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Aatrox is a decently easy matchup since you can cancel hes e with your cocoon avoid getting hit by all 3 of hes q and you will win most fights and 100 % win the fight if you hit the cocoon. He got a weaker jungle clear and is not the best scaling champ so try invade him lvl 3 and abuse him early and you should have an easy time.
Good aoe clear try invade him lvl 3 for a cheeky flash or kill early since he will be slow at doing the buffs and you most likely will do a lot better at clearing it faster. Take care of hes teamfight potential when he hits 6, Until that try get early snowball on your laners and invade him. Get vision in their jungle to avoid him getting a chance of a gank on your team
Camille is one of the worst junglers at the moment you will always be able to invade her and kill her since she gets really low clearing. The only thing you should be aware of is her ganks but you should win about every 1v1 or 2v2 fight if you manage to either dodge the e or hit your cocoon. Try Invade and abuse her early so she wont scale at all.
You win every lvl 3 fight so after your clear you invade him and kill him or burn hes flash if he needs to back after your invade you can clear hes jungle. Take care of hes lvl 6 since its a massive powerspike for him but you got the best 2v2,3v3 and 1v1 fights so you will be able to win if you make sure you get the early lead
Diana is quite weak early if you hit the cocoon you win the fight. She got really weak ganking potentil until lvl 6 so as long you shut her down early by invades or counter ganks you will have an easy time against her
Its all about who hits the cocoon and utilize their e the right way if you hit cocoon and she does not you win about all fights. Incase you get hit you have to try use your combo on her so she uses rappel and then you do the same way for her to drop so you get increased lifesteal.
Evelyn is most likely the easiest matchup before lvl 6 for you she wont be able to do anything better than you clear, gank or fight you abuse her early by invading her and keep vision. At lvl 6 be aware of her ult you can use repel to dodge it but she should not be the biggest deal if you have prober vision and attempt to counter gank her.
Let him use silence and q on you, then you use e and just burst him down he wont be able to do anything before lvl 6 even if he jumps on you lvl 6 your rappel can wait out hes ult and you should easy win the fights. He got bad ganks and low prio early games keep optimal vision around the map so he cant get any ganks off otherwise invade him and abuse him early.
Invade him early you win about all fights at lvl 3 he does not have much dmg without items or early as a jungler. Try to bait out hes e when you invade with your q. Also he does not have any good ganks before 6 and at 6 they are still bad so make sure to invade and keep him down early snowball your lanes. There is no worry about him having good ganks or any good clear.
Try to get your combo off before he uses hes w since it gives dmg reduction also be away if he goes tank or ap. If he got aftershock be even more aware since hes dangerous then a lot more than if he had electrocute. Burst him down before he gets aftershock tanky stats or he uses w if you wanna kill him. If he goes ap with electrocute you will win any fight, if you get your combo off since you can always dodge both hes r and e with rappel.
Graves is one of the weaker junglers the only things you should be away of you will lose most fights if you miss e or if you let him hit you with both damage parts of q. Otherwise you will easily win fights early hes weak so if you invade him or countergank him your almost guaranteed a free kill or flash. He got extremely weak ganks early and later.
Hecarim is one of the best junglers at the moment he will win against you by either invading you lvl 2 or just purely outgank you so your only chance is some good counterganks or a good invade but when you invade him at 3 you gotta hit your e to have a chance usually he will escape with little hp. Then you be able to freely take hes jungle.
Ivern is one of those if hes good at him you will have a hard time you can win early game invading him. Be aware of hes shield tho it can win him quite a lot of 2v2 fights since its underated but you should win any counterganks you do.
Jarvan IV
You win lvl 3 fights if you dodge hes eq combo otherwise you will most likely lose you can dodge hes combo with rappel. But you should either invade him or countergank him the invade require you to dodge hes e q combo tho. The thing you will do mostly is hit your e cocoon then use your burst combo when he tries to flash away or e q away you can follow him in spider form reppel or flash rappel
It depends on hes build bloodrazor you can easily kill him early at lvl 3 and if you get snowballed even harder. If he goes cinderhulk you can win sometimes it really depends if your snowballed a little then you can win and if you dodge hes e with rappel. Hes getting more tanky with that build so try outganking him eventually invade early at lvl 3.
kayn is a really hard matchup he can easily escape you or dodge your cocoon you can win lvl 3 fights if you got red buff and hits your cocoon otherwise you wont. when he gets a form and if your not fed/snowballed you will lose all fights. Red you should try outgank him and punish him with cocoon in teamfights. Blue form you should get a stun on him and let your teammates with you burst him down before he can do anything.
