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Ability Order
Z-Drive Resonance (PASSIVE)
Ekko Passive Ability

Movement Speed: 345
Attack Range: 125
Attack Speed: ~
Attack Speed Growth: 3.5
Base Damage: 59
Damage Growth: 3.5
Base Armor: 27
Armor Growth: 3
Base HP: 580
HP Growth: 80
Base Mana: 280
Mana Per Level: 40
Base Magic Resist: 32
Magic Resist Growth: 1.25
Base HP Regen Per Second: 1.8
HP Regen Per Second Growth: 0.18
Base Mana Regen Per Second: 1.2
Mana Regen Per Second Growth: 0.16
Reason For Full APoH:
All of his abilities are AP based, late game this can be used to the max if you use items such as

Passive: Z-Drive
Every third attack, or damaging spell on the same target, deals 15 + 12 per level (.7 AP) bonus magic damage and slows it by 40/50/60/70/80% [at levels 1/6/11/16/18] for 2/2.5/3 seconds [at level 1/6/11] (cannot be triggered on the same target more than once every 3 seconds).
If the target is a champion, Ekko gains the speed for himself.
Timewinder (Q):
60/70/80/90/100 Mana
11/10/9/8/7 sec Cooldown
Ekko throws a device that deals 60/75/90/105/120 (+0.2 AP) magic damage to enemies it passes through. It expands into a slowing field on the first champion hit, slowing everything inside by 32/39/46/53/60%. It then returns to him after a delay, dealing 60/85/110/135/160 (+0.6 AP) magic damage to all targets hit upon return.
Parallel Convergence (W):
22/20/18/16/14 sec Cooldown
Passive:Ekko's basic attacks deal bonus magic damage to enemies under 30% health equal to 4% (+1% per 35 AP) of their missing health (max 400 damage vs. minions and monsters).
Active:After a 3 second delay, Ekko creates a short-lived chronosphere at the target location that slows enemies who enter by 40%. If Ekko enters the sphere, he will detonate it, gaining a shield that absorbs up to 150/195/240/285/330(+.8) damage for 2 seconds. Enemies caught inside are stunned for 2.25 seconds.
Phase Dive (E):
40/50/60/70/80 Mana
15/13/11/9/7 sec Cooldown
Ekko dashes a short distance in the targeted direction. His next attack will deal 50/80/110/140/170 (+0.2 AP) bonus magic damage and teleport him to his target."
Chronobreak (R):
No Cost
90/80/70 sec Cooldown
Makes Ekko invulnerable and untargetable, and teleports him back to wherever he was 4 seconds ago. Ekko heals himself for 100/150/200 + 20/25/30% (+1% per 30 AP) of the damage taken over the last 4 seconds, and deals 200/350/500 (+1.3 AP) magic damage to all nearby enemies on arrival.
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