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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Runic Blade (PASSIVE)
Riven Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
He is one of Riven's BIGGEST counter picks. Between how tanky he is, his health regen, his Q giving him a speed up with a silence upon hitting you and a magic damage execute you are most likely going to really struggle in this match up. I recommend just focusing on CSing against him if possible or asking your jungler for help if you aren't all that experienced with Riven. However it is very possible to kill him with the level 2 cheese as long as you have ignite and you are more familiar with riven. Try to harrass him down before you hit level 2 a bit so you can go hard and attempt to get that sweet sweet first blood which will help you not fall behind while fighting this jerk. Roaming is what I recommend if you are able. If you have TP or can just roam mid to get a kill or an assist it will help extremely and allow you to be an asset in the late game rather than falling off completely if he pulls ahead of you.
So you want to re-enact your favorite scene from "Monty Python and The Holy Grail", but you aren't sure about how. This guide is your answer. Purchase that battle bunny skin and let's get to work!
So here's some things you're gonna have to know about riven ahead of time. Riven is not really all that tanky and in fact range or good CC in lane can absolutely devastate her if you aren't careful. And an enemy stacking armor is bound to be a problem at some point or another if you don't pull ahead, but with my guide hopefully you will find your way of tearing through enemy teams and being the top laner everyone hopes you will be.
Now that we have the basic information out of the way let's move onto the rest of the guide!
Very fun.
Rewarding for aggressive play style and harass.
Scales extremely well with AD.
Has two CC abilities as well as a shield and execute!
Amazing ultimate.
Very mobile.
Building armor against her can really make life difficult.
Fighting a top lane mage or ranged adc could possibly ruin your day.
If you fall behind it's EXTREMELY hard to come back.
If they have enough CC you won't be able to do anything if focused.
Hydra: Ravenous Hydra
Ghostblade: Youmuu's Ghostblade
Maw: Maw of Malmortius
BT: Bloodthirster
GA: Guardian Angel
AA: Auto Attack
AD: Attack damage
AS: Attack speed
MR: Magic resist; magic defense
MS: Movement speed
ADC: Attack Damage Carry.
Flash Teleport While I still feel she is much better with flash ignite, sometimes in ranked you need Teleport for objective control.
These are the only two sets you should ever consider for Riven honestly.
Now I know the argument of the whole "CDR runes are better than MR on riven." While that can be true for some people. I personally have always had better experiences with Scaling MR to be honest. It's really preference, but the AD runes and armor I would say are mandatory for top lane. If you're playing draft pick and you see no real threat to you when it comes to AP or you are just laning against an AD lane opponent then you can run CDR glyphs if you want, but you will need to have a MR item later if they have any AP that could be a threat.
These runes in my opinion are what does best on riven. This is kinda preference too. If you don't like this part you are welcome to change it, but I promise that these will serve pretty well for what you'll be doing! Spell and Blade weaving make riven's damage really great in combination with her play style of utilizing her passive between spell casts. And this mastery setup ensures the most damage output for riven, but once again masteries are kinda preference.
Situational Items
Maw of Malmortius Whether it's you're struggling against an AP carry or they have an extreme heavy AP team this item is a very very good item to have on riven. Gives a good amount of AD and the shield it gives against Magic damage will save you in those situations that you need it to. This would replace The Blood Thirster in those situations.
Mercurial Scimitar Is there a pesky Heavy AP CC champ like Malzahar or a pain in the butt Zed ruining your day? Then this is the item you'll need. The quicksilver sash that builds into it removes any CC/debuffs and yes that includes Zed's ult. This will save you and ruin their day.
Last Whisper While this item was part of Riven's core before 5.8 this item is still very good on her! If you for some reason need this or just don't wanna have ghost blade and cleaver than replace whichever you don't want with this item. It's mostly needed just for when the other team has a tank that is a problem or they are a tanky team in general.
Guardian AngelOh man... their entire team focuses you every fight and you can't stay in the fight. WELL NO WORRIES! Build this glorious winged item and if they make the mistake of focusing you your team will punish them for it as you just wait to revive and get back into the fight. A very great item to have in situations where their team will go out of their way to fight you. Makes your initiations really great too! You will not regret buying this item. However after it's passive is used I would recommend selling it for BT/Maw/Mercurial until GA's passive would be available again.
Broken Wings The most useful skill Riven could ever want. Good for gap closing, strong damage and the third cast is a knock up.
So things to know about your Q and it's proper use. Your Q has 3 casts and you can delay the timing between the casts and each time it's used will add a stack to your passive. The standard combo for your Q casting is Broken Wings>AA> Broken Wings>>AA> Broken Wings>AA. It maximizes the damage you will have in a fight and will most of the time surprise your lane opponent when their health starts to disappear fast.
Ki Burst Awwww yeaaah! Your stun which as a good bit of damage to it as well. It's a very small AOE stun around riven that is VERY useful and is good for helping you escape or a life saver for those close fights depending. While not as useful as your Q is this skill is very nice.
Valor Your shield which I will remind you... *ahem* SCALES WITH AD! The more AD you have the more shield you have from using this. This skill actually is not only a shield, but a dash too and can be used after your basic Q combo as a way to get out practically spot-free from trades. It can be used to gap close as well giving riven even more utility and more survivability.
Seriously though this ultimate is what makes riven so scary. On top of it giving you a buff to your attack damage and range it has a ranged active ability in the shape of a cone which does more damage the lower your opponent's HP giving you a huge edge in fights.
Spell combo 1: Blade of the Exile> Broken Wings>AA> Broken Wings>AA> Broken Wings>AA> Ki Burst> Valor>AA Blade of the Exile
Spell combo 2: Valor> Broken Wings> Broken Wings>AA> Broken Wings>AA> Ki Burst>AA> Broken Wings>AA> Blade of the Exile
Harrass Combo: Broken Wings>AA> Broken Wings>AA> Broken Wings>AA> Ki Burst>AA> Valor away
Catch up combo: Broken Wings> Broken Wings> Broken Wings>AA> Ki Burst>AA> Valor>AA OR Valor> Broken Wings> Broken Wings> Broken Wings>AA> Ki Burst>AA x 1 or 2 > Valor Away if it's up again.
Typical Animation Combo: Valor > Blade of the Exile > Ravenous Hydra > Broken Wings > AA > Broken Wings > AA > Broken Wings > Blade of the Exile > AA if needed.
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