Akali is an easy opponent for Gangplank Pre-Level 6.
Her early game is weak, and you can take good advantage of this by zoning her out with Parrrley, and she won't be able to get last hits on minions.
If you can deny her early game, you will have an easy lane.
Stay away from Akali when Twilight Shroud is used. Wait until it wears off as she will try to get hits on you when she's inside it.
Twilight Shroud is also her only was of escaping a gank, when it is on cooldown, a gank on her is easy.
Cho'Gath is a very small threat Gangplank until he is level 6 when he has Feast.
Rupture is a good way for Cho'Gath for set up ganks, an indicator appears for his ability, be sure to dodge it fast.
Harass Cho'Gath early when he's at his weakest, this will prevent him from getting his health back through Carnivore.
Try to fake-charge Cho'Gath and force Rupture, it is expensive, and will deplete his mana.
His Feral Scream is no problem.
Quick kill but watch out for her arrows
Nunu & Willump
Easy kill when paired up with ashe for sure!
He can harass just as well as you with his Decimate ability. Fortunately your Parrrley has more range, take advantage of this!
Once he is level 3, he can deal bad damage to you, using Apprehend to pull you in, Crippling Strike to slow, then wait for you to get some distance before using Decimate.
WARNING: At level 6 Darius is extremely dangerous, because he now has Noxian Guillotine. Do not duel him, fight from a distance with Parrrley, because he can deal 100% more damage with Noxian Guillotine when he has 5 stacks of Hemorrhage on you.
A gank is highly recommended on Darius, especially Pre-Level 6.
A powerful duelist, just like Gangplank.
Keeping your distance will prevent her from stacking Duelist on you, but only for the first 2 levels.
Parrrley harass Fiora early so she doesn't go offensive on you, just make sure to not overextend if you haven't warded river.
At level 6 she will become deadly with Blade Waltz, since you can't target her during this time. Make sure you have a clear advantage.
His early game doesn't compare to yours, Parrrley harass him away from getting CS.
He will burn his mana faster than you if he has to use Playful / Trickster to get away.
At level 6, watch out for Chum the Waters as it's a strong ganking ability, but can be dodged. Flash if you must.
He can also prevent himself from getting ganked well with Playful / Trickster, Chum the Waters combo if he has it.
Garen has insane early game damage if he can hit you with it.
Garen can close the distance between you with Decisive Strike.
Stay as far away as you can, and wait until you level up Parrrley to rank 3 before even attempting to harass him, otherwise you will burn your mana.
Perseverance will really get on your nerves if you allow him to camp the bushes. DO NOT face-check the bush.
Will make you cry with Demacian Justice if you have low health.
Highly recommend getting a gank on him before level 6.
Hecarim is not considerably dangerous to Gangplank.
Parrrley harass is easy on him since he needs to run at you to hurt you.
He can sustain with Spirit of Dread, but he needs to be near your minions to do this. Zoning him can easily prevent this.
His gank potential is weak until level 6 when he gets Onslaught of Shadows. It can fear you in the direction he desires then use Devastating Charge, leading right into a gank.
Irelia's early game is not as strong as yours, but she will get much stronger Post-Level 6, so take advantage of the first few levels to deny her as best you can.
She is able to sustain with Hiten Style but only if she can hit something, throw a Parrrley her way and try to scare her off.
She has strong gank potential with Equilibrium Strike, so don't over-extend your lane if you are unaware of their jungler's location.
Jarvan IV
A good Jarvan IV can really mess you up.
He has a strong gap closer combo, by placing Demacian Standard in your path, then using Dragon Strike to go to it, knocking you up.
Move around a lot and keep your distance, try to force him to waste mana since his abilities cost a lot. Then he will be pretty useless.
Tough ganker with Demacian Standard, Dragon Strike, Cataclysm. Don't let him catch you with Flash on cooldown.
The first few levels against Jax are fairly easy, so take this chance to harass him in lane, so he can't farm effectively.
