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Recommended Items
Runes: Roaming
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10% Tenacity/Slow Resist
Ability Order Basic Abilities
Noxious Slipstream (PASSIVE)
Singed Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
he can swing through your goo, so just try to flank him in a way that blocks his swing. Also, in lane you will never reach him, and he wont allow you to farm so just roam.
singed has good synergy with every champ, just use your goo and fling to maximize cc time and either peel for or fling into your team mate depending on situations. do not rush fights, play for your fling cooldown, and aim to get 2 flings in a fight while spreading poison on as many people without dying instantly. Try to use your goo as a zoning tool.
singed has good synergy with every champ, just use your goo and fling to maximize cc time and either peel for or fling into your team mate depending on situations. do not rush fights, play for your fling cooldown, and aim to get 2 flings in a fight while spreading poison on as many people without dying instantly. Try to use your goo as a zoning tool.
Champion Build Guide

Most Recent Account:
sadge boy
piss dude

If you don't feel comfortable being so squishy, are new to Singed, or would like some Scaling Tanks Stats in your Rune Page these alternate secondaries are just for you.
For your little Adaptive Runes, I always recommend going AP and AP, then depending on the game you could take Health, Armour, or Magic Resist. In Mid Lane, I would always recommend taking the corresponding Tank Stat that counters your lane Opponent, via Armour for Zed or Magic Resist for Vex. This will just help you survive a bit more in lane, and will lead you to be higher HP for roams, and could net you a few more CS. In Top and JG it is def more of a feel thing. If you think you are able to sacrifice the Armour or MR for the Health then take it. Health is by far the best in terms of Gold Effiency, but that does not mean it is always the best, since it causes your early levels to be slightly weaker.
-If you have any questions or need clarifications for certain Runes, plz comment or DM, I will try my best to help!
These items are all Conditional and will finish your build as your 4th and/or 5th Items. If you feel like you need some Armour then go Frozen Heart its a very strong item that builds out of Warden's Mail, imo the strongest armour item for its cost. If you need some Magic Resist, go Abysal Mask, it works very well with Singed's Playstyle. Void Staff and Rabadons are definitely more for fun, but they can prove to be very useful if you try them out, you can quite literally Burn through the enemies HP Bars.
-This is it for the High Tempo AP Build I can clarify in comments or DM's if you have questions about anything, or how to maximize your playstyle with these items.
These Core Items are great for Scaling Singed, They allow you to be very impactful early with Damage and Tankiness, and they also scale into lane allowing you to be an AP Bruiser. First Item is always Demonic Embrace for the Health and AP. Second is Turbo Chemtank for the Tankiness and Movement Speed. You can finish your boots anytime between those two items, going either Steel Caps or Merc Treads.
Abyssal is great if you are playing into a team comp with AP damage, It synergizes very well with Singed. Essentially, Abyssal Mask Curses enemies who you are near you, and since you are a Melee Champion you are always near multiple enemies in a team fight. These Curses shread their Magic Resist allowing you and your team to do more Damage, and it also gives you bonus Magic Resist making this one of Singed's Strongest Items!
These Items are all very Conditional and will be your 4th and/or 5th Items. Fist of all, Thornmail, it has lost a lot of its lust since the changes to Singed's Passive, giving him Grievous Wounds. This makes it very Unefficient Gold Wise, since you are basically paying 2700 Gold for 20% Grievous Wounds and Basic Armour and Health Stats. I would only recommend if you already bought Frozen Heart and Randuins, but you still need some more Armour. Next is Dead Man's Plate, very similar to Thornmail, it is just not very Gold Efficient. Only buy it if you already have the 2 Main Armour items, and you need a 3rd Armour Item. Spirit Visage is similar to the Last 2 Armour Items I just Mentioned, it is just not as Gold Efficient or Valuable as Abyssal or Force of Nature. I would only recommend buying this if you already have Abyssal and need more MR, and you think you can justify it over Force of Nature, because you have Shielding/Healing Supports. The Last 2 items I recommend are Rylai's and Zhonyas. If you already have some tank items, and you would like some more AP in your build I recommend one of these.
-This is it for the Scaling Bruiser/Tank Build, I can clarify some item notes in DM's or comments if you are confused or you think I missed something.
