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You can beat him 1v1 only on lvl1 all-in. After you lose every 1v1 because you won't be able to use R3 before his R. You can't do anything when he Q-W you.
You just can't lane vs him.
Rush Bramble Vest, don't let her poke you down with Qs. Jungle help should win you lane. When she hit 3 items you probably won't be able to 1v1 her.
She outscales you on 2 items spike, have fun with this creature on lvl16.
You gonna have bad time trying to farm or 1v1 him.
Even if he is gonna be 0/5 but still he get the 2 items powerspike and just kill you on his empQ-R cc chain by dealing three types of damage. Buy bramble vest.
You can 1v1 her before her 6 but after just try to dodge her R2 and hit your own R so you maybe win 1v1.
You can win lvl1 all-in if you pick Ignite and duel runes but overall you must count on his mistake or jungle help to kill him.
You can't 1v1 him but you do better in teamfights.
Don't let him poke you, you should be able to 1v1 him in his mega form if he don't cc chain you with R-W. Best thing you can't do is freeze and get gank when he is about to get mega form.
Just don't get perma freezed by this creature and you maybe won't fall so behind in gold that she's gonna easily dive you under turret. If you are on same level on gold you should be able to kill her if you have some healing reduction and hit every stack of R. Bramble Vest may be good option to build on start.
Rush Seeker's Armguard. Don't let him poke you down and count on jungle's help.
Freeze lane and don't lane vs kitty without any Steelcaps or Seeker's Armguard. You should be able to 1v1 him on lvl1.
Everytime you try 1v1 him, he's gonna runaway.
Everytime you try to approach her she just E-aa to run away, and she will poke you very hard everytime your W is down.
He outsustain you on lane and you can't 1v1 him if you won't poke him down enough with E-Q. Bramble Vest may be good in this match up.
Don't let him use empowered Q on you. You can 1v1 him if he is without W or on lvl1. Ignite is good in this match up.
He's gonna most likely outheal you in 1v1 so never fight with him without ignite or heal reduction item.
You can win early 1v1s but when he hit 6 he just Q-E and R you and you can't do anything about this other than just freezing.
Probably immortal in laning phase. But if he won't stack up lot of Magic Resists you should kill him in teamfights.
You can 1v1 her on lvl 1 but after before 2 items spike you won't be able to 1v1 her, your W does nearly nothing in this match up basically. Freeze lane.
Don't let him poke you and buy Doran Shield. You can 1v1 him if you aren't on low heath points amount.
Build Armguard Seekers first.
Don't 1v1 him if he isn't overheated and don't let him poke you.
Trade with him when he's W down.
Don't let him poke you up too much and start with Doran Shield and Second Wind to survive the lane, you have better splitpush and teamfighting potential.
Dodge E and rush Seeker's Armguard. You may be able to outheal his damage in 1v1 with R. Freeze and set up a gank.
Dr. Mundo
Mundo probably gonna just run away everytime you try to 1v1 him, don't let him poke you down with cleavers and build Oblivion Orb.
You can 1v1 him on lvl1, rush Seeker's Armguard and fight with him only if you have R.
Just play under turret and wait for his R dive, you most likely gonna kill him under turret by outhealing him with your R.
Ivern works well with Gwen due to utility he provides.
True damage empower and a lot of hard cc works really good with Gwen in teamfights.
He's R makes you able to get into proper positioning carries.
Nunu & Willump
Nunu's work well with Gwen. Lets you to access enemy and empowers your attacks.
Gwen stacks Sejuani's E stacks really fast and Sejuani gives great opportunity for Gwen to follow
Yuumi's heals and AP that he provides makes you a monster in teamfights.
Leona R lets you get to enemy backlane and her hard cc works well with Gwen that don't have any.
Probably you would be able to kill with him every taunted enemy on 2 items spike.
Rell is great for enganging for Gwen to follow.
She lets you to get to enemy's frontlane and your R synergizes good with her R.
Galio can set up good teamfight for you.
Blackshield makes you unstopabble snip snip mashine but still you aren't immortal.
You can easily land you R on enemies hit by his R.
Ivern works well with Gwen due to utility he provides.
True damage empower and a lot of hard cc works really good with Gwen in teamfights.
He's R makes you able to get into proper positioning carries.
Nunu & Willump
Nunu's work well with Gwen. Lets you to access enemy and empowers your attacks.
Gwen stacks Sejuani's E stacks really fast and Sejuani gives great opportunity for Gwen to follow
Yuumi's heals and AP that he provides makes you a monster in teamfights.
Leona R lets you get to enemy backlane and her hard cc works well with Gwen that don't have any.
Probably you would be able to kill with him every taunted enemy on 2 items spike.
Rell is great for enganging for Gwen to follow.
She lets you to get to enemy's frontlane and your R synergizes good with her R.
Galio can set up good teamfight for you.
Blackshield makes you unstopabble snip snip mashine but still you aren't immortal.
You can easily land you R on enemies hit by his R.
Gwen works as something between Kayle and Viego. Gwen scales with items due to her AP scalings, but she can also 1v1 before 2 items spike in specific situations. Gwen is designed to follow engages and to fight on rivers or in jungle teamfights, but she's not bad in splitpushing. Gwen is really bad when she has noone to follow so look in draft for champions with engage tools like a Rammus or Amumu that synergizes well with her kit.
Gwen don't have many combos and you can cast everything at almost same times.
E ⇒ Q /Poking on lane combo
E ⇒ R ⇒ Q /Throwing everything at enemy at almost same time
W ⇒ E ⇒ R /Follow
E ⇒ W ⇒ R1 ⇒ Q ⇒ R2 ⇒ E ⇒ R3 /Default Gwen teamfight combo, attack enemy before throwing Q to empower it
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