He's basically a ranged champion. You win levels 1-5, but he'll outscale you levels 6+. Push your early strength hard and beat him down before he can outscale you. Run Ignite and it'll be hard for him to outscale.
Ranged champion ew ew ew max w e, build tank, or dodge.
Run grasp so she can't execute you and just spam E Q on her in lane FTW.
Just walk away from her when she uses shroud and don't waste your W and you should be safe.
This **** is ****ing freelo i swear you can grab him out of his e, ult him out of his e, or LITERALLY stand on him after you e him to cancel his e. Then he can't run and you ghost him down. Just be careful for the first three levels though, that's when he beats you. Lane is free past six.
She somewhat matches your damage levels 1-2 and she pokes harder so run doran's shield but at level three you just win. If she's smart, she'll spam w and e to stay away and poke so just E whenever she tries to sweep you and spam E Q whenever you can until you can kill her. Use your W to block her empowered q. At level six you just win but even harder. Your ult forcefully pulls her out of her e, your e forces her to miss w, and then you just auto her to death. Just remember to ult her e and you should autowin the matchup. Ghost helps you run her down.
Filthy ranged champion. Buy boots, max and spam E with Q. She's fast as **** too so use your cc wisely to land as many autos as you can. Try to freeze to force her to overextend for cs. Dodge her Q lest you be shredded like cheddar ****ing cheese.
Your W blocks his ult. The only time his ult should kill you is if he saves his silence/knockup before his ult, which he will do if he's smart. However, as long as you dodge his q in fights, you should win. Plus, he's a cho'gath. Ult him onto the enemy carry and get a one shot whether you won lane or not.
You should win this matchup post six but before then here are some tips:
You generally win this fight unless the darius kites you with ghost which is pretty cancer. Try to dodge his Q by Q'ing right into him and hit him as much as possible till he dies. Save E W to finish him off. Later on, you can save your W to cuck his ult. This is a volatile matchup so if you want you can play it safe by just farming under tower and asking jg for ganks.
Lol she dashes into you what more do you need. Auto her to death. If she tries to play like a ranged champion, run her down with q and e.
Dr. Mundo
Go E level 1 since your E cooldown is lower than his passive cooldown and try to land an early E to knock off his passive. After that you should win the engage. You can run grasp if you're not confident about killing him in lane and be more useful later.
His q and w are the easiest things to dodge and his e puts him in front of you. Just walk up and kill him, twice if you must.
She beats you level 1 now because they buffed her so don't get yourself killed to find out. You are stronger level 2 but can't fight because her wave will be pushed into you. Therefore, the time to fight is level 3. Make sure to save your E W for AFTER she parries and just use AA and Q to chunk her down and scare her into wasting it. If you can dodge her parry that is huge because then you don't get the 50% AS slow. Make sure you keep her vitals against a wall so she can't proc them easily and don't walk up too far unless you're to go all in since she can just poke you and run away. Take ghost to run her down when she overextends.
Save e for after his jump. Until then, you can just autoattack him to death. If he ults you later into a fight, save your w to block the damage.
He's basically a ranged champion until he tries to walk up but he will most likely walk up so when he does, kill him.
Literally a ranged champion and you can't convince me otherwise. Get a D shield. If you ever get to walk up to him, you win the fight. You should win this matchup post 6, just make sure you bait out his orange with your E so that you can stay on him in the fight with your ult.
Similar to cho'gath, he can only kill you with his ult if he saves his q. Therefore, if you're low and see him q, pre-emptively w to block the q and ult damage or else you'll be silenced and killed. Don't engage if you're below half hp.
FILTHY ranged champion run d shield and boots you win if he jumps in on you or overextends for cs so you can land your E Q on him. Otherwise, GL. Your win condition is at about level 6, as long as he doesn't have mega form. You need to time your e/ult perfectly to cancel his jump so he can't run away. Ghost to run him down if you cancel his jump.
Wtf is this a melee champion that kites and plays like ****ing Quinn lmao. Get doran's shield, max W, spam your E W as if he was a ranged champion because that's how he plays. Your only saving grace is when you get ult and can ult to prevent his ult from pushing you away or ult him out of his dash.
