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Choose Champion Build:
Off Tank
Glass Cannon
Recommended Items
Ability Order
Trial By Fire (PASSIVE)
Gangplank Passive Ability
this guide is not finished yet

Fun to play
Strong early game
Have a ranged poke
Have a global ult
Can break out CC with
Remove Scurvy
Creeps gives you more gold when you are use
He is a godamn pirate !!! what do you need more than that???
Kinda bad mid game
His items are expensive
Mana hungry early
Kinda squishy
Counterd hard by armor
Fun to play
Strong early game
Have a ranged poke
Have a global ult
Can break out CC with

Creeps gives you more gold when you are use

He is a godamn pirate !!! what do you need more than that???
Kinda bad mid game
His items are expensive
Mana hungry early
Kinda squishy
Counterd hard by armor
God, I hate this guy...
Sadly, his early game is stronger than your's.
DO NOT POKE HIM, he is not worth the mana.
just farm with
Parrrley and call your jungle for help.
Well this guy have a strong early game too.
Like againts most matchups, farm a lot with
Parrrley untill you have enough money to get your
Blade of the Ruined King than u will take him down kinda easy
consider to get an early chain vest to minimize his early damage(build into
Iceborn Gauntlet)

God, I hate this guy...
Sadly, his early game is stronger than your's.
DO NOT POKE HIM, he is not worth the mana.
just farm with


Well this guy have a strong early game too.
Like againts most matchups, farm a lot with

consider to get an early chain vest to minimize his early damage(build into

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