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Ability Order
Void Shift (PASSIVE)
Malzahar Passive Ability
Start out passive, work your way to counter attacks, then aggression, see how he reacts and proceed accordingly. For example if you notice him playing passive too feel free to W,E combo the minions and push to his tower making sure you are well warded and aware of the map. If he is aggressive let him push and combo him every time he jumps on you E>W>Q, notice how i end with q, it is because your Q refreshes your aids so make sure when you are 6 you have to E>W>R and q to start or end to get maximum effectiveness in your abilities. If it is casual then don't push too hard and punish him when you have the chance to once every while being conservative with your mana. Notice how he plays when he's about to get a gank and notice how you play when you are getting a gank, you need to adjust your play style to mask your gank and realize exactly when he;s gonna get a gank before it happens.
E>W simple as that, this could ultimately lead you to a kill because your opponent will fight you not realizing your voilings have just multiplied after killing the wave and are continuing on the opponent with the aids then you reset it with your Q. It is Very important to keep your mana up so you can't be spamming your combos all of the time, just e'ing the wave will do fine with a few autos to finish them off. Keep in mind your position while doing all of this as it could leave you vulnerable. The minions don't always go the way you want them to go, the melee minions tend to run away from the ranged minions. Your E only has so much range when it does its transfer. A common mistake is starting your E when the minion is about the charge away and is detrimental to your mana pool. It just takes practice to get used to this mechanic.
Try not to be by yourself, you have little to no escape when killing may be your only option, that's why ghost and flash are good choices, teleport is also viable ,but ignite is no longer, you have enough damage to kill so being more mobile is a big thing to have especially for chase and escapes. Having someone to chain CC with especially a tank is beautiful. The opponent will be rendered useless leading you to an easy kill most of the time. You should be in the back row because you want to survive longer to make the most out of your abilities. That Q of yours saves lives so the longer you live the more you can use.
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