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Furthermore this build is experimental and is still not purposed for people who like dishing out tons of damage and still being able to cover tanking roles. It is a very expensive build and requires that you buy Philosopher's Stone as fast as possible.
For reference:
[+] Insane ultimate [+] Extreme sustain [+] Can close big distances with ![]() [+] Extremely fun to play [+] Viable tank |
Cons [-] Early levels are crucial for Fiora [-] Tends to fall behind fast if you don't gank or kill. As any other jungler |
In this build you will be focusing on having Spirit Of Dread as your main damaging and tanking ability.
The best use of Hecarims ultimate is to save it to counter enemy initiates focusing your carries, escaping teamfights or catching people out of position. Many do the error by using him to initiate teamfights with the ultimate which leaves him extremely vulnerable and open to cc
The best use of Hecarims ultimate is to save it to counter enemy initiates focusing your carries, escaping teamfights or catching people out of position. Many do the error by using him to initiate teamfights with the ultimate which leaves him extremely vulnerable and open to cc
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