him while he's invisible.
Has poke and can outroam, but you outdamage him very early. Focus on trading when E is off cooldown and he'll be irellevant.
Remember, i am assuming that all the players in these matchups are beyond average, so Good Yasuo's will rush Wit's End and Mercs against you. His damage and healing will shred you, along with his Windwall denying your Q and his pushing power as well. Building an early Seekers will help in matchups like this and try to suprise him with ganks.
Hard to trade with since W lauches both champions in the opposite direction, and his wave clear and ability to respond to teamfights can be annoying, but his trading in skirmishes is weak so abuse that part and never let him push in.
Skill based matchup, it depends on how he uses his W. Zed can always burst you when level 3 and avoid fighting him without your W. Also push in the wave hard so his W will be forced to be used and makes the laning easier.
The moment you jump on her, a good Zoe will E immediately and she'll win the trade. Outpush and out roam her in this matchup and wait for your items so you can scale better.
Q is ******** and his passive blocks your E and he outroams you, but try pushing harder and pushing his tower will help deal with a Panth. Never go for risky last hits, always let Q cs even if the cannon dies.
He can insta-stun you the moment you go in on him and his movement speed can rival yours. Always out push him and out roam him and you'll win.
If you get in melee range, commit until he uses the 2nd part of his Q. Never let his Q sweetspots hit or else you will get literally effed up. Outpush and outroam him and you'll win
Jarvan IV
A J4 mid, unexpectedly is hard to deal with. Tanky base stats along with good damage and good trading is very annoying, but you outroam him if he doesn't build Tiamat. Never trade with him if you don't have W or else you'll lose.
Mid Renekton is annoyingly infuriating, the amount of Penetration, healing and damage he deals at level 3 can be tilting, always try outpushing and roam more since in this matchup, he'll win almost every single trade.
his ult and good lockdown can enhance the chances of you hitting a juicy ult.
her R makes you easily focus that person without escaping and her ganks are very good
His slow is good, but that's about it. He doesn't scale but with Predator he can gank very easily.
Elise can't help that much if she doesn't hit her stun, but she can deal a good amount of damage and she makes diving easier.
His Q and E simply let's you deal all the free damage you want.
A bodyslam can set up for a kill, but the Grag has to be wary where to R.
His hard lockdown ability helps set up for 1 man picks
Good cc but he has to hit a hook in order to properly follow up his abilities.
His R can set up for Juicy tower dives and has good damage over all
Evelynn has to hit her charm in order for Ekko to easily follow up, but her mid game damage synergizes well with Ekko's gameplay
Can easily spam gank and has good cc especially when level 6.
Daisy can tank and soak up hits while giving slowing shields to Ekko, it makes Ivern a very strong pick with Ekko
Her knock up is hard to hit sometimes, but her slow and constant peel helps Ekko survive
Jarvan IV
Amazing teamfight oriented abilities and his R sets up for a big W/R.
His E is his only form of CC but his damage and tankiness is absurd.
Her shield enhances movement speed, which is good for Ekko and her damage is high as well.
His synergy strength becomes strong when he has a form, other than that, err no
Kindred's damage and slow can easily set up for ganks and his R can help in the 2v2's in the midlane.
Strong lockdown, perfect for Ekko.
Lee Sin
Lee sin has good gank potential and damage, as well as he can peel. His R can be used to pick up easy kills.
Makes you very tanky and gives you movement speed and shields, as well as an instant knock up, perfect.
Master Yi
If he doesn't have red, his ganks are almost irellevant.
Gives you an anti-CC shield and has hard cc as well as sustain and damage, can work amazingly with Ekko.
Her ability to start teamfights as well as peel and give you movement speed makes her very compatible with Ekko
Hard lockdown as well, good for Ekko
She doesn't have CC, same as YI.
Once he's level 6, his appearance in the map changes dramatically. Very strong pick for Ekko
His early game ganking makes it perfect for aggressive Ekkos
Good CC and absurd damage.
He got nerfed, but he's still ok for Ekko.
Taunt is aids
Has decent CC and can dive easily
Can easily pick opponents and can tank.
Lacks CC
His R is free damage lmao.
If she has R, she's useful
******** healing riot please
Tahm Kench
Amazing peel and has good damage as well. Can dive with him.
Has peel AND lockdown, which is very strong
Trundle's Pillar is all he has to set up for kills, but his damage, slows and tankiness makes up for it.
He can slow opponents with red and W and you can easily dive with him
A level 2 gank from a jungle Twitch will help you snowball so easily.
Usually has to burn flash in order to get the maximum amount of damage, not much of a good jungler for Ekko but he's not bad either.
Strong damage and cc chains make her so good for Ekko
A bear with Predator can be frightening trust me lol
His ULT can make ganking from afar very easy and he can dive because of his tankiness and lifesteal.
his R set's you up for a JUICY W and he has a lot of damage.
Xin Zhao
Teamfighting and 2v2'ing with Xin is SOOO Freelo because of his ult.
If the Zac ults all the opponents into your ult, holy f*ck you'd be creaming your peepee the whole night.
