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Recommended Items
Ability Order
King's Tribute (PASSIVE)
Trundle Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Honestly not sure if I've encountered a Teemo. Have fun testing this.
The Laning Phase
This barnacle, my gents and fem-gents, is Trundle.
Get to lane. Ignore the enemy laner. If they try to start something, sit them down and tell them a story. The story will end in your favor.
In all seriousness, this build will outsustain almost every top laner, including Aatrox (but who plays him, honestly?). Just survive until you have 1050 gold, and then go and buy yourself something pretty, like a sheen. The sheen is a good power-spike in Trundle's laning phase.
Once you get your sheen all prettied up, it's time to go 2v1. You're minding your own business farming and all, then you notice the enemy laner aggro onto you. You are certain that the enemy jungler is near since you already showed your dominance in lane with that story you told them earlier. This is your time to shine. The second the enemy Jungler comes onto your screen, pillar that boi back into his base. Chomp the ever-living **** out of your laner. Once the Jungler is closer, ult them. This will allow you to fight them after you've killed your laner. Once you turn your focus to them, this is where your Warlord's and handy dandy Doran's Blade comes in handy, alongside your percent lifesteal quints. Fight that kid like you're talkign to a squeaker on Xbox Live. You should most likely win this 2v1 ordeal if you aren't hard CC'd by anything. Time to back for the next op item.
This item has insane stats in the early game. You'll be getting a total of 21% lifesteal (if you check your stats) after this purchase. At this point, the only thing that can kill you is a turret dive onto them or Grievous Wounds (sometimes GW won't even do anything to inhibit your healing effectively). The rest of the game from here on out is up to you on not making mistakes. Your ult will come in handy quite a bit when fighting.
You're probably already aware of what Trundle's ultimate does, how it works and the insane healing it can give, and I'll respect that you know this. But, make sure that you ult the tankiest person on their team. This will allow those insane 1k instant heals and then the 200 per second afterwards. Your mitigation stats will skyrocket and you'll be tanky without building much tank.
I've taken this into ranked alongside the meta Trundle build. You know the one, taking grasp and corrupting pot and all. This actually outdoes that build by miles (kilometers for my foreign friends). Not only will you be a very tanky, hazardous champion to play against, you'll be able to out damage almost anyone that you encounter, as well as outheal them. Your raw AD increase from your Q make your future Qs heal for a good amount. During lane, you'll actually see healing numbers pop up from your Q buffed Qs.
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