LoL Best Elise Build Guides 2025
Build guides for Elise on MOBAFire. Find recommended items and runes by high ranked players to learn the best Elise builds. Create your own champion guide!
Season 3 Builds
Elise: AP tank, Top and Mid
Elise the Spider Queen!
ap mid elise = op mid elise
Elise, only the spider is safe in her web.
Lloth's Right Hand
Elise Elo 783
Elise to Stronk
Elise Top S3
Elise Mid - Are you afraid of spiders?
Elise, the tanky midder
Durable Elise
Elise: Spiders Belong In The Jungle
XII - The Hanged One
Elise - The Vengeful Spiderqueen
Elise Solo Top Bruiser (IMPROVED FOR SEASON 3)
mid elise: nom on your foes (season 3)
Elise AP + Hybrid Carry Mid
Season 2 Guides