A prober khazix main will win against you in almost any fights if you fight him early you have to hit the cocoon and you can win early and burst him down if you get snowballed/fed you can easily 1 shot him later but so will he be able to so you really got to be careful. So the best way is to get a stun on him in teamfights or bait him with rappel otherwise try outgank him eventually invade him if you know you can win.
If you hit your e you should be able to 1 shot her. Take her marks from her and outgank her and you will outperform her also if you want to invade her only do it if you can hit your e otherwise you will lose the fight.
Lee Sin
Hes quite weak right now and you will win about all fights pre 6 even harder if you hit your e. when you go into spiderform after hitting e you can use your spiders to block hes q, you will win almost every countergank you do against him but be aware of hes lvl 2 ganks and eventually invades at lvl 2 and you will lose. So try outgank him or invade him at lvl 3.
Master Yi
Yi is almost unbeatable early for you in a 1v1 fight even if you hit the cocoon since hes w makes most of your dmg disappear if you get a bit snowballed early you can win it or if you invade him at hes camp at lvl 3 you got a chance but be aware just attempt to outgank him since he got really weak ganking potential.
You can win every fight if you bait out hes e then stun him otherwise you will lose he got barely no ganking potential until lvl 6 so try invade him or abuse him early. Eventually countergank him.
At lvl 6 you got no chance of winning in most games unless insanely snowballed, Even before lvl 6 you will lose most fights because of hes early healing + dmg + chase potential you win by counterganking him or just outgank him since he got about no gank potential.
You will win most fights if you hit e you will maybe have a rough time if you dont hit it but hes r is slow and are of no use in 1v1 fights. Hes other abilites are not really scary for you he got a decent gank potential but if you countergank you about always win hes weaker potential scaling and teamfight makes it great for you. Invade or outgank him and you win
You will be able to burst her down and win fights against her try invade poppy early at lvl 3 or counter gank her. If you dont stand near a wall you will win any 1v1 fight against he since she wont be able to stun you with her e also a little sidenote when she uses her w dont use q since it will dmg you and knock you up.
You will have a really hard time against him early since hes tanky stats avoid him and try countergank him or invade hes camps he didint do eventually snowball some of your carries that can deal with a really tanky champ.
Hes the hardest counter to you either you have to 2v2 or teamfight against him since hes W can negate most of your dmg combo so dont fight him unless your really fed. Try countergank or outgank him to win lvl 3 you dont have a chance if hes near a bush.
You will be able to invade her lvl 3 and be able to beat her mostly in lvl 3 fights. She got a quite good ganking potential so you have to countergank or just outgank her. If you invade her you have to hit your e.
You wont be able to burst her down about every because of her early high defense even harder if she got aftershock. So try to countergank or invade her camps eventually outgank her.
Avoid her in about any situation if your 1v1 unless your insanely fed.
Be aware of hes ignite he usually got you can win the fight even tho if you hit your e on him and burst him down + you gotta avoid hes boxes. Ganking can be tricky tho either try to predict him and countergank hes really weak early so you should be able to win counter ganks.
Shes one of the weaker junglers you can try fight her lvl 3 if you hit the cocoon and you got a good shot of winning it otherwise not. She got really bad ganks so you can just outgank or countergank her and you will win most situations.
Skarner is a hard jungler as elise he can usually escape you or win against you especially if your inside the crystals and he controls them. so try countergank him you should be able win counterganks and if you outgank him he wont be able to do much. Invading is about the worst idea you could have against him as elise
If you avoid hes e you should properly win about all fights he got a quite good gank and burst damage so use your early ganking potential to get your team ahead and yourself then you should have no problem with him.
You wont be able to win a 1v1 early ever and you should never invade him. So your only choice is either counterganking or just outganking him.
You can try countergank him or just invade him early and he will have no chance to win against you. you can easily burn hes flash or kill him at lvl 3 if you invade. So invade or countergank him and you should win
Before level 6 you can easily beat him if hes passive is not stacked. he got one of the weakest ganks tho so you can easily beat him by outganking or counterganking him if he tries eventually invade him before level 6.