Don't attack him when he uses Counter Strike as he deals more damage the more times he dodges.
Generally Jax will use Empower before he Leap Strikes over to you, start backing away so he wastes his mana if you can.
Jax is a strong 1v1 duelist, and the fight goes in his favor the longer it lasts, bring him down without ever properly fighting him.
If you can, call for an early gank on Jax, after that it will be easy for you.
Jayce has a good, if not better early game than you due to his range from To the Skies! / Shock Blast. He can also use it to close the gap between you and him.
To the Skies! / Shock Blast is a skill-shot ability, and can hit minions, which means you can use your minions to block it from a distance. Be aware that the damage has a small radius, and doesn't hurt only one target.
Jayce can use Thundering Blow / Acceleration Gate to deal nasty damage to you and knock you back, or to gain an increase in movement speed and he can fire To the Skies! / Shock Blast to give increased range and damage. It is also a great escape mechanism.
Jayce is a very combo heavy champion, although he is not reliant on it, messing up his combos can help you to beat him.
He is able to set up very effective ganks with his abilities, and you must be careful of this.
Kayle is a bit of a challenge for Gangplank.
She can harass you with pretty easily with Reckoning and Righteous Fury.
Harass Kayle early with Parrrley, but keep your distance so she can't stack Holy Fervor.
You have time to start backing off when she casts Reckoning, since it travels at an average speed, you can also just eat oranges to remove the slow.
At level 6, she can be tough to gank. Force her to use Intervention by calling your jungler, then keep her zoned out.
Because he is an assassin, you need to be careful of his burst potential, as it can catch you off guard very fast.
If their jungler has any hard CC or initiations, you'll be in a bad spot if your Flash is down.
His Void Spike can be blocked with your minions, it has a small radius on explosion so don't be too close.
Kha'Zix can make use of the brush for his Unseen Threat . This will deal extra damage to you, so avoid being hit with it if you can.
Don't get caught out alone, Taste Their Fear does bonus damage to isolated targets.
Kennen's main source of harass is his Thundering Shuriken, so make sure to not get hit by it.
Thundering Shuriken out-ranges your Parrrley, but when he uses it, go in and hit him with Parrrley.
He becomes a pain to harass once he's level 3, since he can Lightning Rush everywhere, and deal some decent damage to you in one go.
Hurt him as much as you can in the first few levels. Make him scared to approach you.
Lee Sin
Lee Sin is a very strategic champion, and a good one can give you a hard time.
He uses energy, not mana, which means he can use his abilities quickly without worrying too much about it.
His combos are what make him so dangerous: Try to dodge his Sonic Wave, you can use your minions as a wall to block it. He can use Sonic Wave together with Tempest to harass you, then Safeguard back to a minion before you can damage him properly.
He has the potential to kill you at level 3 once he has all of his abilities, take care of this, and don't let him poke your health down. He can charge in at any time.
His ganks are strong, so do not overextend. Call your jungler for a gank if he is overpowering you.
Malphite. One of those guys who will attempt to tank your harass.
His early game is your only shot at a kill, so if you're going to, Parrrley him until his face is in the ground. If that didn't work, call your jungler to help make it happen.
Make sure you get damage on Malphite before 10 seconds as his Granite Shield will refresh on him.
His only way to help in a gank is at level 6 when he has Unstoppable Force, if he uses Seismic Shard just eat an orange and everything is k.
The problem is that he will become near unkillable later on for you since he is naturally Anti-AD.
Maokai becomes more of a threat once he has all of his abilities.
Try to zone him out, this will also make him use Sapling Toss, retreat to your minions, then continue pressing the attack on Maokai with Parrrley.
He can help a gank by using Twisted Advance, which will root you in place.
Move out of Vengeful Maelstrom, deal no damage to him as it will make his Vengeful Maelstrom do more damage.
