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Galio Build Guide by Nihilius

Middle Galio - Short Guide to Carry easily

Middle Galio - Short Guide to Carry easily

Updated on April 1, 2016
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Nihilius Build Guide By Nihilius 3,851 Views 0 Comments
3,851 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Nihilius Galio Build Guide By Nihilius Updated on April 1, 2016
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Hello Guys,
This is a short Galio Guide for all that are familar with Galio mechanics and have a good feeling for poke/save farming and good initiation calls.

I will explain shortly why you should take this build and why it is so powerfull.

(Oh and here is one more thing: it doesnt matter if the enemy team is full of ad or ap, the result is the same, so firstpick him and fight against zed should be no problem ;) )
(And you can play this on top as well, popular pick like Riven, Graves and Nautilus are easy to handly)
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Summoner Spells

You take Flash to surprise the enemy Team with your Ult.
You take Teleport to minimize the time you are not on your lane and/or for gank's.
Other sums are not usefull because heal is not needed (if you play correctly), ignite is nice but it is not your fokus to get kills in early and in late-game you dont need it.
Exhaust is clever versus hyper-carry's like Vayne and Kogmaw, but usually i would not take it, even why i play against them.
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Runes are Quite simple:
Because of the passiv you stack mres, alittle amor and magic pen.
It should be possible to take mres per level, but i prefere the first one, because in late-game you nearly cannot die anymore, so get some more protection in early-game.
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You take this mastery build to get enough mana-reg, max CDR (45%) and max CDR on Summoner Spells (40%), so you can use your Shield and your flash as often as possible. (Flash has 3 min CD instead of 5).

The whole build fokus on Self heal, so you take both Options in masteries, to increase you healing (by your shield ) by 10+8 % = 18%. (see more @ items).
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As explained this build is not a full tank, but a survival build. In fact it is even better than a tanky build.
First you start with the primary Stats you need for Galio.
You need Infinity Mana by increasing your mana and manaregen. RoD gives you enough Mana and Some HP to get alittle bit tanky.
Then you Fokus on Max CDR with spells and summoners-spells to be able (in mid-game) to use Flash / Ult and your shield as often as possible. You can also poke very well at that time.

Now you continue with stacking some more AP, Res, Mres HP and more healing with the last 3 Items.
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As you can imagine this build is quite a thing.
I dont calculated the right numbers, but you have about:
2700 HP
700 AP
45% CDR
40% CDR (Flash&TP)
Infinity Mana
150 Amor
190 Mres

So you are very tanky just by the stats and still have alot of AP. Fully geared your shield will Heal you for about 1000-1300 HP when you get attacked a few times, with a CD with less than 10 seconds.
In fact you can heal yourself on the Base-Towers while your shield is active for about 30-40% of your HP (because the attacks are so fast and your heal is so strong).

I played this very often and made the expirience that you nearly cannot die anymore, even when 3 ppl attack you, just just stand there, attack them with q+e and heal yourself with w and wait till q-e are ready again.

Over all this makes Galio insanly strong, because he can:
poke (AOE) with good damage
slow enemies
speed allies
is very Tanky
can heal himself in a teamfight (and nearly cannot die)
can shield an ally to reduce the damage on the fokused target (like our adc ;) )
and finally he has a great Ult that taunts and deals tons of damage.

I would like to hear your comments after your tried this build.

(right now i only play at gold because i just started playing recently after a looong break) but last season in worked on Diamond too and with the new masteries it got even better.)

Good luck and have fun
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Nihilius
Nihilius Galio Guide
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Galio - Short Guide to Carry easily

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