The highest danger jungler you wont win a 1v1 unless your insanely fed. He got good ganks too so the only chance is countergank even you will eventually lose a lot of those too so the best way is ban him or outgank him. Get prober vision on your map to avoid him at any cause.
if you dodge the q you will win any fight against vi early lvl 3 you can easily invade her. She got good ganks tho so either try get some good counterganks or purely outgank her since you got the better gank.
He got good base damage but hes weak to you invading him at lvl 3 since he does not have the best clear. So try invade him eventually countergank him but he will win a lot of counterganks. Since hes ganks is better than yours at lvl 4 + if hes played probably. So try invade him and not let him hit late game.
Xin Zhao
You can win lvl 3 fights but be aware of hes lvl 2 invade can easily beat you he got really good ganks too so either you have to countergank him or outgank him. Invades is possible but you got to hit your cocoon and be aware with wards on the map how low he is and where he is at the jungle clear.
Hes e q and r is amazing against you the only way you win against him is outganking him. Some few situations you can countergank him dependent on their lane and yours.
You got a shot of winning early if you invade him lvl 3 or burst him down first but i would not recommend you to try. He got decent ganks but you got better so try either get a good countergank or outgank him
Hes most likely the weakest jungler right now so you can invade him at lvl 3 or fight him at lvl 3. if you outgank or countergank him you will beat him too he cant do much in the jungle he gets really low clearing the camps
hes he makes it easy for your e to hit hes e the ideal midlaner with swain but any cc champ will do great with elise
hes he makes it easy for your e to hit hes e and hes passive makes it great synergy. the ideal midlaner with swain but any cc champ will do great with elise
this is either an ideal champ or an ok champ depends on how good your aatrox is at hitting hes w into hes q+q+q combo. If hes good hes prob the 2nd best toplaner in the game to have when you play elise.
If he hits the q you got about a free kill because of the followup stun and silence and if hes level 6 its a really easy kill because of the high burst. But the q is quite easy to dodge for the enemy so you cant always count on it.
her e is one of the longer ranged dashes + it stuns so she can quite easily stun them for an easy gank. Her r is also great since it locks them inside of the box.
hes e makes it great for a gank and if he follows up with the slow they can rarely escape + he got such a high base damage with hes passive and ult combo.
Dr. Mundo
he got high e/aa damage and a slow hes alright at level 6 but actually not that great.
she got a slow and damage but shes not really doing much else for you + shes really bad at tower diving with you.
Garen got hes silence on q that does a lot of damage and he got a high damage ult that is great with elise burst damage combo. But he got nothing to setup a gank for you
he got nothing to help you before hes level 6 or are in mega-gnar form so you really count on yourself. Neither do he have any high damage
Gragas got hes e and ult to setup a gank in multiple lanes for elise the only thing is it requires the guy to play gragas properly. But hes a great gank a lot of good things about him and very few downsides.
she got her e slow but its so delay otherwise nothing else but a decent bit of damage pre level 6.
Irelia is a really good champ lots of burst and shes quite tanky but the problem is she got to hit the e if she wants to setup an elise gank but its a hard skill shot and you cant always count on it hitting.
he got hes q e to stun them but if they flash it he got nothing to follow elise up or her cocoon
he got range and melee just like elise he got 2 forms and if you hit the cocoon its easy to 1 shot someone but he only got movement speed to help.
she got a little slow and thats it no early game high damage or anything you would rather not have her on the team.
Hes ult and the possibility of stuns. Is actually is really to set up for the ganks he just lacks since if they build mr or he does not get the 3 stacks off for the stun.
Kleds engage with hes ult into q is one of the best ganks you can get and hes scarl/kled health bars is amazing for tower dives.
Hes ult sets a kill up really easy because of the damage and cc + hes q is a nice slow and e attack speed slow.
What can i say 3 cc spells great lane to gank the only reason is at strong and not ideal is because is weak having right now its not the best meta for maokai.
this guy is quite busted here in patch 9.13 but hes e is great to setup your cocoon on top of him buying rylais early. That and he got insane damage
hes slow is great for an easy cocoon and he got quite good damage and is always pushed up early that makes him a great lane but he loses quite a lot so you have to gank him and its not the best in some games.
hes ult is great for gank and e knockup but its rarely hes gonna get to utilize it before you e them.
