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Vayne Humor Guide by evil_boh0h0

ADC evil_boh0h0's guide to Vayne (In progress)

ADC evil_boh0h0's guide to Vayne (In progress)

Updated on June 3, 2015
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League of Legends Build Guide Author evil_boh0h0 Build Guide By evil_boh0h0 2,848 Views 0 Comments
2,848 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author evil_boh0h0 Vayne Build Guide By evil_boh0h0 Updated on June 3, 2015
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LoL Summoner Spell: Heal


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None


Hello guys! I'm "Robin "DaGodlyLing" Ling or "evil_boh0h0"(smurf) and I'm a Master Tier ADC in the SEA servers. I have played over thousands of games in the past few days and have been feared as one of the most beastly ADC according to my Wood VII friends. I'm also dashingly handsome and a ripped body. Don't fear ladies, cause I'm still available. Anyways, after watching this guide guys, I ensure you that you will have the ****piest and most depressing time of your life. So, lets begin.
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- Feels rewarding after epic kites
- Feel like Gosu
- lcd material
- Vayne spotting fun
- requires challenjour mechonics
- Must be atleast 18 or above
- Batteries not included
- Skins are a must
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Okay, I know this might sound silly, but getting runes are not compulsory, so I recommend you guys getting Tier 1 runes instead as it has almost the same stats as Pantheon. I usually go


Press the Attack
Summon Aery
Lethal Tempo
Phase Rush
As I said before, I recommend spending the IP on something more worthwhile like name changing as champions itself can be bought with RP.
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Item Sequence

Youmuu's Ghostblade 2800
Infinity Edge 3600
Trinity Force 3333
Bloodthirster 3400
Mercurial Scimitar 3200
For the itemization, I usually get heavily criticized, but I always manage to impress them in the end and change their mind like a shadow priest. So, lets discuss my itemization.

This item provides Vayne with mobility, as well as making her elbows glow with purple bazazz.
The extra crit chances when RNGesus is on your side, gives you suprising burst.
Lifesteal is a must on AD carries but just NEVER buy Blade of the Ruined King.
This item is usually bought when up against heavy CC such as Warwick, Malzahar.

Usually buy this item when you need to penetrate minion's heavy armor, as told by Antikiller
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Skill Sequence

Ability Sequence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Vayne's main kitin' and jukin' skillz. Also allows her to be invisible during her Final Hour
This ability is actually useless on Vayne since she can practically 2 shot someone which kinda makes the 3rd shot useless, but overall still good for cool silvery effects on the enemy champ's foot
Vayne can knock someone back and if the special someone hits a terrain or some sort, the guy gets stunned in awe for a sec or so. This skill is useful when CSing in lane.
Vayne upgrades her bow and deals bonus damage with extra MS when movin' towards enemy champions. Also, when she Tumbles, she gains stealth for a turn unless "Flare'' is used
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For spells, I take Heal and Flash, cuz it is the simple necessities of an ADC, also I have been using these Summ's since Season 2 when most ADC's use Barrier and Flash. Additionally, you can try Ghost and Heal as it provides Vayne with even more mobility and kiting potential, which all Gosu's require.
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Ranked Play

As a Challenger/Master tier Vayne main, I suggest most people to try playing her in AI (Intermediate) for atleast 100-200 games before playing a single Vayne game in ranked as kiting and farming are not easy tasks to be done in Silver elo. I started my rank at Season 2 hoping to achieve greatness but fell short and arrived at Bronze III.After 3000-4000 games with Vayne, I mastered her and had never left her since.General tip for newb players are, go ham, or become Daniel.
ALWAYS REMEMBER to CS properly so you don't get **** on by you support. Also, balancing trading and CSing is a must. As Vayne, people naturally have high expectations compared to Twitch and Caitlyn, so if you're using her, you better carry.
Usually during Mid-game, messy teamfights will be happening
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League of Legends Build Guide Author evil_boh0h0
evil_boh0h0 Vayne Guide
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evil_boh0h0's guide to Vayne (In progress)

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