Master Yi
Master Yi will have to use all of his mana to try and keep up with you in terms of harass, his Alpha Strike has a higher cooldown, and costs more mana.
Zone him from getting CS, Master Yi is very item dependant. If he can't get sufficient farm, he will become easy.
It is hard to push his turret because of Meditate, and he can easily use it if you try to dive him.
None of his abilities can help in a gank, but he can stay on you with Alpha Strike and Highlander.
Mordekaiser is someone you don't want to let get farm. He will get stronger as the game progresses.
Your best option is to harass him a lot with Parrrley in the first few levels when his shield is almost useless and he doesn't do much damage.
Shut down Mordekaiser early before he has a chance to become stronger.
Once he is level 6, be wary of his ulti, because now he can suddenly burst you down even if you are doing better.
Do not stand at your minions, it just shouts "Hit me" because he will Siphon of Destruction you and all of the minions, giving him shield.
Deny his early farm with anything you can. Just don't get yourself killed.
His early game compared to Gangplank is easy.
If you want to take out Nasus, do it early on..
He needs to feed his Siphoning Strike to become strong, deny him this opportunity.
He will naturally become stronger the longer the match goes for, but only if he is given the freedom to feed Siphoning Strike.
His Wither isn't a problem since you can eat oranges.
Easy to harass early game for Gangplank.
Stay behind your minions, and he can't use Dredge Line to close the distance between you.
Don't Parrrley him when he has Titan's Wrath up, you will waste your mana damaging his shield.
He can set up ganks well, in a worst case scenario, he hits you with Dredge Line, then uses Depth Charge to knock you up, and Riptide when you come back down to slow you.
If you get hit only by Riptide, you can just eat an orange and continue.
Nidalee is a tough opponent for Gangplank.
She can out-range you and out-damage you with her Javelin Toss / Takedown therefore you will have an extremely hard time getting close to her to harass.
You will need to be on the move all the time, so as not to get hit by her Javelin Toss / Takedown, after she has used it, you have a window of opportunity to attack her freely.
Olaf is potentially dangerous because of Berserker Rage
Try to dodge his Undertow, since it uses up his mana. The closer he is to you the easier it will be for him to hit you with it.
His Vicious Strikes can give him a lot of sustain in lane, but he needs to hit minions to heal, which means he has to push your lane. This will give a good opportunity for a gank.
Be careful of his Reckless Swing as it can do Tons of True Damage if Olaf has been maxing this out at level 5.
Any form of CC is useless on him when Ragnarok is up, try to force him to use it so he can't prevent himself from getting ganked.
Be careful against Olaf and keep your distance. He can pump out some sick damage in a very short time-frame.
Pantheon is a hard champion for Gangplank.
His passive Aegis Protection will nom nom on your Parrrley therefore it is very hard to harass him.
He has strong burst by using Spear Shot, Aegis of Zeonia, Heartseeker Strike and another Spear Shot in one series of attacks, this has the potential to kill you if your health is not above 50%
Either go all-in or play passively, and stay away from his Spear Shot harass
Trying to harass Pantheon is a wasted effort, and will leave you at a disadvantage.
Difficult to kill without a gank.
Poppy can be easy, or if it is a good one, can be a challenge for Gangplank.
Her passive Valiant Fighter makes Poppy much harder to kill when her health is low. It will make your Parrrley deal a lot less damage.
Poppy has a hard time farming because she needs to auto attack them, and using her abilities will deplete her mana.
Parrrley harass Poppy early, so she can't get CS, but keep your distance.
At level 6, Poppy can turn around a fight with Diplomatic Immunity, don't approach her if your aren't confident you can kill her quicker.
Poppy will become stronger as the match goes on if given the chance to farm or get kills.
Poppy can stun you with Heroic Charge if you hit terrain, try to have good positioning to prevent this.
Renekton is quite a mobile melee champion because of his Slice and Dice.
