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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Noxious Slipstream (PASSIVE)
Singed Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Her and/or Morg is way too much to handle. You're building movement speed singed so you are going to want to move as much as possible.

Masteries are a huge part of movement speed singed. A few of them movement speed masteries. Now, you may be thinking, "But Stormraiders Surge doesn't work on singed!" Well you are absolutely right! Even though it increases movement speed, singed doesn't do enough burst damage to activate its passive. So we are going to grab wanderer, explorer,and swiftness as essentials. I highly suggest insight, as it reduces the cooldown on your summoner spells so you can be casting ghost and heal more often!
For keystone, you have a choice between courage of the colossus, and stoneborn pact. Personally, I grab stoneborn so that my adc can grab some more healing while he/she is poking. But Colossus may be better if you are facing against a more damage based team and need to tank some. In the end it is your choice. Do as you please.
Talisman of Ascension
Now, the most important item in this build, is Talisman of Ascension. This item is essential because you will not be going for farm. You just want to sit back and Sprint circles around the enemy team. Its passive, increases your movement speed around fallen towers so you get some extra speed running around in lane. Its active, is a second ghost. So therefor there is no way you cant get it.
Now, the most important item in this build, is Talisman of Ascension. This item is essential because you will not be going for farm. You just want to sit back and Sprint circles around the enemy team. Its passive, increases your movement speed around fallen towers so you get some extra speed running around in lane. Its active, is a second ghost. So therefor there is no way you cant get it.
Jungling is not advised with this build, as you do no damage. Unless you just want to counter jungle the whole time and have the ability to run away at the speed of sound this will be quite useless.
When playing Movement Speed Singed, I suggest you do it with friends. That way you are able to coordinate your movements, and have more fun altogether. Playing alone will get you some minor hate for playing singed in a role he isn't meant to, and more lost games. At about mid game your only purpose will be to solo push a single tower at a time. Once a tower is crushed, you zip outta there with your lightning fast reflexes. Late game is pretty much the same though there shouldn't be many towers left to push.
When playing Movement Speed Singed, I suggest you do it with friends. That way you are able to coordinate your movements, and have more fun altogether. Playing alone will get you some minor hate for playing singed in a role he isn't meant to, and more lost games. At about mid game your only purpose will be to solo push a single tower at a time. Once a tower is crushed, you zip outta there with your lightning fast reflexes. Late game is pretty much the same though there shouldn't be many towers left to push.
These are the key part of this build. You're going to take ghost and heal. Your adc tells you to take exhaust? Screw him. You're your own person. You take ghost and heal.
Flash is not good on singed. You only take it when you are up against veigar or thresh. You'll use it to escape their cages. Cages are for animals. And you are a god. You release your full potential by flashing over those cage walls and flinging those poor bastards to the pits of hell.
Ghost is what you'll take over flash 99.9% of the time. You get that bonus 40% movement speed to track down those fools who think they can escape your onslaught of torment.
Most importantly you will take heal. You don't need exhaust. Exhaust is for those who are afraid of the damage their enemy deals. You ignore your adc when they tell you to take exhaust because you are your own person. After all, when your adc gets low you can just cast heal for some bonus movement sped as well as health.

Flash is not good on singed. You only take it when you are up against veigar or thresh. You'll use it to escape their cages. Cages are for animals. And you are a god. You release your full potential by flashing over those cage walls and flinging those poor bastards to the pits of hell.

Ghost is what you'll take over flash 99.9% of the time. You get that bonus 40% movement speed to track down those fools who think they can escape your onslaught of torment.

Most importantly you will take heal. You don't need exhaust. Exhaust is for those who are afraid of the damage their enemy deals. You ignore your adc when they tell you to take exhaust because you are your own person. After all, when your adc gets low you can just cast heal for some bonus movement sped as well as health.
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