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When you're farming, make sure to give your enemy constant pressure. Your Q has a very low mana cost, and you should use it's cooldown reduction passive to your advantage. Keep using your Q until all minions are cleared, and if you are laning with an enemy in lane, use your E to push them back a bit and possibly grab a kill.
- This build gives you very nice damage.
- The movement speed on your items will add up as attack damage, so Homeguard is a steroid.
- You can initiate and chase enemies and quickly erase them.
- You will have decent attack speed with the Statikk Shiv, which also has decent burst.
- Being that you aren't building heavily on defense, you will take great damage if you accidentally run in on the enemy team.
- You will gain attack damage from your Homeguard enchantment, but people can outrun you as it wears off and easily pick you off.
- Crowd control will be your main enemy. Even with Mikael's Crucible's active, you will be shut down if you aren't careful.
- This build gives you very nice damage.
- The movement speed on your items will add up as attack damage, so Homeguard is a steroid.
- You can initiate and chase enemies and quickly erase them.
- You will have decent attack speed with the Statikk Shiv, which also has decent burst.
- Being that you aren't building heavily on defense, you will take great damage if you accidentally run in on the enemy team.
- You will gain attack damage from your Homeguard enchantment, but people can outrun you as it wears off and easily pick you off.
- Crowd control will be your main enemy. Even with Mikael's Crucible's active, you will be shut down if you aren't careful.
IMPORTANT NOTE TO KEEP IN MIND: This build shouldn't be used in competitive play. Use it at your own risk. Side effects include explosive diarrhea, implosive diarrhea, migraines, raging children, thoughts or actions of uninstalling League of Legends, and in rare cases, tilt.
This build is very good for playing Hecarim top. Not much else. You might be able to go mid, but I would focus on going top. This is mainly an assassin build. Don't expect amazing results, this is a work in progress, and I'm waiting to see what people have to say about what should be changed/improved.
This build is very good for playing Hecarim top. Not much else. You might be able to go mid, but I would focus on going top. This is mainly an assassin build. Don't expect amazing results, this is a work in progress, and I'm waiting to see what people have to say about what should be changed/improved.
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