Unfortunately for Renekton he doesn't scale as well into late game unless he can get early kills. Which means you can easily farm against him.
Be careful not to die to him early on.
Rengar can deal a lot of damage at level 1 if he gets his ferocity up. Take care against this.
Stay away from the brush when Rengar is inside it, so he cannot leap to you. Once he is on you, he can deal brutal damage and he also gets a free Ferocity Point from Unseen Predator.
Treat Rengar like Jax, except never fully engage him in a fight. Save Remove Scurvy for his Bola Strike as this can severely hinder your movement.
A gank is very high priority against Rengar.
Just like you, Riven has a strong early game and deadly if she snowballs.
When attempting to harass Riven, make sure her Valor is not up if possible.
Valor is also a gap closer, and she will use this with Ki Burst and Broken Wings to combo you, so try to keep your distance from Riven.
Riven is tough to gank, so wait for her to over-extend her welcome.
Rumble gets stronger the longer the game goes for.
The first few levels are when you need to get at him as much as you can.
Weakening him early will allow you to zone him. He needs 50+ heat to be strong, without it he is an easy target for you.
Parrrley harass when you can, but make sure his Scrap Shield isn't up when you do.
Deny him from getting his Heat up. Otherwise you will start to see what makes Rumble strong.
Early game will be easy for Gangplank.
Parrrley harass Sejuani a lot, and she won't be able to CS.
Sejuani needs to be near you to attack, she can charge with Arctic Assault. Move around a lot.
At level 6, Sejuani can set up a good gank with Glacial Prison, which can stun you for 2 seconds, all you need to do is eat an orange, and the problem is gone.
Sejuani is naturally a tank, so it will be harder to kill her later on, make use of your early game advantage.
Talon is fairly easy for Gangplank.
Harass him with Parrrley a lot, and force him to back off. Parrrley again when he attempts to use Rake to last hit.
Talon has no CC for ganks, but he can deal a lot of damage in one combo with Cutthroat, Noxian Diplomacy, Rake.
Deny him early game, and you shouldn't have any trouble.
Trundle is easy for Gangplank.
Harass him early with Parrrley to deny him CS.
If he uses Frozen Domain, stay out of the area until it disappears. It will also waste his mana.
At level 6 Trundle can use Subjugate on you, it is best to avoid him and wait until the debuff is over.
He can help slightly in a gank with good Pillar of Ice placement. Check your own positioning.
Believe me when I say this, Tryndamere isn't hard lol.
His early game against Gangplank's early game is just funny. You can Parrrley harass him straight off the bat, and he can't do anything about it except run the other way. This will deny him last hits, therefore you will have an easy time getting farm.
To all you people who say Undying Rage is OP, this is how you counter it with Gangplank: He will usually do it on the lowest possible health, so just before he hits 0, just pop Raise Morale and enjoy kiting Tryndamere.
If he uses Mocking Shout, eat an orange and everything is k.
Another one I find hilarious, is using Exhaust when he uses his Ulti.
In all seriousness, do not face-check a Tryndamere, do not dive his turret when his ulti is up.
If his ulti is up and you're at your turret with ~10% health, he will kill you, period.
Vladimir's early game isn't as strong as Gangplank.
Harass Vladimir early when his Transfusion has a high cooldown.
Deny him early farm and you should have an easy time against him.
Forcing Vladimir to use Sanguine Pool will make him stay away.
At level 6 he can deal a lot more damage from Hemoplague, you can try to dodge it, or after he uses it, retreat, then come back.
Shen is manageable if you go balls on him.
You will waste your mana trying to harass him with Parrrley, he can just use Feint to soak up your damage.
Do no over-extend either, as he can use Shadow Dash to pull you into an easy gank. Try to keep your distance from him.
If you wait too long, you won't be able to kill Shen by yourself.
Singed is relatively easy for Gangplank early game.
Harass him a lot with Parrrley. He can't hurt you with his poison because you can damage him from a distance.
