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Can be dangerous ot the first 2 levels but you should be able to win after lvl 3 there is a simple trick to beating him whenever he goes for a Q engage put your pull near you so that it will pull Garen behind you most of them use E immediately after it so most of it will go to wiff leaving you to retaliate with next to no punishment
Non existent treath Sion is one of the most fair champion in the game his damage is outplayable he can get a couple of good hits onto you but his lack of sustained damage and escapes will let you win pretty much any fight with him
He is got really good damage for a tank but he is a HP tank so he is countered by nature of how Mordekaiser works and his items should be easy
Easy after 6 he cant do much as soon as he ults ult him maiden will not follow in the Death realm so you will destroy him
Dangerous pre 6 but after you can kill her by ulting after she ults all tenctacles will stay out of the Death Realm giving you a free kill
He cannot kill you but you cant kill him either every time you grab him he will just steal all of your movement speed and walk away
Dangerous early free post 6 he will have no minions in the Death Realm
Pre 6 he beats you very hard but after that it becomes easy enough you can also outplay his nuke so there is that only keep in mind thatif he ults during your ult cast time it will cancel it and put it in cooldown
Similar to Yasuo hard early after 4 you should be in control post 6 it becomes dangerous a very good Riven player can beat you Seeker's Tabi highly advised
One of the most fun match ups in the game both of you can screw up Aatrox is a very uforgiving champion he can get major damage into you but all of his damage is outplayable
Mordekaiser cannot deal with a good renekton player his early game is not nearly as dominant as it was pre rework play safe
Due to Mordekaiser nerfs over time and Nasus buffs plus general weakness of Mordekaiser early game i have decided to move is threat level higher you cannot bully him enough to keep him down due to his passive if you can get a freeze under your turret then you win since you can zone him out but a good Nasus will not let that happen
Way too strong early for Morde but you outscaling hard many people will think that Seeker's is a good choice but the best option is to go Haunting Guise it will help you to kill him fast enough so that you dont have to deal with his 5 bleed's also always ALWAYS flash his Q if he doesnt get that heal he's has good as dead all of this only post 6 dont be stupid he WILL kill you before 6 almost regardless
If he uses Q on minions you can go for a trade but do not overstay you cant kill him fast enough early game but you can definetly hurt him
Its Irelia she will stack her passive and auto you to death with the new bork its gonna be even more impossible to fight
Dont pick Mordekaiser into him if you get counter picked farm passively his random crits + overpowered ult will make your life hell
Right now Kled is overpowered the grevious wounds on Q destroys conqueror + Kled is always a strong early game so is almost impossible to win this match up if he wastes W on minions you have a chance
Is impossible for Morde to keep up with her mobility and stealth farm safely
Ban her its useless to even try
If Teemo play correctly you will never even get a chance to hit him
But if he either uses his W or you menage to shove a wave out you can cheese him from brush
Try to fight him only if he gap loses into you in melee form otherwise look to farm
it's literally impossible but not popular enough to be worth a ban
Legend: Tenacity
Last Stand
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
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