He got hes w and high damage so its quite easy to setup the kills but hes rather weak on your team so you would not want him most of the time.
Shes a great gank… If she gets her e off on the enemy into a wall but otherwise not.
Quinn got a bit of gank potential with her cc and early damage but shes not really that good since you get a squishy top and she really does not do much for you.
Hes high burst damage and w stun even tho its not a lot of cc, but the damage makes more than up for it. Its and easy lane to snowball from usually
Riven got great syngergy with Elise because of her stun and knockup. Her damage makes it even better.
Rumble got nothing but a little slow to help you when you gank him he of course have quite a lot of damage but not much compared to others.
The shen taunt is amazing when you gank him and a decently high base aa + hes passive, but thats the only thing going for him.
Singed got hes e into w for a root or just the slow into flip its great to gank but not the best hes lack of high damage and not the most tanky early makes him an alright toplaner to gank but not one of the best.
he got hes q, r and e to follow your e easy up he even got really good base damage. Hes able so set your gank up quite good.
He got a quite high damage burst early just like elise but he got nothing to support you no slow or any form of cc.
He got hes e and then hes q slow its nice to gank and hes high damage but if you miss the cocoon he cant really do anything neither can you to support the gank.
Volibear got hes e and q but its not the best since he gotta run to them so unless he flashes for them they can easily just dash or flash away if they see me but its still quite a bit of syngergy.
Wukong is one of the worst champs at the moment he does not have any burst early or anything to support you so hes one of the worst to gank as elise.
He got some synergy with early ganks because of hes w and a little slow on hes e otherwise nothing else really big.
She a quite good gank if she cant hit her charm it makes it up for one of the more easy kills but it requires her to hit the charm. That can be a disadvantage in most situations.
She got about no way of helping you gank her before level 6, even at level 6 its not that great. But her burst and flexibility can make up for it.
if she knows what shes doing its gonna be a free gank because of the wall and her stun, even the slow at level 6 is great. She got a great zoning potential kit so even if you both miss she can zone them straight into you again.
At level 6 shes one of the highest burst champs in midlane with her ult but the wait time and lack of mobility to make the ganks clean early makes her worse.
Aurelion Sol
Hes q and safe damage distance makes it a safe gank but not necessary a good gank.
at level 6 hes ult makes it a free gank if he knows how to shurima shuffle. Otherwise hes really lackluster and weaker
2 of brands main abilities are skill shots that can be though to hit, if he does not hit them there is about no way your gank will end well.
Her w is one of the best abilities in the game since it disables the opportunity to dash away from her even flash Away. It also slows making your cocoon about always hit.
he got a little amount of burst on top of he taxes ages to scale is quite bad for elise. The only good thing going for him is hes package, its properly one of the best passives in the game the only downside it got one of the longest cooldowns in the game.
her damage and combo at 6 is insane right now and is properly gonna keep being high but the fact it takes so long makes it harder to snowball
Hes taunt into hes e and your e is quite amazing, but after they changed it so he can´t taunt flash anymore it have gotten quite a lot weaker.
hes he makes it easy for your e to hit hes e the ideal midlaner with swain but any cc champ will do great with elise
hes he makes it easy for your e to hit hes e and hes passive makes it great synergy. the ideal midlaner with swain but any cc champ will do great with elise
this is either an ideal champ or an ok champ depends on how good your aatrox is at hitting hes w into hes q+q+q combo. If hes good hes prob the 2nd best toplaner in the game to have when you play elise.
If he hits the q you got about a free kill because of the followup stun and silence and if hes level 6 its a really easy kill because of the high burst. But the q is quite easy to dodge for the enemy so you cant always count on it.
her e is one of the longer ranged dashes + it stuns so she can quite easily stun them for an easy gank. Her r is also great since it locks them inside of the box.
hes e makes it great for a gank and if he follows up with the slow they can rarely escape + he got such a high base damage with hes passive and ult combo.
Dr. Mundo
he got high e/aa damage and a slow hes alright at level 6 but actually not that great.
she got a slow and damage but shes not really doing much else for you + shes really bad at tower diving with you.
