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Corki Build Guide by hi im gandalf

ADC hi im gandalf's Corki Guide! [Wurfrider Corki]

ADC hi im gandalf's Corki Guide! [Wurfrider Corki]

Updated on October 14, 2014
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League of Legends Build Guide Author hi im gandalf Build Guide By hi im gandalf 3,731 Views 0 Comments
3,731 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author hi im gandalf Corki Build Guide By hi im gandalf Updated on October 14, 2014
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Hi! I'm a diamond 1 player on the Europe Nordic & East server and I've come today to share some wisdom about the whiskiest delta of the rift!

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Wurfrider Corki - who is that sexy beast?

You synergize well with:

Mustache Brothers

Your "Counters"

Corki is a bursty, pokey (is that a word?) and mobile attack damage carry who has recently risen in both competitive and casual popularity while also steadily increasing his winrate. These happenings can be explained by the marksman itemization changes as well as the meta. Trinity Force is your best friend.
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Fleet Footwork
Phase Rush

I use a very standard adc rune page on Corki. I take 9 x Greater Seal of Armor, 9 x Greater Glyph of Magic Resist, 9 x Greater Mark of Attack Damage and 3 x Greater Quintessence of Attack Speed. These runes give Corki the smoothness his mustache deserves.

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Pros / Cons

[+] Good poke and trading potential early
[+] Mobility
[+] Great burst and siege potential
[-] Mana hungry (especially before finishing triforce)
[-] Valkyrie is easily disruptable by crowd control effects
[-] Not the best "hyper-carry"

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Corki lives and breathes the holy blessing of Phreak's Trinity Force. This item is not only the core item of Corki, but it is also the item that separates the good mustaches from the bad mustaches (RIP Braum). The rest of the items don't really matter as long as you build them in no particular order. Remember, offense is the best defense!

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Laning with Corki is like sleeping; everyone can do it! Seriously though, the laning phase is ridiculously easy as you outdamage almost every other marksman (excluding Draven) in short trades. Start trading with your basic attacks followed by a quick Phosphorus Bomb while applying stacks from your Gatling Gun. This should eventually lead to your enemies either dying or fleeing. If neither of those scenarios happen, repeat. With coordination, you and your botlane partner should easily be able to take control of the lane.
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Teamfighting / Grouping with Corki

Teamfighting is not Corki's strenght nor is it his weakness. Corki excels at shredding armor from his enemies and using Trinity Force's might to vanquish anyone who dares stand against him! Always hit the closest target with your Phosphorus Bomb and Gatling Gun to get your Trinity Force procs and armor shred going. Also try to poke your foes with Missile Barrage to weaken their effect in the fight. Use Valkyrie if you need to escape or chase your enemies. Be aware that Valkyrie can be used over most if not all walls of Summoner's Rift. This video shows how not to use your Valkyrie. Also known as the "guys, im lagging"-move ;)
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Final words

Thanks for stopping by my simple but hopefully helpful Corki-guide! Hope to see you on the fields of justice, summoner!

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League of Legends Build Guide Author hi im gandalf
hi im gandalf Corki Guide
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hi im gandalf's Corki Guide! [Wurfrider Corki]

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