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+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order
A Harmless Scarecrow (PASSIVE)
Fiddlesticks Passive Ability
Champion Build Guide
Play safe until 6 using e to proc gold item as often as possible. Once you hit 6 change gears to getting as many kills as you can. Always drop your after image to check for wards before ulting *important*. Your ult will fear and scare the piss out of them setting up your Q which deals percent max health. Right after Q the fear will be done so you E them in the face with a silence before dropping W which executes. Use ignite when available for extra damage.
Mid game- camp the enemy jungler. They will not expect it and get tilted easy.
Late game- the enemy is beyond afraid and you can 1v5 and manage to come out with 3 kills allowing your team to win.
This build has so much magic pen that all your damage is basically true damage and its very fun.
Mid game- camp the enemy jungler. They will not expect it and get tilted easy.
Late game- the enemy is beyond afraid and you can 1v5 and manage to come out with 3 kills allowing your team to win.
This build has so much magic pen that all your damage is basically true damage and its very fun.
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