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Master Yi Build Guide by dinole

Jungle Funnel guide 2v8 every game Yi +Taric / and Taric Yi botlan

Jungle Funnel guide 2v8 every game Yi +Taric / and Taric Yi botlan

Updated on October 13, 2020
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League of Legends Build Guide Author dinole Build Guide By dinole 3,838 Views 1 Comments
3,838 Views 1 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author dinole Master Yi Build Guide By dinole Updated on October 13, 2020
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Choose Champion Build:

  • LoL Champion: Master Yi
  • LoL Champion: Taric

Runes: Yi runes

Legend: Alacrity
Coup de Grace

Sudden Impact
Ravenous Hunter

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


1 2 3
yi funnel summs
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Smite


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

Funnel guide 2v8 every game Yi +Taric / and Taric Yi botlan

By dinole
What is the funnel Strategy?
The funnel strategy involves 'funneling' a bunch of gold into one player which is usually the jungler. The jungler will farm the jungle camps but will also be able to farm the creeps in mid lane. Instead of having a traditional mid laner, the mid laner will be replaced by a support champion, typically Taric or Lulu; And instead of a traditional jungler like Lee Sin or Rek'Sai you will have a hard-carry like Master Yi or Kai'Sa. Since this hard-carry champion has access to another entire income pool this allows them to scale and reach their power spikes much sooner than what is usually expected. This is what allows the funnel duo to take over games.
Pros / Cons
+ Playing a super fun hard-carry champion like Master Yi and getting crazy fed early into the game!
+ Not relying on your teammates for anything. It doesn't matter if they int their lane, you can out-carry it.
+ Make cool highlight plays as you and your duo literally 2v5 late game.
+ Win every game!
- Master Yi is banned a lot in low elo.
- Your opponents will dodge more and more often the higher elo you are as they know its pointless to try and win against funnel.
Clear path
For your first clear you have two options:

Clear Route 1
For this clear you are always going to be starting at your Red brambleback buff regardless of what side of the map you are on. Always ask for the closest lane to leash you. For some reason a lot of top laners think that because Taric is helping leash they dont have to, thats wrong, ping them to come help. After red buff make your way to Krugs and then move on to your raptors camp, this is where you start playing differently because you have a support mid. When doing raptors make sure to stand next to the wall which faces your mid lane turret. This is so when Taric hits level two he can cast Bastion on you which gives you a small shield and then he uses Dazzle on the raptors to help you kill them faster.

After raptors make your way mid and start taking the cs, the primary objective here is to push the wave into the enemy's turret so Taric has prio for scuttle . Farm as many minions as you can until Scuttle spawns and then make your way towards that. Alternatively, if you see a kill opportunity in mid while you are there go for it. If the enemy mid laner walks up you can Alpha Strike on them and if Taric lands his Dazzle you can do a lot of damage or potentially kill them. Always make sure to ward one of the mid lane bushes while you are there so if you can see if the enemy jungler is going to try and force a 2v2.

After killing the scuttle make your way towards Blue buff, take that then do Gromp into wolves. After wolves you want to go back mid, push out the wave again, then return to your jungle to farm the respawned raptors and krugs . Now is a good time to recall or you can do what I do and farm a little bit more until you have 1650 gold so you can get Recurve Bow and Skirmisher's Sabre on first back.

Clear Route 2
For this clear you are also going to be starting at your Red buff, you always want to start at your red buff because this buff is so vital to Master Yi in the early game. Take your red buff then immediately path towards your blue buff. Take blue then carry on to gromp , try and drag the buffs together of you can to save a couple extra seconds in your clear. After Gromp clear wolves and by the time you have killed wolves you should be able to get to mid for the first cannon wave.

While farming mid the same things apply before that I mentioned in the first clear. Look for kill opportunities but remember the primary objective is to clear the wave so then you have prio for scuttle . What I like about this clear is how it gives you the strong possibility to deny both scuttles from the enemy jungler, setting them behind. After farming mid go towards the scuttle that you think the enemy jungler is closest to. Most of the time this will be the top side scuttle so for this example we will go top, take the the scuttle then immediately path bot side to take the bot side scuttle . After taking the second scuttle return to your jungle and farm any respawned camps.

I recommend this clear when you think it is likely that you will get invaded early. By going to our blue buff straight away we can ensure that we secure it for ourselves and it is not stolen away.
Thank you!
Thank you if you made it this far! I hope i helped you :D
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League of Legends Build Guide Author dinole
dinole Master Yi Guide
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Funnel guide 2v8 every game Yi +Taric / and Taric Yi botlan

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