Garen got hes silence on q that does a lot of damage and he got a high damage ult that is great with elise burst damage combo. But he got nothing to setup a gank for you
he got nothing to help you before hes level 6 or are in mega-gnar form so you really count on yourself. Neither do he have any high damage
Gragas got hes e and ult to setup a gank in multiple lanes for elise the only thing is it requires the guy to play gragas properly. But hes a great gank a lot of good things about him and very few downsides.
she got her e slow but its so delay otherwise nothing else but a decent bit of damage pre level 6.
Irelia is a really good champ lots of burst and shes quite tanky but the problem is she got to hit the e if she wants to setup an elise gank but its a hard skill shot and you cant always count on it hitting.
he got hes q e to stun them but if they flash it he got nothing to follow elise up or her cocoon
he got range and melee just like elise he got 2 forms and if you hit the cocoon its easy to 1 shot someone but he only got movement speed to help.
she got a little slow and thats it no early game high damage or anything you would rather not have her on the team.
Hes ult and the possibility of stuns. Is actually is really to set up for the ganks he just lacks since if they build mr or he does not get the 3 stacks off for the stun.
Kleds engage with hes ult into q is one of the best ganks you can get and hes scarl/kled health bars is amazing for tower dives.
Hes ult sets a kill up really easy because of the damage and cc + hes q is a nice slow and e attack speed slow.
What can i say 3 cc spells great lane to gank the only reason is at strong and not ideal is because is weak having right now its not the best meta for maokai.
this guy is quite busted here in patch 9.13 but hes e is great to setup your cocoon on top of him buying rylais early. That and he got insane damage
hes slow is great for an easy cocoon and he got quite good damage and is always pushed up early that makes him a great lane but he loses quite a lot so you have to gank him and its not the best in some games.
hes ult is great for gank and e knockup but its rarely hes gonna get to utilize it before you e them.
He got hes w and high damage so its quite easy to setup the kills but hes rather weak on your team so you would not want him most of the time.
Shes a great gank… If she gets her e off on the enemy into a wall but otherwise not.
Quinn got a bit of gank potential with her cc and early damage but shes not really that good since you get a squishy top and she really does not do much for you.
Hes high burst damage and w stun even tho its not a lot of cc, but the damage makes more than up for it. Its and easy lane to snowball from usually
Riven got great syngergy with Elise because of her stun and knockup. Her damage makes it even better.
Rumble got nothing but a little slow to help you when you gank him he of course have quite a lot of damage but not much compared to others.
The shen taunt is amazing when you gank him and a decently high base aa + hes passive, but thats the only thing going for him.
Singed got hes e into w for a root or just the slow into flip its great to gank but not the best hes lack of high damage and not the most tanky early makes him an alright toplaner to gank but not one of the best.
he got hes q, r and e to follow your e easy up he even got really good base damage. Hes able so set your gank up quite good.
He got a quite high damage burst early just like elise but he got nothing to support you no slow or any form of cc.
He got hes e and then hes q slow its nice to gank and hes high damage but if you miss the cocoon he cant really do anything neither can you to support the gank.
Volibear got hes e and q but its not the best since he gotta run to them so unless he flashes for them they can easily just dash or flash away if they see me but its still quite a bit of syngergy.
Wukong is one of the worst champs at the moment he does not have any burst early or anything to support you so hes one of the worst to gank as elise.
He got some synergy with early ganks because of hes w and a little slow on hes e otherwise nothing else really big.
She a quite good gank if she cant hit her charm it makes it up for one of the more easy kills but it requires her to hit the charm. That can be a disadvantage in most situations.
She got about no way of helping you gank her before level 6, even at level 6 its not that great. But her burst and flexibility can make up for it.
if she knows what shes doing its gonna be a free gank because of the wall and her stun, even the slow at level 6 is great. She got a great zoning potential kit so even if you both miss she can zone them straight into you again.
At level 6 shes one of the highest burst champs in midlane with her ult but the wait time and lack of mobility to make the ganks clean early makes her worse.
Aurelion Sol
Hes q and safe damage distance makes it a safe gank but not necessary a good gank.
at level 6 hes ult makes it a free gank if he knows how to shurima shuffle. Otherwise hes really lackluster and weaker
2 of brands main abilities are skill shots that can be though to hit, if he does not hit them there is about no way your gank will end well.