Not a common top pick, but a very common jungler that likes to come top. Easiest double kill you've ever seen if you manage to kill your laner and they get you low, just walk around minions until your cooldowns are up again and then kill him. That's how you induce clinical depression in a graves and his top will ping him to high hell.
EXTREMELY cringe lane. I developed a very specific playstyle for this lane. I run exhaust, nimbus cloak and transcendence. Why? He can burst you down 100-0 as soon as he stuns you or poke you to death under his tower. So, whenever you have exhaust, run at him with everything you've got, exhaust him when he throws out his stun, and then kill him ASAP. This will likely be happening under your tower a lot since heim permapushes. So, ask for plenty of ganks.
This **** is not ok you win levels 1-5 but the second you hit six, no matter how fed you are, no matter what you build, no matter how much **** you dodge, she will somehow find a way to kill you and then move on to your entire team. The only way to prevent this is to get enough early pressure to completely force her off cs for basically an eternity. It's weird to me how hard she ***** on sett considering Darius ***** on her but that's just how it is. If she ults, literally just run away. Don't **** w/ that. Saving grace is that illaoi is actually a bad champ and this is just a hard counter matchup. Go boots and play DDR with her abilities FTW. If you can't dodge you lose.
After the rework, the matchup SHOULD still be easy with a few caveats. If she DOES manage to get a lead, you are pretty doomed. However, you should do your best to keep her as functional as a cannon minion. At the beginning of lane, deny her cs and make sure to punish her everytime she tries. Save your E W or else she'll dodge your W. As long as she has no stacks, you should hard win.
Champ used to be permaban for me until I beat tfblade running healthy sett. Just only trade off your E and W cooldown and you’ll be ok.
Go conqueror and run him down. Farm behind minions during lane and try to catch him out with E whenever possible. End the trade with W so that it hits him while he knocks you away and then walk away until W comes back up.
Kayle is no longer the monster she was during preseason. Run her down like a dog as early as you can and then keep doing it.
Another common jg pick that likes to gank top. Rub your hands in excitement (not literally) when you see the shadow pop against the wall pre-level 6 because he has zero escape, zero health, and zero damage. Freest kill in all of history if enemy laner is weak melee too.
Filthy coward champion. Just farm. You win teamfights because you ult him out of your team and into theirs.
Tricky lane you'll have to be careful in. You need to outbrain him. Don't play safe, go for the gamble because he'll just poke you with q. It's a real coinflip. Ik it sounds crazy, but trust me on this one. Auto him without using any abilities until you remove skaarl. Then, use all your abilities to blow up kled before he can get skaarl back. Post-six, this isn't as bad. You can use q to fight his skaarl but save other abilities. Once skaarl is gone, you'll have ult so you can just use everything and kill him pretty quickly.
Malphite has been op for the last season. However, it’s possible to eat him alive early. If you’re not confident, running healthy sett is fine too.
Haha funny tank low damage. You may not be able to kill him, but you can easily freeze and win lane off cs unless he tries to walk up and dies once you're ahead enough. Just remember he can dodge your w with his root.
If you must fight him, you can ult him as he ults to cancel his ult, and you win levels 1-6. Use those early levels to build as much of a lead as possible.
Your are strong early game champion. He is weak early game champion. Just freeze for the first 20 minutes. He won't help his team in that time anyway. If he dares walk up, beat his ***. Try your best not to push and give free cs. If you do start slow pushing, try to punish him for walking up as much as possible and ask your jungler to set up a dive if he's low enough. However, if he survives up to level 6 without dying you'll be in big trouble. Ignite op.
The most important thing in this matchup is to save your e and w. Save both for when you're super low and he's wasted his spell shield. The rest of the time, just autoattack. You want to all in as often as you can because he has sustain. If you waste your w while you have high hp, you're gonna die. But otherwise, you win.
I recently had a very interesting experience. With my old sett runes, I'd have won the fight level 1 with my w. However, I lost the fight because I played it wrong with these runes. I w'd too early, and he had w, so he lifestealed faster than I could kill him. How to prevent this? Auto attack him until both of you are as low as possible and THEN use your w level 1 to one shot him so he doesn't get his max attack speed and lifesteal. You should easily win trades with AA, AA, Q, Q, E, W or variations of that between levels 1-5 and you should use that pressure to build a cs lead so you can kill him even after level 6.