Singed is hard to chase because of Mega Adhesive, and he will leave Poison Trail around you to deal damage.
Deny him farm for as long as possible, as you probably won't be able to kill him.
Singed will become very hard to kill later, so don't focus him or chase him.
Sion is quite tough for Gangplank.
Don't use Parrrley on him when Soul Furnace is up. Stay out of range of it, because it will deal damage in a short radius around Sion.
His abilities cost a lot of mana, and he can expend it fast if you bully him.
Be careful of his Decimating Smash as it doesn't take that long to charge and has a big range.
Watch out for Unstoppable Onslaught because it is deadly but can be avoided.
If possible, get away from him when Glory in Death activates because it's scary.
Teemo can be a real pain if not handled properly.
You need to harass him hard early game, or just straight up kill him.
The fact that he is a ranged champion will make it harder for you if he is left to farm items for himself.
Be careful that he doesn't kite you into his Noxious Trap.
Call for a gank on Teemo if he starts becoming too much for you to handle.
Fortunately you can eat oranges to remove the poison from Toxic Shot and the Blind from Blinding Dart. Oranges OP.
A good Udyr can give you a really hard time in lane.
If he has full stacks of Monkey's Agility try to keep your distance.
He can cause ganks with his Bear Stance stunning you in place for 1 second.
AND prevent ganks using Bear Stance to run away or to stun you THEN run away. If that's not enough Udyr will then swap to Turtle Stance to soak up damage.
Call for a gank on this guy, or he can become a problem for you, and for everyone else later on.
Vi is very strong, and has very high gank potential.
Although she is more commonly seen in the jungle now, she is just as strong in top lane.
She has the 2nd longest initiation in the game with Vault Breaker+ Flash+ Assault and Battery. (Gogo Jarvan IV)
If she gets close enough, Vi can deal a lot of damage in a short time with her combo.
Gank is high priority.
Volibear has a reasonably strong early game.
Parrrley harass him early and keep your distance, he won't be able to reach you to do anything.
Forcing his passive Chosen of the Storm will make him more afraid of harass, since he can't quickly get the health back.
Volibear is an exceptional turret hugger, and can set up ganks effectively with Rolling Thunder, watch out for this.
Be careful of Frenzy as the damage it deals is increased by 1% for every 1% of the target's missing health.
Stay out of range and use Parrrley when Volibear has Thunder Claws active, he needs to hit you for it to be of any benefit.
Warwick has a weaker early game than Gangplank.
Warwick can sustain really well with Hungering Strike.
Before Warwick has a few ranks on Hungering Strike he can't trade damage well. Use this to your advantage and deny Warwick early on.
Infinite Duress can be removed by eating an orange yay.
Once he builds enough attack speed and life steal, Warwick can largely sustain himself simply by attacking. Parrrley him and keep your distance for as long as possible.
Wukong is a tough opponent to face because of his burst combo.
Nimbus Strike is a strong gap closer, and often he will use his Decoy afterwards. So if he does charge you, quickly Parrrley then run out.
He can be harassed fairly easily for the first few levels, make use of this opportunity.
Don't make yourself look obvious when you go to Parrrley him as he will just Decoy then use Nimbus Strike and hurt you.
Lucky for you, if Wukong tries to harass you it will cost him a lot of mana.
Pretending to attack him with Parrrley then backing off may make him use Decoy, which will waste his mana.
Xin Zhao
Xin Zhao thrives from a strong early game, which usually results in an early kill, or First Blood.
His Battle Cry can have him sustain very well, but he would have to push your lane to get his health back, which can leave him open for a gank.
Xin Zhao can separate you or your allies from the team when he uses Crescent Sweep because of Challenge. Be careful of this.
Getting an early gank on Xin Zhao is much easier before he gets his ult.
Xin Zhao can unload quite a bit of damage on you if given the chance, don't let your guard down.
Yorick becomes stronger as he levels.