Her w is one of the best abilities in the game since it disables the opportunity to dash away from her even flash Away. It also slows making your cocoon about always hit.
he got a little amount of burst on top of he taxes ages to scale is quite bad for elise. The only good thing going for him is hes package, its properly one of the best passives in the game the only downside it got one of the longest cooldowns in the game.
her damage and combo at 6 is insane right now and is properly gonna keep being high but the fact it takes so long makes it harder to snowball
Hes taunt into hes e and your e is quite amazing, but after they changed it so he can´t taunt flash anymore it have gotten quite a lot weaker.
Im a diamond 4 one trick Elise player with 610k points named EliseSpiderQueen i love the playstyle of Elise early game snowball potential and that you basically decides how the game is gonna go most of the time. The most fun about her is that she can punish about everything in the game and if played right and positioned the right way she can be viable in every rank in about all metas..
Great early game
amazing countergank potential
amazing early-mid game duelist
best tower dives in the game
long stun
high burst damage and sustain
wins most early game matchups
1 of the best ganks in the game
high skill cap
skillshot based e its really important to hit
easy punishable
weak late game
requires good game knowledge and matchup knowledge
requires good positioning
✦ Neurotoxin Elise Shoots a projectile that deals % maximum health. Its best use is as the second ability in your main combo and at the start of any camp/champ. some abilities like Yasuos will block it and you can play around it with and in most situations bait out hes .
volatile spiderling
✦ Volatile Spiderling Elise You send forward a exploding spider that deals magic damage on impact if you use your spider form in the spider form it will jump to the target and explode this also scales with ability power.
✦ Cocoon
Is what that determines a good from a bad Elise player if you can hit it properly since it can guarantee so many kills early that you can win the game from that. Its one of the better ways to gank. When you gank with it you can go into the lane and shoot it if your confident hitting it otherwise you can bait out a flash sometimes by using or and then them.
Spider form
✦ Spider Form
You switch to your spider form getting a new set of abilities that i will explain in the next page and awaken your dormant spiderlings she also becomes melee.
human form
✦ Human Form Elise switches to human form making her spiders go dormant and her auto attacks become ranged. She gains a spiderling for each spell used in human form with a cap of 5 scaling on the ability level. Elise also got another passive in spiderform on top of the other one she gains health each auto attack on top of doing ekstra magic damage that scales with ability power.
Venomous bite
✦ Venomous Bite Elise You Lunge at your enemy dealing % of missing health damage so the less health they have the more damage you do. your from human form will jump on the target exploding dealing magic damage.
skittering frenzy
✦ Skittering Frenzy Elise gains attack speed when used scaling on the ability level and her spiderlings gains passive attack speed.
✦ Rappel
You switch to your spider form getting a new set of abilities that i will explain in the next page and awaken your dormant spiderlings she also becomes melee.
You build this item since all her abilities scale on ability power and none of them scales on ad and its always a 2nd item on Elise.
Its always a full item rush if possible for the early game penetration and movement speed to get around the map and burst down squishy champs even faster.
Its my 3rd item always its extremely cheap for giving 90 ability power and 300 health it also gives Elise and her spiderlings slow so about nobody can escape from you.
This 2nd core item is amazing on Elise since the burn damage triggers both on her and the spiderlings aa and when you got the it will do even more damage.
Its an amazing item in some situations is good to build it gives you and your allies more dmg. It also gives you more tanky stats like health and mr you should usually build it as the only mr item if they have 2 ap champs if its full ap enemy team or 4 you should get another on with this.
adaptive helmet This is one of the best items if your against an enemy like Teemo since it reduces hes poison damage you would only take this over in those few matchups were they have a lot of burn damage. But if they are 4-5 ap i would either get this or spirits visage maybe even all 3.
Its one of my buys i usually buy because of the effect and the nice armor you get the active can be used if someone catches you so your team might be their in team. You can also bait the enemy into jumping on you they will use a lot of things and you got and .
Its a nice utility item its a dash for Elise while she does not have one. Its also some ekstra health and cdr.
Its a good item if you have to peel for an carry like Kai'Sa or Vayne would usually only happend if you really hit late game and they need a bit ekstra peel/protection.
[Icon=banshee's veil Size=50} You get this if they for example have a Morgana so if she actually hits you with [Icon=dark binding size=20}. Its for safety reason.
Is one of those items you rarely build because of you usually dont need more pen but in those few last case times you dont have enough penetration get this.