You'll want to spend a lot of energy tracking the enemy jungler since ornn can only do anything to you with his jungler. When you know the jungler is elsewhere (botside, mid, etc), go in. Max W to ignore his stun. Your E grabs him out of his E. Your ult disrupts his ult/E.
She matches your damage early game for some reason so you want to dodge Q as much as you can and stay away from walls or you'll die. Farm up, she's a tank, you can use her against the enemy carry later on to prevent her from ****ing up your team. Run grasp she's a literal wall.
NIGHTMARE NIGHTMARE NIGHTMARE. Maybe my reaction time's not fast enough, but IF you can predict/time your e with her jump then you easily win. Sadly, I have the reaction time of a disabled sloth so I can't achieve this regularly. The permakite just gets me ****ed up even if I managed to get ahead in lane. I think it's possible to time your e if you find you partner to practice on in customs. I've yet to try this.
You REALLY need to disable his ability to play at level 1. Cheese him level 1 however you can and deny him cs from the first three lane minions/kill him. Then you'll have pressure over him for the next three levels so he can't set up a dive on you with him jungler.
If he has ignite, he'll win level 1. If not, walk up to the lane bush and cheese him with w because you just do more damage. Buy a control ward and he won't be able to control the urge to int onto it when he sees and just keep punishing him for trying to walk up.
Below masters, riven isn't too much of a problem bc she just all ins and you win those. The issue is when they start poking you and running away immediately throughout laning phase until you die. Your riven is unlikely to do that, though. Just all in her.
Just don't let him poke you. If he walks up, all in him. He has no escape and you win.
He's ranged but weak early. Go the fleet runepage and spam your q e for when he tries to farm and then freeze if you can.
He's as strong as you levels 1-2 but if you use e stun to trade in his minion wave and then walk away you get the lead. When he puts down his no-go zone, don't waste time auto attacking but prepare to use your q right after. Save e and w for when you have high grit to land a guaranteed w. Later, you can ult him out of his no-go zone. Plus, you can use goredrinker in it too. Keep watch around the map, if it looks like there's a place he wants to tp, hard shove the wave so that if he does he'll lose minions but save your e to interrupt his ult/tp too. You should win trades in general unless you keep hitting him in his no-go zone.
I personally have a fear of every singed player because of the fact that they're playing singed. I can't tell if they're inting or smurfing even if they're going 0/5. They move with such confidence it instills fear in even me. However, if he flips you in front of your tower, you're in perfect position to ult him into tower for a free kill. Early game, he's going to push the wave. Don't waste time trying to stop him. At least match his cs and then **** him up later. If he's proxying, don't waste time trying to kill him if he gets low. Ping your jg for the free kill. Be careful, even if you're ahead. He always has a chance to kill you no matter how behind he is.
First off, it's a tank for you to throw into the enemy team. Second, you interrupt his q with both your e and your w. You can break his shield easily and his auto attacks don't hurt. Just all in and save your e for his q and your w for when he tries to q again. Permafreeze once you get a lead.
You win every trade with him. Only problem is when you get too cocky and try to dive. He'll pull you in so deep your mom would be jealous.
haha funny champ countered by 1 item. Get an execs, and you never lose the all in EVER unless you're brain damaged.
Rare pick top but I've seen it. He supposed to have one of the strongest level 2's or something but you don't care. Run e level 1, push, get level 2 first and level up w, and just all in him. Or, just let him all in you when he hits level 2 because you win that. Just save e and w for when you're low.
Cringe lane but not as bad as vayne, kayle, or quinn. Try running ghost, buy boots, and you basically run him down if he gets too close at any point in the game. However, only go in if you're sure you can stick to him. If he gets to poke for too long, you're doomed.
He likes to all in you, you like to all in more. Just auto attack each other to death and save w for when you're low.
If he gets to snowball on you, you're ****ed. But he shouldn't get to do that. Get e level 1, e the first three minions AND him at the same time to get the stun and then AA AA him to get lane prio. Get level 2 first and get w and just keep fighting him because you win. If he's smart, he'll try poking by going in and then out with his e. Take the initiative by stunning him before he can e out and then Q. Your E QQ combo does way more than his auto E combo so just keep doing that and win the lane. If you waste w in this lane you're going to die. If you fall behind, don't bother laning. Roam mid/jg and force **** elsewhere because nothing will happen top.
