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Ability Order
Mark of the Storm (PASSIVE)
Kennen Passive Ability
The idea for this build came to me from looking at other
I am not going to go into any detail on
I have listed pretty standard runes for
Kennen. AP quints, magic penetration marks, health per level seals and AP per level glyphs.
For masteries I have listed a 21/0/9 setup investing in AP offense and avoiding mana in the utility tree.
For masteries I have listed a 21/0/9 setup investing in AP offense and avoiding mana in the utility tree.
In this build I choose to start with a
Doran's Shield for the increased lane sustainability. This item should give you enough sustain to be able to afford at least
Boots and
Blasting Wand on your first trip back. Why not rush malady? Because you really need the extra ability power from
Blasting Wand to give your abilities more oomph.
The next items you should get are
Sorcerer's Shoes for the magic penetration and
Malady. This item gives you more
Electrical Surge passive procs and enables you to shred your enemies magic resist. It is important that you get
Malady before
Guinsoo's Rageblade because you need the extra attack speed to get stacks on
Guinsoo's Rageblade.
Your next item is, you guessed it,
Guinsoo's Rageblade. This will allow your auto-attacks to hurt, increase the damage from your
Electrical Surge passive, plus give a lot more ability power.
Next up is
Rabadon's Deathcap. Once you get this your AP will skyrocket, allowing you to kill them harder.
Now that you've got substantial AP, you can make your auto-attacks deal 500 damage with
Lich Bane. You should auto-attack once after each ability use to maximize the effectiveness of this item.
For your last item you can take either
Void Staff or ryali's crystal scepter. The former will make your abilities damage like they didn't have magic resist at all, while the latter will give you a slow and more health.
The next items you should get are
Your next item is, you guessed it,
Next up is
Now that you've got substantial AP, you can make your auto-attacks deal 500 damage with
For your last item you can take either
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