Its one of those late game items if you feel like you need more damage its good if you poke with but usually your better off with tanky items.
This is one of the more nice items against ad you get the armor the health the passive is nice giving you movement speed and a slow when you auto attack after its stacked full.
You only wanna buy this against full ad enemy teams or if they have a lot of healing like a Vlad for example.
Here is the most efficent Elise clear.
1. You start by kitting red and letting your spiders tank while slowly moving towards the murk wolfs.
2. You attempt to let your spiders tank against the murk wolfs you should focus the small ones from red side but the big one from blue side.
3. kite blue buff and let your spiders take the hits while you move towards the gromp.
4. You let the gromp auto attack your spiders 4 times so they die and soak hes first 4 hits since they are the ones who do the most damage.
5. When you start from red side you want to ward the bush as i show before you do the scuttle for getting vision if the enemy appears.
6. You want to stun the scuttle so you lower its defense then clear it and try contest it against the enemy jungler.
7. You do the same as you did on red side if you start on blue side the only difference is where your ward is placed you should place it as i show to keep an out for the enemy jungler and in case he started top side as vision for your botlane.
You start your /for the attack speed buff and the aoe in human form. You aa it and kite it as your spiderlings tanks the hits avoid the camps bar above it making them go back and reset . You always start to the highest health minion in the camp then then you go press + . Slowly clearing the jungle camps you have to in around 2:30 min a bit more sometimes.
You will look to do the buff were your botlane is starting get a leash, then you clear grump, wolfs, other buff. Then you can contest scuttle eventually invade since your lvl 3 and you should be able to in most situations. Otherwise look for a gank in a lane if its available. Best time to back is at 1100 gold and get the .
You keep ganking and attempt snowballing if your ahead abuse the enemy jungler and keep snowballing try to end if your behind be positive and help your teammates. Attempt to get some counterganks since you win most of the because of Elises really strong earlygame. you should have your jungle item and around the 20min and a bit of the done.
In the late game you position yourself behind your team and let them engage unless they have an adc without Quicksilver slash you can try flash e them. Your other choice is to try peel for your adc with and .
mid game you try to poke them down with volatile spiderling size)20 if you wanna go in under tower you can use the usual combo +++++. eventually use to change tower agro or avoid tower damage/ability damage. If they engage you try counter engage with e and burst them down or peel for your team against the tank, if your team that engages either you or the tank attempt to burst the carry down be aware of the support they can quite easily punish you for going for the carry.
You should be quite tanky late and do quite a lot of damage you need to try get baron by getting an important pick on their team by them facechecking you since your one of the best champs for the enemy to facecheck. If you cant do much in this point try poke them down with volatile spiderling size)20 and peel for your carries since your is great late game to peel with it stuns them for 2 sec and that can save your carries life and the game. eventually you can bait the enemy into bad engages with your and if you bought even more and it can win you the fights.
1:You should rarely do the raptor since its hard and you will mostly get really low.
2:krugs is not a most as Elise to do since its better to gank usually
3:buffs are really easy for Elise use your spiderlings to soak 1-2 hits from the buffs
4: gromp is a slow attacking unit let your spiderlings get hit twice each so they die and then gromp will do very little damage since its the first 4 auto attacks that do a lot of damage
5:you can use your over the wall into dragon pit and rift herald pit also onto wards and plants it may be hard sometimes
6:your fast combo is +++++
7:flash is a great way to suprise the enemy its one of the best things to do when you gank and they have a chance of dodging or escape it will make it a lot harder for them to react in time.
8: Elise got one of the best tower dives in the game because of her e rappel you can start by using the combo +++++and when your about to die you can use then another person will take the aggro be aware of them bursting you tho also ekstra fact if you use rappel when the tower shot is about to hit you it wont
9:some ults like fizz and karthus wont hit you while your in they wont even damage you be aware fizz ult will still hit and follow you if you drop down from .
10:When against a Yasuo try bait out hes with your w and than aim for a stun since none experienced Yasuo players will use hes to try block it while it cant block it.
11:use your spiderlings to block camp hits
12:positiong is the most important on Elise
13:abuse wards and control wards vision is key on Elise for you abusing and winning games
14: Scuttle Crab are really important early try get at least 1 of the first 2
15:Avoid dying a lot on her it punishes her a lot due to weak late game
This is a video showing how you can in some cases gank with a little intro too.
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