His early game is weaker than Gangplank, deny Yorick early if possible.
At level 6 be careful of his Omen of Death. It is better in most cases to kill the Revenant first instead of the champion that was targeted by it because the Revenant is weaker. If he targeted himself, make sure you can survive getting the kill.
If you are having trouble, call for your jungler to come gank.
I am making my first guide more as a starter and from seeing this on many sites and also hearing from it from friends and more so I have done research.
I have only recently tried out gang plank a few times since I started and already like him tones because of the damage he can do. Even before the minions spawned I had both people in my lane killed or at least one of the two.
I was playing on beginner mode for this and as a beginner myself to the game, most of the time I don't start off with the guides and mess around figuring stuff out on my own up until I make my mastery and runes.
In my first match I did not do the best because I was new to Gangplank and did not know much about the other characters, but on my second try I got over 16 kills 0 deaths and 14 assists because some people started to take my kills last moment, or I gave them the kills.
So I know im a beginner and not the best but this got me through and I would at least like to share it with you guys in hopes it does help some people, so good luck :D
Pros and Cons of Gangplank
Pros and Cons of Gangplank
Each champion has pros and cons, not one is perfect even if people say they are, why? because no one is perfect and there is always at least one con to a character.
1) well first of all hes a pirate and who does not like pirates? "I wonder if he to carries around a jar of dirt?"
2) He can go against most of the top lane bots effectively
3) Large damage from mid to late game
4) he can be strong from the beginning of the game if you use him correctly
5) Immune to crowd control, also know as CC because of his Remove Scurrvey (W)
6) can deal good to great amount of damage from even far away
7) Cannon Barrage can be used for long ranged farming instead of a speed slower
1) Mana can be used up quickly if you use main attack to much
2) There is very little method of escape when Remove Scurvey is on cool down
3) Can be a tad weak if focused down to early
4) Sometimes (not all the time) needs to rely on team to follow up in late game
There are many more pros and cons and depending on the person they dont see all the cons or pros and like or dislike the character in the end
About Gangplank and his attacks
About Gangplank and his attacks
Gang plank is under the category "fighter" and his secondary attribute is a "support" and is one of the better characters you can play, but if you are playing along side him be ready to lose most of your kills.
Here are his attacks and a bit about them (you could also view them in league window where you buy the characters if you wan't to see the videos)
1) Grog-soaked blade (passive ability)- Gangplanks basic attacks and parrrley applies a poison that deals magic damage each second and slows moment speed, lasts 3 seconds and can stack up to 3 times
2) Parrrley (Q)- Gangplank takes aim and shoots and enemy unit with his pistol, if parrrley deals the killing blow he gains extra gold and gains half the mana back that the attack costed.
3) Remove Scurvy (W) - Consumes a large quantity of citrus fruit which clears any crowd control effects and heals him.
4) Raise morale (E) - Gangplank fires a shot into the air, increasing near by allied companions attack damage and movement speed
5) Cannon barrage (R) - Gangplank signals his ship to fire upon an area, slowing enemies and dealing damage within the area
More about his attacks
More about his attacks
This is just a bit of extra information about his attacks that show Mana costm DMG, cooldowns, gold and others
Range: Global Cooldown: 120 / 110 / 95 Cost: 100 Mana Magic Damage Per Second: 75 / 120 / 165 (+ 20% AP)
Ability Sequence
Ability Sequence
My ability sequence is different from my friends and other peoples because I found what works best for me when I can, honestly I would say it is best to mess around on your own choose what you wan't when you wan't it, but I will tell you mine if you want to test it.
So first things first is you always have a passive which you should use as much as possible and not waste mana unless you are using it on a bot, dont waste it on the minions honestly because when that bot comes at you, you want to have your mana up and ready.
1) Parrrley (Q) - You can use this shot whenever you please on bots, it brings down their health pretty quick and bad be shot from far enough away if they are running. Using your passive and that once or twice when they are close usually gets them down to half or less, then when they are running you use it again.