You cannot literally die with this old nibba beside you.
Amazing teamfight but she lacks the mobility, other than that she's pretty good for Ekko
his ult and good lockdown can enhance the chances of you hitting a juicy ult.
her R makes you easily focus that person without escaping and her ganks are very good
His slow is good, but that's about it. He doesn't scale but with Predator he can gank very easily.
Elise can't help that much if she doesn't hit her stun, but she can deal a good amount of damage and she makes diving easier.
His Q and E simply let's you deal all the free damage you want.
A bodyslam can set up for a kill, but the Grag has to be wary where to R.
His hard lockdown ability helps set up for 1 man picks
Good cc but he has to hit a hook in order to properly follow up his abilities.
His R can set up for Juicy tower dives and has good damage over all
Evelynn has to hit her charm in order for Ekko to easily follow up, but her mid game damage synergizes well with Ekko's gameplay
Can easily spam gank and has good cc especially when level 6.
Daisy can tank and soak up hits while giving slowing shields to Ekko, it makes Ivern a very strong pick with Ekko
Her knock up is hard to hit sometimes, but her slow and constant peel helps Ekko survive
Jarvan IV
Amazing teamfight oriented abilities and his R sets up for a big W/R.
His E is his only form of CC but his damage and tankiness is absurd.
Her shield enhances movement speed, which is good for Ekko and her damage is high as well.
His synergy strength becomes strong when he has a form, other than that, err no
Kindred's damage and slow can easily set up for ganks and his R can help in the 2v2's in the midlane.
Strong lockdown, perfect for Ekko.
Lee Sin
Lee sin has good gank potential and damage, as well as he can peel. His R can be used to pick up easy kills.
Makes you very tanky and gives you movement speed and shields, as well as an instant knock up, perfect.
Master Yi
If he doesn't have red, his ganks are almost irellevant.
Gives you an anti-CC shield and has hard cc as well as sustain and damage, can work amazingly with Ekko.
Her ability to start teamfights as well as peel and give you movement speed makes her very compatible with Ekko
Hard lockdown as well, good for Ekko
She doesn't have CC, same as YI.
Once he's level 6, his appearance in the map changes dramatically. Very strong pick for Ekko
His early game ganking makes it perfect for aggressive Ekkos
Good CC and absurd damage.
He got nerfed, but he's still ok for Ekko.
Taunt is aids
Has decent CC and can dive easily
Can easily pick opponents and can tank.
Lacks CC
His R is free damage lmao.
If she has R, she's useful
Bullshit healing riot please
Tahm Kench
Amazing peel and has good damage as well. Can dive with him.
Has peel AND lockdown, which is very strong
Trundle's Pillar is all he has to set up for kills, but his damage, slows and tankiness makes up for it.
He can slow opponents with red and W and you can easily dive with him
A level 2 gank from a jungle Twitch will help you snowball so easily.
Usually has to burn flash in order to get the maximum amount of damage, not much of a good jungler for Ekko but he's not bad either.
Strong damage and cc chains make her so good for Ekko
A bear with Predator can be frightening trust me lol
His ULT can make ganking from afar very easy and he can dive because of his tankiness and lifesteal.
his R set's you up for a JUICY W and he has a lot of damage.
Xin Zhao
Teamfighting and 2v2'ing with Xin is SOOO Freelo because of his ult.
If the Zac ults all the opponents into your ult, holy f*ck you'd be creaming your peepee the whole night.
You cannot literally die with this old nibba beside you.
Amazing teamfight but she lacks the mobility, other than that she's pretty good for Ekko
You should never fight level 1. At most situations it's better to farm up. If your opponent isn't pushing the wave and is just waiting for the 3 melee minions to get low, do the same. Last hit all 3 with your Q. Once you get level 2, if you know you'll win the trade i recommend all inning until you proc Electrocute and your Passive. Then try to locate where the enemy jungler is and play on the opposite side of where he is. Ekko can kill at level 3 if the opponent is over extending since his Level 2 trade should put the opponent at 50-40% HP. Waiting for a gank is good as well to burn summoner spells. If you push the wave and the enemy laner doesn't have waveclear, i suggest roaming a little bit like warding raptors, checking scuttle or even finding a kill on the sidelanes/junglers. You should be wary about when to roam and when to stay in lane.
Mid game
Try setting up kills with W's from afar and then use your E and Protobelt to close the gap. If there's backup don't hesitate to ult since you might've blown some summoners and even got a kill, which is a trade you should never pass. Never go for risky plays without your Stopwatch/Ult. Always try baiting opponents into bushes and go for as much objectives as you can. You can shred turrets at that point in the game as well so don't hesitate to splitpush since his waveclear is amazing as well.
Late Game
Your ultimate is on a 35 Second cooldown that deals like 10 million damage. You're tanky boi and fast boi. Know when to go for risky picks since you have Zhonya's and R. You can 1shot almost a lot of people at that point and your 3 hit passive desintegrates people, as well as your thicc shield can soak up damage. Abuse that in teamfights and always target the backline since it's more safe for you to do so.
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