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About the champion: This guide is about Gnar, the newest LoL champion. His main role is a Top lane figher and he excels at many things as melting tanks with his w, farming due to his range , poke, escape etc..
Doran's Blade This is the normal start and you may also pick up 2 Dorans for the early sustain. Rarely you might want to start with Doran's Shield versus hard lanes.
Trinity Force Core item since it gives everything for Gnar, movement speed to chase down or kite easier, Sheen proc it is really usefull since you have spammable boomerang. It also has some stats Gnar doesn't need like Zeal crit and Sheen manas.
Blade of the Ruined King] Also main core item, its passive works really well with Hyper and the active steals 10% total hp and also slows
Trinity Force Core item since it gives everything for Gnar, movement speed to chase down or kite easier, Sheen proc it is really usefull since you have spammable boomerang. It also has some stats Gnar doesn't need like Zeal crit and Sheen manas.
Blade of the Ruined King] Also main core item, its passive works really well with Hyper and the active steals 10% total hp and also slows
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