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Recommended Items
Frozen Heart
Iceborn Gauntlet
Locket of the Iron Solari
Randuin's Omen
Sunfire Aegis
Zhonya's Hourglass
Banner of Command
Guardian Angel
Twin Shadows
Banshee's Veil
Rylai's Crystal Scepter
Spirit Visage
Warmog's Armor
Will of the Ancients
Runic Bulwark
Timeworn Talisman of Ascension
Quicksilver Sash
Ability Order
[*] Good escape mechanism with her Rappel.
[*] Insane harass.
[*] Insane execute ability.
[*] Good damage on her basic attacks while in spider form.
[*] Can switch between forms.
[*] Good roam potential.
[*] Fun to play.
[*] Can have mana problems in human form.
[*] Bad scaling on her abilities.
[*] Not that much teamfight potential.
[*] Her basic attack animations suck.
[*] Good escape mechanism with her Rappel.
[*] Insane harass.
[*] Insane execute ability.
[*] Good damage on her basic attacks while in spider form.
[*] Can switch between forms.
[*] Good roam potential.
[*] Fun to play.
[*] Can have mana problems in human form.
[*] Bad scaling on her abilities.
[*] Not that much teamfight potential.
[*] Her basic attack animations suck.
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