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Renata Glasc Build Guide by Human1208

Support Electrocute Renata ___ Bottom text

Support Electrocute Renata ___ Bottom text

Updated on February 11, 2025
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Human1208 Build Guide By Human1208 1,854 Views 0 Comments
1,854 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Human1208 Renata Glasc Build Guide By Human1208 Updated on February 11, 2025
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Runes: We ball

Cheap Shot
Deep Ward
Relentless Hunter

Biscuit Delivery
Jack of all Trades

+10% Attack Speed
+2% Movement Speed
+10-180 Bonus Health


1 2 3
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Heal


Champion Build Guide

Electrocute Renata ___ Bottom text

By Human1208
Rune Explanation
This is the main difference to normal Renata. The logic here is that you really like the domination tree minor runes (especially deep ward and relentless hunter). Renata is also one of the best users of Jack of all trades, as she often builds items for the utility they provide, not the stats they give.

This is due to her not having the greatest scaling on her abilities (ulti literally does not scale with anything). However that does come with the side effect of your base numbers being actually alright. With Electrocute, Cheap shot and Biscuit Delivery you actually very decent damage in lane.

The general trade pattern is AA E AA to proc Electrocute and Cheap Shot, This will give you an even health trade against an adc which benefits you as you have Biscuit Delivery, support item base regen, and often an extra pot if the adc took Doran's blade.

In midgame Relentless Hunter becomes an important tool to engage and reposition. Renata is inherently short range and so movespeed is an important stat to maximise. Moreover it allows for better map movement to arrive at skirmishes on time to W a carry, or to flip their engage with R + Shurelya's . In any case, having long cooldowns means you have to make every ability count, so being at the right place at the right time is very important.

Deep ward is so solid and especially with the extra wards from the support item. Remember that often it is the other support tat will be clearing wards and they often have a low attack speed. An extra half second to clear a ward is sometimes just about enough to make a play. Also the duration of the ward is longer so jungle tracking becomes super easy. You can often keep one side of the map lit like a Christmas tree for 4 mins at a time, at which point you back for another set of wards.

As mentioned above Jack of all Trades is actually very good on Renata, but there is a bit of nuance to it. You have to plan what components to buy beforehand as to acquire different stats (and therefore haste) as quickly as possible. 1 Haste may not seem like a lot but it stacks up quickly (World Atlas gives 4 hard to acquire stats to begin with) , and you will often find yourself meeting the 10 stat breakpoint where you get additional adaptive force. It is also at that point that your AP actually matters as your passive can actually deal a very good amount of damage with a bit of AP against high HP targets (it deals %max health damage) and becomes relevant in taking objectives due to their especially high HP.

Rune shards are mostly up to personal preference. The only one I don't recomend is 8 Ability Haste, as early you do not have the mana to be spamming your abilities. The extra move speed is recomended, but not nessassary. Same with the attack speed, it just feels nice.
A few more notes...
Please go swifties over ionians, 10 haste is not worth it when the other option gives 20 more MS and a slow resist.

Renata scales really well with levels, berzerk duration increses with points in your ulti, and the stats W give become very relevant and powerfil with points. Therefore do not sacrifice your exp, and look for blood roses to keep you even in levels with others.

Shurelya's is incredible with this build, it will be your first item most games.

Echoes of Helia is an undereated item into short range comps, and helps proc your Electrocute. It is very viable to build it second (despite not maximising jack of all trades). The extra movement speed and haste helps to get the stacks and use them.

You are more squishy with this build than others, so use your movement speed to get in and out. You wanna sit closer to your frontline in a teamfight, but should be able to peel any carry at a moments notice.

You can do a similar build with Glacial Augment and take the domination tree in your secondary runes. However I do not like this as the first row of the minor inspiration tree is very meh and also glacial reqires you to land Q, which can be unreliable.

Tank/Enchanter is always going to be good, I just think this is a viable alternative. This build still does play like the other builds, it just specialises in movement and haste, over tanky-ness and shields.

Thanks for reading :):)
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Human1208
Human1208 Renata Glasc Guide
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Electrocute Renata ___ Bottom text

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