He almost never wins at any point. Melee champion that does less damage than you with no ranged moves.
Tricky lane, but not the worst. I think you can dodge his R with your R because it forces you right on top of him while his R comes from in front but you have to be really close. Most importantly, dodge his dash/stun and you win the trade. If you don't, you should still win but it'll be a lot harder. Once he gets his ult, you want to be conscious of your HP. Use your w when you have high grit but also when you have about 30%ish hp or you'll die. Your e interrupts his dash so if you can time it well it really ****s him up, and so does your ult. If he flips you in front of your tower, you can ult him into your tower similar to singed.
NIGHTMARE NIGHTMARE NIGHTMARE go fleet and ghost and D shield. Don't even try to walk up. Let her push and spam ping your jg for ganks. The two of you run her down easily if she pushes up too far. If your jg is mentally deficient and doesn't gank the permapushed vayne then build tank (i know) because you should have dodged.
Run ghost, fleet footwork, and dshield. This matchup isn't terrible because you get to farm but requires patience. Spam E Q/ Q E to poke him down and when you all in with ghost and fleet save your e and w for after he pools. You should run him down. Then build exec, boots, wash, rinse, repeat.
You beat him level 1, so fight him then in any way possible. You can pressure him off the first three minions for an EXP advantage or just straight up kill him if he stays. Just be careful about dodging his E. Later on in fights, you want to ult him out of his E and you want to block one of his W's with your W at high grit.
Similar to olaf matchup. Save your w for when both of you are nearly dead because his healing maxes out when he's at a quarter hp. I suggest building merc treads and exec since most of his damage is ap somehow. He's like melee corki.
Confusing matchup for me. His e cancels your auto attacks for no reason, which ****s me up so much. Spam E Q combo and you should win. Save W for full grit or you'll die. Also, Goredrinker gives you double heal if you hit both his clone and him at the same time so that's good.
Just auto attack the man to death. When he throws out his nado or is about eq on to you, use your e so he can't ult if it knocks you up.
If he’s bad it’s like yasuo. But good yones just play like ranged champions so :/
Early game, you easily win. Post six, he'll beat you until you get gore . He's going to permapush with his ult and minions. Don't get low enough to be dived. Just farm till you have first item (preferably before he does). When you do, all in him when you have ult. Save ult for his wall so you can ult him out of it and stick onto him till he dies. Remember to save gore and w for when you're low. Gore heals more when you're lower.
I have been a challenger sett one trick since season 11. You may have known me as wff011 or wff010. You will come to know me as F-35 Fighter Sett in the coming months. I'm relaunching this updated guide to ask you to come follow me on twitch and subscribe to my youtube channel. https://m.twitch.tv/f35fightersett and https://youtube.com/@F-35FighterSett I will be launching an onslaught of content soon and I want YOU to be there when it happens. I can't wait to see you all. When I hit 500k subs on youtube or 500 subs on twitch, I will personally run a scientific data experiment with my audience to determine the SCIENTIFICALLY best sett build for each elo. In the meantime, enjoy this vast goldmine of sett knowledge I have gathered over the years.
I created this build as soon as the item changes came out a couple season ago. This build is my baby. Treat it with love. Treat it with care. You can literally tank 1v5.
Im SO aware that everybody is gonna read math and just run the build without thinking. OBVIOUSLY running grasp and Heartsteel into full AD + Health will get you the biggest W number. This is not about that. I'm talking IDEAL offensive stats here. As you can see, we are neglecting resistances for maximum grit just like in conventional math sett. However, we are also focusing on movement speed alongside AD + Health so you can actually land your abilities. stridebreaker offers speed, more AD, and attack speed so it just feels like a better item overall than goredrinker. BC and stride give significant MS and damage and the CDR from these items also makes you useful AFTER your big combo.
Useful against poking champs, ranged or melee. You basically outsurvive any poke with your regen and focus on csing. I specifically use this against jax and gragas.
FAST SETT vs ranged
You get fleet footwork, boots, prowlers, and ghost all to catch up with some ranged goober. Early game, poke with W until they are about half hp and all in them with your superior speed, damage, and lockdown. Once you get prowlers, you can chase them down the entire lane as long as the fight starts near your tower (and you have all your HP)。
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