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+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10% Tenacity/Slow Resist
Ability Order
Mana Surge (PASSIVE)
Xerath Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
real annoying ganks worth the ban.
however good vision can reduce the danger and you can even counter him, using your R can be really annoying for him stopping his escapes
Works well with all champions but Ziggs and Xerath can cause cancer
Works well with all champions but Ziggs and Xerath can cause cancer
Champion Build Guide
+ Great damage late Game
+ can keep your adc safe and farming in peace unlike your enemy adc
+ no need for good adc, you can hold lane alone
+ amazing sustain, you'll be in that lane forever (good damage early game not much in need of items)

+ abilities goes through minions and champions

+ Scales well with AP
+ Almost never banned and enemy won't expect it

- some adcs won't like it because your awe abilities can take farm so be careful.
- has good sustain but mana hungry early game
- abilities a bit hard to hit for beginners (but not hard to learn).


3. you have the range advantage, keep your distance, play safe, your

4. Use

5. Vision, you need a lot of it, for keeping an eye on potential enemy ganks and (really important) seeing where the enemy runs when using your

6. your

7. your

8. your

note: Don't wait till enemies get to low health so you can take the kill helping teammates comes before kills they might die before you use it.
9. very important: Attack enemies with

for that to happen you need a few tips:
1. Abilities need to hit like a truck, go magic penetration and AP.
2. if enemy tries to get close punish them with

3. harass non stop, whenever an enemy gets in range hit them.

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