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Ability Order
Nimble Fighter (PASSIVE)
Fizz Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Lee Sin
First of all I'd like to introduce myself. My name is PandoValley and I am currently a Platinum V player. I have been playing league since the beginning of season 4. This is gonna be my first build ever made, so feel free to make comments on how I can improve my guide!
Enough about myself. Let's get down to business. So I wanted to share my Fizz jungle guide, since I got a really high win rate with it (85% in 14 ranked games). On top of that, it is also lots of fun to play and it works well against nearly every team composition. So stay tuned for more information!
Before we jump into the build itself, let's just have a moment to look at the pros and cons of this build.
- High Mobility
- High Damage on Tanks
- Easy solo dragon on low levels
- Quick jungle clear
- Terrifying ganks before and after level 6
- Quite sqhuisy
- Need an early kill to get going
- Takes time to master the playstyle

The runes are also my ADC runes. Considering that you are in some way an adc I believed these would help me in the jungle and it turns out they did. The Attack Speed and AD runes give you the damage to clear your camps fairly quick, while the defensive runes give you the early tankiness to stay healthy during ganks.
The core build with Fizz is really simple. It consists of
Blade of the Ruined King and
Skirmisher's Sabre - Devourer. While
Skirmisher's Sabre - Devourer provides you with attack speed and increasing damage,
Blade of the Ruined King will give you even more attack speed and the percentage damage you want. At the start of a fight
Blade of the Ruined King will deal lots of damage, since it deals damage in current HP. When your opponent gets weaker, your W
Seastone Trident will deal escalating damage. Adding a challenging smite on top of that will result in a deadly 1v1 potential.
Besides fighting champions, this build also works particulary well against jungle monsters, including dragon and baron. If you have good drake control during the early game and you feel confident, you have the opportunity to do a very early dragon (level 3/4), because of the damage from you W
Seastone Trident.

Besides fighting champions, this build also works particulary well against jungle monsters, including dragon and baron. If you have good drake control during the early game and you feel confident, you have the opportunity to do a very early dragon (level 3/4), because of the damage from you W

As you can see I start with my W

The way you clear your camps really impacts the early ganks you make. For myself, I always start at the bottom side. That will grant me either the Gift of Heavy Hands or Gift of Quill Coat. Both gifts give you the clear speed/sustain you want. The order in which I clear my first buffs are the following: golems/frog - blue/red buff - wolves - blue/red buff. The wolves are easy to clear and give you a nice amount of XP, so I like to take those with my first clear.
An important thing to note is that I also like to clear a River Scuttler when I go for my level 3 gank. You have enough time before your buffs wear off and the early vision they give can be very invaluable. Besides, it will also provide you with some gold and XP.
An important thing to note is that I also like to clear a River Scuttler when I go for my level 3 gank. You have enough time before your buffs wear off and the early vision they give can be very invaluable. Besides, it will also provide you with some gold and XP.
So in the end it all comes down to teamfighting. This Fizz build will not make you a frontliner, but more of a carry/tank-killing assassin. With ur high mobility (with
Urchin Strike and
Playful / Trickster) you can quickly jump into the team, land a a few auto-attacks and get out. My advice would be to take down anyone who is near you, since it does not matter if you attack a tank or carry, because the damage you deal is in percentages. Now the time has finally come to give our beloved dog
what he deserves!
Good luck on the Rift!
Feel free to leave any comments or improvements below!

Good luck on the Rift!
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