(note: this is just my preference, ghost and tp are still very strong with singed)
This is the Typical Order to Level up your Abilities as Singed, but this doesnt mean it always has to be done this way. There are only 2 situations where I would recommend doing anything else; these being, Level 1 Invades or to Shove a Wave in order to base faster.
-If you have any other questions plz DM or comment I would love to clarify or give more details!
With recent changes to Conqueror and the Meta being where it is, it has effectively made the Rune Predator the embodiment of Singed's Season 12 Playstyle. Basically, Singed is not a champion unless you have Predator and your Ultimate available to use. However, when he does have both of them up and Demonic Embrace is his inventory, he is Stronger than he has ever been!
Some might see this as a bad thing, but I see it as an opportunity to change the way that people percieve Singed and possibly inspire some new players to pick up Singed. Singed is no longer the Confusing, Constant Proxying, Probably in Your Base, Rule #1 of League Guy, now Singed is the Omega Speedy, Early Game Demon, Constantly Roaming, Rarely Farming, Rule #1 of League Guy! However Singed still can be that old version if you so desire, but it just not as strong as it once was.
Now for my Explanation on how play to this new version of Singed, brace yourself it might get a bit Techinical. I will split it up into Jungling and Both Lanes.
Ok, Starting with the basics of playing Singed Mid; which, in my opinion, is his Strongest & and Easiest Lane (with some practice), this is because you have access the entire map, and you don't get Punished too hard for roaming. I recommend only aiming for 6-8 cs/min, getting anything higher than this means you are probably farming too much, and not fighting enough. The key to this pick is to Snowball and End games before you get outscaled.
-First I will cover Mage/Poke Matchups! Don't get discouraged when playing against Poke Heavy Mage/Range Matchups, it is natural to be down quite a bit of CS/min. I only manage to get about 5 CS/Min in most of these matchups for the first 5-8 Mins, but I find my way into the game by Setting up Ganks for my JG with my Goo and Pred and by Roaming Constantly! These Mages may have the upperhand in Laning and CS'ing, but they can't keep up with our Roams, especially with the new TP Nerfs incoming. Also, don't be looking for a Solokill in every game, some times they just aren't possible. (instead look for good roams) Now for CS'sing against these Pokers. Try to Look for free CS when your wave is pushing towards you, or after the Enemy uses a spell you have a small amount of time to get some CS without getting punished too hard. Try to look at it as Trading Health for CS, and finding ways to Min/Max the Profits.
-Now for Melee Assassins, these kind of matchups are very similar to the Basic Top Lane matchups, except for the fact you can actually win these quite hard. Play these the same way you would play a normal Top Bruiser Matchup, try to keep Wave Advantage by having a bigger wave and not letting them near it, and then trade with them after they Waste an Ability. You can find Solo Kills in most of these lanes, if you use your Goo and Fling Properly.(lock them in your wave and then block their escape)
-For Bans in this Lane I would recommend either Yone, Akshan, or Vladmir. Yone and Akshan are just a insanely OP at the moment, so this is why these are good bans. However, for Vladmir, he is a very strong counter to Singed. He will outlane you no matter what, cause he outranges you, is unaffected by your W, Goo, (he can pool while grounded making it impossible to gank him), and he outscales you.
Jungle Singed is my favorite way to play Singed and ,in my opinion, His 2nd Best Role, although I would say it is probably the hardest along with Top Lane. I only say it's the Hardest because his clear can take some getting used too, and I don't expect Singed Mains to be Junglers. If you are already a Jungler and are looking for a cool Off Meta but still very good Pick, I highly recommend Singed. He is very easy to Pickup and Master.
-Ok so for the basics, I would classify Singed as a very Gank Heavy Jungler, this is because his ganks are so easy and quite frankly Kinda OP. With Predator, Ghost, Ult, and his W, he Always has a tool available for ganking a lane. However, you can Maximize the efficiency here by only using one of these tools at a time. For example, there is no reason to ghost, if you have Pred or Ult Available, start with Predatoring in, if you feel like you need to Ult then just pop it. There is no way they are gonna escape you. If you do this , you will still have your Ghost available, allowing you the Option of Ganking another Lane right after.
