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Choose Champion Build:
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Ability Order
Demon Shade (PASSIVE)
Evelynn Passive Ability
I will continuate the build later.
Passive: Shadow Walk
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This passive is what make Evelynn what she are. It's usefull in a lot of situation, mostly to gank lane hard. The mana regain is also really usefull in lane.
Q: Hate Spike
W: Dark Frenzy
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I like to put a point in Dark Frenzy early (lvl 2) because it is really good to escape ganks and can always save your life.
E: Ravage
R: Agony's Embrace
After my Iceborn Gauntlet and my Rylai's Crystal Scepter i normaly like to go with a Banshee's Veil to fill the lack of Magic Resist and for the good ultra health. An alternative could be Spirit Visage or more likely an Abyssal Mask.
Even if your Dark Frenzy is really usefull against his Wither, i don't sugest to lane against Nasus as Evelynn because you can't really stop his farming, and eveyone know how paifull a farmed nasus can be late game.
I think evelynn can counter Malphite because she is mostly Ap and he need to mostly build Armor, and once againt your Dark Frenzy is usefull in this lane. I don't think it's an hard lane.
It's mostly a skill lane, and i no one really have the adventage (because your can't stop her ult.) You're just beter to gank bot and your are most usefull late game then her.
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