2) Remove Scurvey (W) - You can use this whenever you please, I used it for more of health then anything when I was coming close to dieing and ran away. But you can also use it in order to get rid of crowd effects which may help you enough, just try not to waste it cause it might just cost you.
3) Raise Morale (E) - Honestly myself I barley use this if not at all, I just kind of add it in when I don't have anything left to choose. Most people say you need it at certain places but honestly just add it in where you see fit and it helps you.
4) Cannon barrage (R) - Buy this the minute you can get it cause it does come in handy when you have more then one person after you or need to slow down people fast. I used it when they where getting away or if I needed to slow down multiple bots in order to get away safely without dieing
Really you need to figure out what plays best for you in the end and what you want to put your points into when it pops up, I tend to max out Q and W first and add onto R when I am able (2 times by the time im level 15 or so). A lot of people use E which is ok but as of now myself I only put it in when I have to
Items to buy
Items to buy
The first item you want to buy is the free trinket cause it can come in handy either by putting it so you can see people in the bushes or to lure bots out of the tower circle. By lure out I mean you put it far enough away from the tower the bots sometimes come out just to attack it giving you a chance to kill them if you are quick enough.
You also want to buy one of the smaller items that lead up to the trinity force you can use one item until you have enough to buy the Trinity force or but the smaller ones that lead up so some of the medium ones. If you purchase one to two of the medium items you usually have enough by the third time you come back to buy the Trinity force because it lowered so much in price due to you buying.
the rest of the items after the Trinity force are totally up to you I think because many people still buy bigger version of items and more. I decided to buy two Trinity forces, one Zeal and then other stuff for mana cause I seemed to lose it fast enough as I went along.
So all in all messing around with items and figuring out which set is right for you is the best and attempting people suggestions as you go along, just make sure to have atleast one Trinity force for sure.
Game play
Game play
Most people seem to always get mad when they play Gangplank on the bottom lane because apparently it is worse and blah blah blah if you are playing bottom lane on Gangplank you are should just play a support, I honestly think these people are more wrong about it then anything and that Gangplank can play any lane he wants to but should stick top or bottom and leave mid to people like Ezreal
Now which ever lane you get just go with it but try to not get close to bots right away unless you know you can handle them, me I tend to take the risk and take bots on before the minions spawn and kill one or both off right away, but do not under estimate the beginner bots because they are not always predictable.
So for the first while I would suggest killing off as many minions as you can while getting your money up and level and only kill the bots when you know you have an opening if not you can be leading yourself to a swift death. While killing minions and bulding up money you should quickly have enough to buy a Trinity force, once you have that or a lot of sub items and are level 5 you should be able to kill bots swiftly.
So honestly in the end just go with whatever best suits you, heck if bottom lane is better for you then top lane call it in the champion select menu. Just do what you find is the best in the end.
Making your rune page is always a thing that people need to do to get that little extra bit off stuff they need, with runes it usually takes a bit of messing around with to find just the right stuff for your character and I would suggest trying out stuff to see what best fits you
But if I where to suggest anything it would have to do with a lot of attack damage, health and either magic resist or mana.
Character difficulty
Character difficulty
I took the information from another person on this site ( Xeronn ) thanks for that but only rated them as three sections Easy, medium and hard.
If you see any that you would like added please comment and I will add them to this !
This is the end!
This is the end!
First before I say goodbye, whenever you said "parley" did you say it in the accent that they had on the pirates of the Caribbean ? I know I did for sure!
Well I just wanted to thank you for reading this and I hope that it is at least the slightest bit helpful to you or a friend and if you have any questions you can comment and Ill try to help you with what it is. Also if you think something should be added onto here please dont be afraid to tell me, I need to improve at writing these kinds of things
-runs away yelling- "I got a jar of dirt I got a jar of dirt!"
Well that is all and I hope you guys the best of luck!
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