-Now for his clear, I am only going to explain how to effienctly Kite your camps here, I will talk about the Clear Order in the next chapter. The first step for his clear is applying your Poison, while they are burning make sure to tie in Auto Attacks and Fling on Cooldown. You can use your Goo to kite your camps harder if necessary (I do this to kill gromp, red, or blue when I am low HP with no smite). When clearing your Raptors and Wolves there is no reason to Smite the big one (cause the little ones will still be there saving you no time). Just use your Poison, Fling and Autos on the big one, while the smaller ones die naturally to your Poison. Advanced tip, you can double clear your Gromp and Blue and your Raptors and Red, if you have the HP and you know where enemy JG is.
-When I play JG Singed I would recommend Banning Shaco. Some other good bans are Talon, Lee Sin, Kindred and Viego, because they always seem to get fed and can all Steamroll you if fed enough.
Now for Top Lane, the playstyle is a bit different from in the past (meaning less proxying and more roaming). This is due to the META and Singed's new Runes. Since we can't use Conqueror anymore + the META being where it is, it makes it very difficult for Singed to lane early. He gets punished for Existing near these META AD Bruisers.
-For Laning, the only tips I could give is play to their Cooldowns, meaning do not try Trading with them unless they just used a Significant Cooldown and you have a Bigger Wave. Without both of these advantages, you will Surely be outraded unless you are an expert of the Matchup. Also try to use your Fling and Goo in Creative ways to counter the Specific Enemy Champ. You can punish bad players by Goo Flinging them under your turret if they step up too far. Try to focus on CS'ing one minion at a time without Shoving your lane Mindlessly and giving them a free Freeze. If you haven't experienced being Froze on you are lucky. A single Freeze while your JG is on the opposite side of the map can you cause you to lose your entire lane. However, If you do find yourself in this Situation my only tip to you are these 3 things: ask for JG assistance (spam the **** out of him), look for a Roam and say **** your lane, or just Coin Flip it and go Proxy (xD). If you are new and unaware what proxying is, it is when you go behind the enemy turret and kill their wave before it gets to your lane. Singed is very good at this since he can use his Poison to kill it without taking much Damage to his HP Bar, also if the Top Laner tries to stop you it will probably cause his Lane to Unfreeze (worth the death).
-Roaming is a vital part of the New Singed Playstyle, even in Top Lane. When you have Down Time in Lane or you are waiting for you Wave to push back into you, look for a roam, this can be to Mid, Enemy or Ally JG to help get some kills and make use of your Predator Boots. Another useful Idea that most players won't expect is Roaming right to their Lane from Base. This means after you Back and spend your gold. Check for Opportunities to Roam straight from Spawn.
-In Top Lane, some good Bans are Fiora, GangPlank, and Darius.
*note* if you are interested in tips for specific matchups just leave a comment or DM me I will be sure to help! (if i get enough request I will make entire Chapter for matchups!)
A common Misconception about Singed JG is that his Clear is bad, in reality, it is not bad at all. I would go
as far as to say it is a Medium Difficulty Jg Clear.
-Ok now for the Secret Recipe, this being his First Clear. I have found the most Success with Solo Starting Raptors with Q. You do this by applying your Poison to all the of the Raptors, let the Small Ones die slowly to your Poison, while you Auto Attack the Momma Raptor to death, if done correctly they should all die at the same time. Next is Red Buff, apply your Poison and then Auto then Fling him away to cancel AA Animation. Then lead him to your krugs while you Punch and Poison him to Death. Next is Krugs, Similarly to Raptors, you just have to focus the Big One while the Smaller Krugs die to Poison. Smite the Large Krug execute and it gain back some HP, then just kill the rest with Poison and AA's. After this you can look for a gank either Either bot or Top, depending on which side of the map you are on, Red or Blue. Don't force it though, because you need to reset for boots, then look to your Blue Buff side. I prefer to Run to river and kill Scuttle before starting Blue Side Clear, also you can look for a Gank. Next, when you are done messing around in River and Perhaps Ganking it's time for your Blue Side. I will start Blue Buff and kill it the same way you killed Red, but just kite it to Gromp instead. Gromp is next, simple camp, you get the jist by now. Your final camp is Wolves, use the same Technique as on Raptors to kill this camp (focus the big one let small ones die to poison). After this it is Smooth Sailing with your clear.
-If I missed anything or you have questions Plz Let me know through DM's or Comments I would love to help!
Note: if you really enjoy Jungling and have a desire for some Professional Coaching I can help you with that, I will link my Discord down below, SadgeBoy Services! I hope you give me a Chance, I would love to help, and I have very Flexible Pricing, Because I enjoy Doing it!
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